Mortal Kombat 11 – Gamepad Buttons FIX

Gamepad Buttons FIX

If you got issue, when you can’t set specific keys for Controller or Arcade stick, read below:

Edit configuration file:

  • Location:


  • Set to:

DirectInput = off

  • Save file

Sometimes controller still not working (keys mapped wrong or not works at all).
If you got this problem, read below:

Open Steam Big Picture Mode

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Choose Settings

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Choose Controller settings

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Click additional checkbox Generic Gamepad Configuration Support

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Set controller Name or Layout (Optional)

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Launch game:

Go to game Library

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Choose Mortal Kombat 11 (Or any other game)

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After game loads, you will see Message: Config Loaded

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Kongratulations, your controller become Xbox controller

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5 thoughts on “Mortal Kombat 11 – Gamepad Buttons FIX”

  1. Hello and thanks !

    The directinput=off solves my problem with a Nacon GC-100XF gaming controller (all keywords fot Google huhu).
    Indeed the buttons were reversed.


  2. i did exactly as you said and nothing happened the game didn’t even detect my controller
    pls help with this problem
    I even used x360ce at some point and the buttones wouldn’t change and stay wrong

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