Omega Strikers Character Trainings

Welcome to our Omega Strikers Character Trainings guide. Builds guide for each character, guided by Gunner62 and other high elo pre-alpha players.

Omega Strikers Character Trainings

This guide will show you character builds!


Omega Strikers Character Trainings
Omega Strikers Character Trainings
  • HASTE: Move Speed increase
  • CREATIONS: Anything that a character creates i.e juno slimes, atlas expanse, etc.
  • STAGGER: Basically your health bar. Once it is filled/broken, you take increased knockback
  • LIGHT HIT: Only slows targets on hit, does not knockback unless target is staggered
  • MEDIUM HIT: Knocks back the target
  • HEAVY HIT: Knocks back the target and applies a short slow after the hit.

Atlas Build- Omega Strikers Character Trainings

Character Trainings
Character Trainings

Atlas is primarily played as a goalie. Keep in mind your ultimate is mainly used to resurrect allies, so try to cast it right before they die. Your expanse also has quite the cast time, so its best to cast it sooner rather than later

Meta Goalie: Built Different, Crossover, Creator of Durable Things

If you find that you need to resurrect more often, you can run this alternative rune page. This can be good against highly kill focused comps.
Alternative Goalie: Built Different, Crossover, Extra Special

Drek’ar Build

Character Trainings
Character Trainings

Drek is generally played as a kill focused forward, there is only 1 generally accepted page. When you are learning Drek, focus on hitting the sweet spot of your shotgun to facilitate killing people. Focus on fighting for orbs to gain experience and hit your LVL 10 power spike with prime time.

Meta Forward: Prime Time, Heavy Handed, Cast To Last

Goalie is very very infrequently played, but if you want to have some fun with it you can run this

Goalie: Eject Button, Prime Time, Cast to Last

Dubu Builds- Omega Strikers Character Trainings

Character Trainings
Character Trainings

Dubu is generally played as a goalie. Keep in mind that slam actually STUNS the core, so people can’t actually hit the ball for about a half second after the slam hits so it is very good against people trying to stuff into the goal.

Meta Goalie: Built Different, Missile Propulsion, Creator of Large Things

Although Dubu is typically incredibly hard to kill in net, if you find you need a bit more survivability, taking well fed over Creator of Large Things will give you a slight bit of knockback resistance at 5 orbs

Alt Goalie: Built Different, Missile Propulsion, Well Fed

If you want to play Dubu Forward, you can take this rune page
Forward: Built Different, Creator of Large Things, +1 (Generally Crossover, but have fun)

Era Builds

Character Trainings
Character Trainings

Era is played as a supportive forward, generally paired with a brawler like X, Drek’ar, and Juliette. Era swarm is nice to be used for both securing orbs and for pressure on the enemy goalie to score. Shrink ray is generally used to shrink/slow enemies or buff your brawler. Keep in mind shrink ray can be used to score in a pinch.

This rune page is the generally accepted rune page, but I personally prefer the alt page for faster cooldowns over the super surge buff on the speed boost.

Meta Forward: Crossover, Cast to Last, Super Surge
Alt Forward: Crossover, Cast to Last, Perfect Form

Prime time can be decent if you want to play more for the late game

Alt: Crossover, Super Surge, Prime Time
Alt: Prime Time, Cast to Last, Crossover

Estelle – Omega Strikers Character Trainings

Character Trainings
Character Trainings

Estelle is generally played as a forward. Basically anything in the orange page is good, so Estelle trainings are generally personal preference. If you take prime time, you should focus on hitting level 10 by contesting orbs. The ultimate is a great scoring tool

Meta Forward: Missile Propulsion, Rapid Fire, Primetime
Alt: Missile Prop, Ultrascope, Rapid Fire
Alt: You can honestly pick anything in Orange and Red trees and it will work. You can also consider Super Surge and Crossover in green tree

Estelle goalie can also work, but it takes precise use of Estelle’s snipe and teleport to keep the ball away from the net. Keep in mind you can strike very quickly after a teleport, so you can teleport on top of the ball and instantly strike to redirect the ball.

Meta Goalie: Missile Propulsion, Rapid Fire, Prime Time

Juliette Builds

Character Trainings
Character Trainings

Juliette has very flexible trainings so pick what you feel most comfortable with. The main juliette combo is dash + punch while u are dashing so they get hit by both. This makes it very very easy to kill people near the edge of the map. You can also use the flurry after the dash punch to guarantee the kill, or use flurry into dash punch if you are confident that will kill.

The meta training page focuses on killing. I personally prefer heavy handed over built different to make it easier to dodge ability, but built different makes the combo much easier to hit. I recommend taking built different if you are newer.

Meta Forward: Perfect Form, Tempo Swing, Built Different
Alt: Perfect Form, Tempo Swing, Heavy Handed

If you want to focus on speed and scoring, and there is not much kill pressure from the enemy team this page can work

Alt: Crossover, Stacks on Stacks, Unstoppable

Another alternative is if you like the base training page but feel slow, you can run crossover to make it easier to maintain ball control and score

Alt: Crossover, Tempo Swing, Perfect Form

Juno – Omega Strikers Builds

Character Trainings
Character Trainings

Juno is generally played as a forward, with a focus on scoring / controlling the ball. Her slime throw can be surprisingly good at getting KOs against staggered targets though.
One thing to keep in mind is that if you press your strike, you can control where your slimes will hit the ball. Also keep in mind your jump makes you invulnerable, and you can strike during the jump. The ultimate also spawns a slime for each target in the ultimate, including the core.

  • Meta Forward: Rapid Fire, Creator of Durable Things, Crossover
  • If you prefer having your ultimate up faster rather than more movespeed, you can take this page
  • Alt: Rapid Fire, Creator of Durable Things, Extra Special
  • Alt: Rapid Fire, Creator of Durable Things, +1

Kai Build

Character Trainings
Character Trainings

Kai is generally played as a goalie, but he can work as a great scoring forward against the weaker ranged goalies.

Kai goalie has really flexible training pages, so find one that works for you!

Goalie: Crossover, Missile Propulsion, Built Different
Alt: Crossover, Missile Propulsion, +1 (Stacks on Stacks, Eject Button, Ultrascope, Perfect Form, Rapid Fire, Super Surge)

Just like goalie, Kai forward is incredibly flexible. I like this trainings page if you don’t feel like you can die to enemy forwards.

Forward: Crossover, Stacks on Stacks, Rapid Fire
Alt: Crossover, +2

Luna Builds

Character Trainings
Character Trainings

Luna can be played as both a forward and a goalie. She is highly kill focused but she can also score incredibly well with well placed juggernauts (the dash). Keep in mind you can strike during the dash allowing you to redirect the ball. You can even do things like hitting the goalie with juggernaut while hitting the ball elsewhere into the goal

Goalie: Heavy Handed, Ultrascope, Eject Button

For Luna forward, eject button is not as necessary, many people like running stacks on stacks if they feel like they can’t die against the enemy forward.

  • Forward: Heavy Handed, Ultrascope, Extra Special
  • Alt: Heavy Handed, Ultrascope, Stacks on Stacks
  • Alt: Heavy Handed, Ultrascope, +1 (Eject Button, Primetime)

X Build – Omega Strikers Character Trainings

Character Trainings
Character Trainings

X is mainly a kill focused forward. He is quite simple to play and recommended for newer players if you like his playstyle.
For X forward, legitimately any red trainings will work but this can be a basic one to get you started

  • Forward: Heavy Handed, Tempo Swing, Built Different
  • Alt: Any 3 Red Trainings
  • Alt: Crossover + 2 Red Trainings
  • Alt: Built Different + 2 Red Trainings

You can find all Omega Strikers Guides here:

  • Omega Strikers Guides

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