OMORI – Maps for World

OMORI Maps for World Welcome to our OMORI Maps for World guide! This guide will show […]

OMORI Maps for World

Welcome to our OMORI Maps for World guide! This guide will show you maps for world in Omori. Our maps based on my own screenshots/video. And that means that sometimes there won’t be a key or that there are will be Omori’s party, characters with quest marks e.t.c. So, if you thought that you’ll find here a location of that quest item that you search for 3 hour – it won’t be here.

OMORI Maps for World – Vast Forest

South (From Playground to Basil’s House)

Maps for World

West and Pinwheel Forest (To the right from signpost)

Maps for World

Foggy Bridge connects west and east part, meaning that if you walk through the bridge from the west you’ll get to the east part.

OMORI Maps for World – Otherworld and Junkyard

Cattail Forest and Cave

If you walk through the road on the west, you’ll find yourself in the east part of Campsite. It’s quite similar to the Foggy Bridge in Vast Forest.
On the other hand, you’ll have Cave (name subject to change), that have two exits/entrances. I’ve marked it with the numbers. Also there are similar to the Foggy Bridge mehanic. If you go through the west side you’ll get to the east side.


Otherworld Town, Otherworld Campsite and Frozen Lake

I’ve already siad that if you go through west road in the Cattail Field. The same work and in a backward way.

Also, I’ve paste interior of some houses and connected it with entrances with lines.



That’s the most confusing part of this location. Like previously, I connected passageways with lines. I’ve also marked entrances and exits in the north part with numbers. Good luck, I’ll hope that you’ll eventually find out the way you need.


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