Operation Harsh Doorstop Console Commands

Need some basic commands and getting started with the console in Operation Harsh Doorstop? This guide is for you! Because this guide will show you the basic commands you need to get started with the console! Check out our Operation Harsh Doorstop Console Commands guide without wasting time!

Operation Harsh Doorstop Console Commands

Welcome to our Operation Harsh Doorstop Console Commands guide. This guide will show you the basic commands you need to get started with the console!

Hacking Time

  • Use the Tilde “~” key to open the console
  • If you tap the Tilde key repeatedly, you will cycle through different console formats (line console, full console)

Generally, you can open the console at any time while the game is playing. This will come in useful later.

  • Console commands operate by entering the text name of the command, then (sometimes) adding a switch//object/option/variable to it. “Open AAS-Testmap” has “Open” as the command and “AAS-Testmap” as the object.
  • If you want to FIND a console command, use “?” then type a keyword.
  • For example, if you type “? bot” in the console it will search for all console commands which contain the word “bot”
  • When you start typing any command, it will offer autocomplete options for the COMMAND. Sometimes it will offer autocomplete for the options/switches, but not always.
  • The Tab key will autocomplete commands for you in console. You will need to add the appropriate variable/switch/option for it to activate.
  • The Arrow keys will let you navigate up and down the possible commands.
  • The OHD console is just Unreal Engine (4.25) console. Many commands and switches from other Unreal Engine game console guides will generally also work, except OHD will have many unique names and switches/options.
Some useful commands:
  • “Open MAPNAME” – Opens map MAPNAME (change mapname to an actual name such as AAS-Testmap or Argonne to open the map)
  • “Bot.Autofill on” – turns bot autofill on. Replace on with off or 0 to turn off
  • “AddBluForBots 4” – Adds 4 BlurFor Bots
  • “AddOpForBots 4” – Adds 4 OpFor Bots
  • “Disconnect” – disconnects from the current server, useful if the server is lagging
  • “Quit” – Quits the game entirely, useful if the game isn’t responding to mouse/keyboard input
Written by HATE AGENT

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