Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Gold Dragon Guide

Welcome to our Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Gold Dragon Guide. This guide will show you what you need to know about Golden Dragon.

Updated on 9 March, 2023

Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Gold Dragon Guide

Gold Dragon is a Mythic Path in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. The mighty magic and form of a Gold Dragon gives you the power to smite your opponents, but keep in mind: killing is not the only choice. Those who faltered could be redeemed, those who are lost, must be assisted. Your way is the way of mercy. Your course leads to eternity.

Information – Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Gold Dragon Guide

  • Unlock: First you require to gather the Terendelve’s scale and claw (after you fall under the underground of market square, and from a cavern of Leper’s Smile, on a damaged wagon), and turn them to writer (conserved in The Dragon Hunt). After that, travel to Terendelev’s Lair, extra the cultist, and total quest The Dragon’s Fate.
  • In later ACT, you will satisfy Hal once again, treat him perfectly to unlock the course.


  • Gold Dragon Breath: You acquire the ability to breath holy energy, assaulting all enemies in a 50 feet cone, dealing (character level plus half mythic rank) d8 holy damage. A successful Reflex conserving toss (DC= 10 + your character level + half your mythic rank) cuts in half the damage. Any opponent struck by the breath attack also gains a -1 charge on all d20 rolls, while all opponents who failed the Reflex conserving throw gain -2 penalty. You can use your breath attack when every 1d4 rounds.
  • Gold Dragon Form: You can assume the type of a Gold Dragon. You acquire the following abilities: a +10 size reward to Strength, a +8 size benefit to Constitution, a +8 form natural armor benefit. Blindsense 60 feet. You also acquire one bite (2d8), 2 claws (2d6), two wing attacks (1d8), and 1 tail slap attack (2d6).
  • The Gold Dragon gets immunity to poison, illness, fear, confusion, paralysis and sleep. He also gets resistance to all energies equal to his character level plus half his mythic rank. If any of your conserving throws bonus offers prior to modifiers is less than (5+ your mythic rank), you gain a benefit approximately that number. If any of your qualities before modifiers is less than 14, you acquire a bonus offer up to that number. All your hit dice are now d12. Any spells dealing damage now alter their dice to d6, if it was not d6 or higher. If it was d6 or greater, the spell rather plus one bonus per die. All your weapons count as +5 weapon.


Dragon Feat

You can pick any task, disregarding its prerequisites.


You can presume the type of a Gold Dragon. You acquire the following capabilities: a +10 size perk to Strength, a +8 size perk to Constitution, a +8 form natural armor bonus. Blindsense 60 feet. You likewise get one bite (2d8), 2 claws (2d6), two wing attacks (1d8), and 1 tail slap attack (2d6).

Gold Dragon Breath

You acquire the ability to breath holy energy, assaulting all enemies in a 50 feet cone, dealing (character level plus half mythic rank) d8 holy damage. An effective Reflex conserving toss (DC= 10 + your character level + half your mythic rank) cuts in half the damage. Any opponent struck by the breath attack also gets a -1 penalty on all d20 rolls, while all enemies who stopped working the Reflex saving toss gain -2 charge. You can use your breath attack when every 1d4 rounds.

Immunity – Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Gold Dragon Guide

The Gold Dragon gets resistance to toxin, illness, fear, confusion, paralysis and sleep. He also gets resistance to all energies equal to his character level plus half his mythic rank. If any of your conserving tosses benefits prior to modifiers is less than (5+ your mythic rank), you get a perk as much as that number. If any of your qualities before modifiers is less than 14, you acquire a bonus up to that number. All your hit dice are now d12. Any spells dealing damage now change their dice to d6, if it was not d6 or greater. If it was d6 or greater, the spell rather plus one reward per die. All your weapons count as +5 weapon.

Gold Dragon Feature

The Gold Dragon gains resistance to mind-affecting impacts and spell resistance equal to 15 plus your character level and half your mythic rank. If your base attack reward is less than 15 plus mythic rank, you gain a benefit up to that number. All skills end up being class abilities for you. If you have less ranks in an ability than your mythic rank, you gain a reward as much as that number. If any of your attributes before modifiers is less than 18, you acquire a bonus offer up to that number. Any spells dealing damage now alter their dice to d8, if it was not d8 or greater. If it was d8 or greater. the spell rather plus one bonus to harm per die.

Perfect Soul

The GOld Dragon gets resistance to cold, fire electrical energy and acid, energy drain and unfavorable energy. All your damage is now holy damage.

Any spells dealing damage now change their dice to d10. If it was not d10 or higher. If it was d10 or greater, the spell rather plus one reward to harm per die.

Video Guide

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Gold Dragon Guide

1 thought on “Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Gold Dragon Guide”

  1. This seems bugged. The story teller never shows up at the city and the game forced me to select a mythic path after I place the flag. I didn’t get to postpone it. The game just automatically forced me to choose a mythic path when I placed the sword at the tower. There seems to be no way to complete the gold dragon mythic quest.

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