Pathogenesis Overcome: Game Control Guide

Hello from our Pathogenesis Overcome: Game Control Guide. Pathogenesis: Overcome contains unfamiliar and unusual mechanics, because we consider ourselves true indie developers and are not afraid to experiment and develop new gameplay features.

This is the guide 269thlab it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

Pathogenesis Overcome: Game Control Guide

Welcome to our Pathogenesis Overcome: Game Control Guide. The ability to reassign keys will be added later. The layout is now set for the default, which may change in the future.



  • Press and move the mouse to rotate the camera around the character.


  • Zoom in/out the camera.


  • Change the camera angle.
  • Switch between top view or isometric view.


  • Active Camera Mode.
  • Active camera mode allows players to move the camera within the field of view around the character.
  • Mounted sights, depending on the type, extend the field of view.
  • Optical sight mode is activated when the weapon with a scope mounted on it is raised.



  • Move to the specified point.


  • Sprint – Running at maximum speed.
  • The character makes more noise when sprinting.
  • In a sprint, the character can push a few enemies in his path.


  • Switches between walking and running.
  • The character makes less noise when walking than when running.
  • Walking does not waste your character’s stamina.


  • Slow mode.
  • Slow mode can last indefinitely at this time. In the future it will be limited by the level of Adrenaline in the character’s blood.


  • Create a movement route by creating a sequence of points.
  • If the character was stationary when the slow mode was activated, the character will start moving only when you exit the slow mode.

W / A / S / D

  • Side dodges.
  • The character performs dodges relative to the camera direction, not body position.
  • While dodging, the character can push away nearby opponents.


  • Crouch/Stand
  • Toggles the character’s pose.
  • In the crouching position, the character moves less visibly and makes less noise.
  • Stamina recovery rate is faster in the crouched position if the character is stationary.


  • Prone/Stand
  • Toggles the character’s pose.
  • When prone, the character moves even less noticeable and makes minimal noise.
  • Stamina recovery rate is even faster in the prone position if the character is stationary.


  • Stop.
  • Reset the assigned path of travel.
  • The character can stop on stairs when ascending or descending, but cannot stop when overcoming an obstacle.



  • Fire the selected weapon.
  • If the weapon has been lowered down, the character will first raise the weapon and prepare to fire.


  • Lower the weapon.
  • This is a kind of safety to prevent shots from being fired if the LMB is accidentally pressed.
  • Pressing it again will raise the weapon.


  • Take the main weapon in your hands.
  • Press again to swing the weapon to the side and free the character’s hands.
  • Only long-barreled two-handed weapons can be used.


  • Draw a secondary weapon from the holster
  • Pressing again will return the weapon to the holster.
  • Only one-handed, short-barreled weapons like pistols and revolvers can be used.
  • Secondary weapons can be used without a holster. The presence of a holster increases ease of use.


  • Take an additional weapon in your hand.
  • Press again to return the additional weapon to your back.
  • Only long-barreled two-handed weapons can be used.


  • Reload the weapon.
  • Change magazines in weapons with interchangeable magazines.
  • Load a cartridge into a firearm without a magazine or with a built-in magazine.
  • Pull the bolt to load a cartridge from the magazine into the chamber.


  • Kick.
  • Break free from the grip.
  • The character kicks in the direction of the cursor.
  • Press WASD+F to set the direction of the kick.
  • Kick allows you to stun opponents, break a door or a window.


  • Dagger Strike.
  • The character strikes in the direction of the cursor.
  • Press WASD+TAB to set the direction of the dagger strike.
  • A dagger strike does not instantly kill enemies, but causes bleeding wounds.
  • A dagger strike allows to break a window.



  • Interact with an interactive object.
  • Pick up an item.
  • A character can pick up an item or interact with an object within 2 meters.
  • If the item or object is farther away, the character will move closer to interact.
  • If the character is in peaceful mode with the weapon lowered, pressing the E key will turn the character toward the cursor.


  • Instantly drop a backpack from a character.



  • Turn on/off the tactical light mounted on the weapon.
  • The tactical light turns on when the weapon is raised and automatically turns off when the weapon is lowered.


  • Turn on/off the laser sight mounted on the weapon.
  • The weapon laser sight is activated when the weapon is raised and automatically deactivated when the weapon is lowered.


  • Lidar Personal Scanner
  • The scanner highlights all items and objects within a small radius that the character can interact with.


  • Launch the drone.
  • Pressing again will return the drone to the character.
  • Move the cursor to control the drone.
  • MouseWheel – zoom the drone’s camera.


  • Alarm clock
  • Allows you to set the time of day to which you want to rewind the time.
  • The duration of the time rewind is displayed in small font.


  • Quick heal panel
  • Only items in the character’s pouches or pockets can be used for quick healing.
  • Items in the backpack cannot be used for quick healing.
  • The number of items in the backpack is shown in brackets.


  • Open / close the location map.
  • You can make notes and recordings on the map.


  • Open the inventory.
  • Ctrl+LMB – move the item from the floor to the inventory compartment or alternatively move the item from the compartment to the floor.
  • Shift+LMB – put the selected item of equipment on the character at once.

RMB on an item to unlock additional actions:

  • Unload the weapon.
  • Remove cartridges from the magazine.
  • Use a consumable item.
  • Customize the weapon.

Weapon customization

  • In customization mode you can install or remove modules on weapons.
  • Only suitable modules can be installed on weapons.
  • Some modules can only be installed on suitable weapon receivers.
  • And other modules can be installed on suitable adapters
Written by 269thlab

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