Pet Sim 99 All Shiny Relic Locations

We’ve listed all the Shiny Relic locations in our guide to increase your chances of getting a shiny pet when you start hatching in Pet Simulator 99. There are a total of 50 Shiny Relics in Pet Sim 99, and they are all hidden in different areas. We’ve explained it all in our Relic guide below. Let’s take a look at these!

While obtaining Shiny Relics may involve some repetitive and tedious gameplay, the effort is considered worthwhile due to the substantial benefits it brings. In particular, the increased chances of hatching shiny pets can greatly enhance your overall gaming experience.

Pet Simulator 99 Shiny Relic

Shiny Relics, found in Pet Simulator 99, serve as collectibles enhancing your chances of hatching a shiny pet. A total of 50 of these relics are scattered throughout the game.

What does Shiny Relic do?

Upon gathering every set of 5 Shiny Relics in Pet Simulator 99, a congratulatory message pops up on the screen, announcing a permanent boost to your shiny pet odds. Even if you manage to secure all 50 Shiny Relics, the same celebratory screen will greet you. While the process of acquiring these relics involves some tedious grinding, the effort is worthwhile, as it can yield substantial gem rewards in the trading plaza.

pet simulator 99 shiny relic

All Shiny Relic Locations

We’ve listed all the shiny relic locations in the game with their explanations in the images below.

  • [Shiny Relic 1] Base Fountain: Starting from the spawn point near the fountain, head towards the right-side tree. Behind the shrub, you’ll stumble upon the elusive Shiny Relic.
  • [Relic 2] Social Rewards: Explore the left area from the base, and you’ll spot a Social Rewards Menu. Check behind it, right next to the stack of gold coins.
  • [Relic 3] Area 1: Take a stroll to the left side of the mining area, near the tree. Right next to the tree, you’ll discover another Shiny Relic.
  • [Relic 4] Area 3: Move towards the left side of the Claim Rewards section. Peek behind the grass for your next find.
  • [Relic 5] Area 5: Search behind the Classic Obby for your hidden treasure.
  • [Relic 6] Area 6: On the left side of the Potions shop, you’ll find the Shiny Relic out in the open.
  • [Relic 7] Area 7: Explore the right side of the mining area and peek inside the crate for your next discovery.
  • [Relic 8] Area 8: A bit tricky! Head to the right side of the mining area, check behind the pink-colored Rose. Look for a small crack in the wall – that’s where the Shiny Relic hides.
  • [Relic 9] Area 9: On the left side of the mining area, by the Enchants shop, investigate inside the water area.
  • [Relic 10] Area 12: Turn to the right side of the mining area and inspect behind the grass at the start of the 12th area.
  • [Relic 11-12] Area 13: On the left side of the mining area, explore inside the tombstone. For the other relic, head to the right side behind the tombstone opposite to where you found the previous one.
  • [Relic 13-14] Area 15: Front or left side of the mining area, walk towards the left side of the tree house. Look inside the log. On the left or back side, check behind the trees and stones, closer to the Area 15 entrance.
  • [Relic 15] Area 18: To the left side of the mining area, opposite the Jungle Obby, glance at the top of the door for your next discovery.
  • [Relic 16-17] Area 20: Behind the Daycare, investigate inside the blue bucket. From the far end of the beach to the left, peer into another blue bucket.
  • [Relic 18] Area 21: On the right side of the mining area, inspect inside the yellow-colored plants.
  • [Relic 19] Area 23: Turn left in the mining area, towards the Atlantis dungeon. Check on top of the left pillar for your next Shiny Relic.
  • [Relic 20-21] Area 24: At the top of the tunnel entrance on the left side of the mining area, another Shiny Relic awaits. Inside the Tunnel (shortcut) connecting to Area 16, you’ll find another.
  • [Relic 22] Area 25: On the left side of the Rebirth shop, take a look behind the first totem.
  • [Relic 23-24] Area 26: On the left side of the mining area, near the Fruits II shop, check on top of the gold mound near the palm tree. Similarly, check on the right side of the Fruits II shop, on top of the gold mound near the gold barrel.
  • [Relic 25] Area 27: Spot a boat on the left side of the mining area next to the lighthouse. Inside the boat, hidden under a gold coin, is your next Shiny Relic.
  • [Relic 26-27] Area 30: On the right side of the Digsite dungeon, look behind a bone on the ground for your next treasure. Inside the Digsite dungeon, find another behind a bone, opposite the entrance.
  • [Relic 28] Area 31: To the right of the Pyramid Obby, discover the Shiny Relic hidden beside a cactus.
  • [Relic 29] Area 33: On the right side of the mining area, where a salon is located opposite the General Store salon, check its left window for the Shiny Relic.
  • [Relic 30] Area 34: On the right side of the mining area, look on the edge of the cliff where the Shiny Relic is stuck on the rock.
  • [Relic 31] Area 36: Hanging upside down from a tree on the left or backside, visible from the mining area.
  • [Relic 32-33] Area 37: Check the roof of the first house, close to the mining area. Behind the farthest house from the mining area (37), find the Shiny Relic placed next to the wall.
  • [Relic 34] Area 39: Examine the snowman’s right arm, on the right side of the mining area.
  • [Relic 35] Area 40: Behind the Snowman’s house, there hides a Shiny Relic. Investigate behind the house to uncover this hidden gem.
  • [Relic 36] Area 41: Exiting Area 41 mining area, check under the first waterfall or hot spring on the left side.
  • [Relic 37] Area 42: On the left side of the mining area, inspect the left side of the ice wall over the spikes.
  • [Relic 38] Area 43: On the right side of the mining area, peer inside the lava for your next discovery.
  • [Relic 39] Area 44: Behind the stones close to the shortcut tunnel entrance/exit, you’ll find the Shiny Relic.
  • [Relic 40] Area 45: Next to the Chest Rush dungeon entrance, on the left side, check in the lava for the hidden Shiny Relic.
  • [Relic 41] Area 46: On the left side of the mining area, explore the lava section. Find the Shiny Relic inside the skeletal head or mouth.
  • [Relic 42] Area 47: On the left side of the mining area, near the Rare Potions shop, discover the Shiny Relic hidden. To find it, enter the lava or adjust the camera angle.
  • [Relic 43-44] Area 50: On the right side of the mining area, find a huge pillar or doorway with the Shiny Relic. On the left side, where Rebirth Two! is located, check behind the right gate for another Shiny Relic.
  • [Relic 45] Area 18: Clear all obstacle courses, reach the final room with the Reward circle, and find a narrow passage leading to the hidden Shiny Relic.
  • [Relic 46] Area 23: Enter the Atlantis Dungeon, turn right from the entrance, and check behind the pillars near the entrance/exit.
  • [Relic 47] Area 27: Enter the Fishing Dungeon, and behind the shop, look under the starfish placed far away for your next treasure.
  • [Relic 48-50] Area 3: Enter the Trading Plaza, check behind the tree on the right side of the entrance/exit. Look under the bridge where the VIP Only! Notice board is placed. Lastly, explore behind the advertisement billboard on the right side of the trading booth.

When you collect all Shiny Relics in Pet Sim 99, you receive a notification.

50 Shiny Relic

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