Placid Plastic Duck Simulator Halloween Event Ducks

The Halloween excitement has started in Placid Plastic Duck Simulator! So what are the special ducks for Halloween? If you are looking for a duck recap of the Halloween event, you are at the right place. This Placid Plastic Duck Simulator Halloween Event Ducks guide is a work in progress, don’t forget to check and follow up for the ducks to be added.

This is the guide Tophatted it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

Placid Plastic Duck Simulator Halloween Event Ducks

If you are looking for a guide for the ducks of the Halloween event, you are at the right place because you will find detailed information in this Placid Plastic Duck Simulator Halloween Event Ducks guide! Check it out!

Halloween Ducks

Witch Duck

Halloween Duck Compendium

Description: A Duck dressed up as a witch (or perhaps they are a witch) who’s quack is a mix between a Witch cackle and a Duck quack. A quackle, if you will.

Jack-O-Lantern Duck

Halloween Duck Compendium

Description: A Duck that resembles a Pumpkin with a face carved into it. During the night, it will light up. Has the normal quack.

Zombie Duck

Halloween Duck Compendium

Description: A Duck who has unfortunately zombified. Thankfully, they have a smiling worm friend in their pocket to keep them company. Their quack is a mix between a quack and a classic zombie cry for “Brains.”

Written by Tophatted

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