Placid Plastic Duck Simulator Opening the Door

How to open the door in Placid Plastic Duck Simulator? If you are looking for the answer to this question, you are in the right place. Because we have gathered all the information you need on how to open the door in this guide. Check out our Placid Plastic Duck Simulator Opening the Door guide without wasting time!

We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Placid Plastic Duck Simulator game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Placid Plastic Duck Simulator guide.

Placid Plastic Duck Simulator Opening the Door

Welcome to our Placid Plastic Duck Simulator Opening the Door guide. How to open the door in Placid Plastic Duck Simulator? This guide will show you!

Right on the marble wall, a few feet away from you, a box-like device had made its appearance. Upon further examination, you could determine it was an electronic keypad lock. Some kind of testing was clearly going on while the pool was supposed to be empty.

That’s when you knew it could be done.


Finding the code involves giving two ducks specific names:

Psychedelic DuckBlack and White Duck
Opening the DoorOpening the Door

This guide goes over how you can find the names yourself!

Psychedelic Duck Name

Load up Quacking the Ice and wait for the curtain to slowly open. There are paintings on the wall, you can switch the view to better observe them. One of them is replaced with a suspicious looking piece of paper that’s got lots of jumbled text and some numbers printed on it.

Placid Plastic Duck Simulator Opening the Door
Placid Plastic Duck Simulator Opening the Door

Perhaps you should give names to some of these ducks?

If you do not own Quacking the Ice DLC, hover over the spoiler area below to reveal what’s printed on it:

Placid Plastic Duck Simulator Opening the Door
Placid Plastic Duck Simulator Opening the Door

The numbers are ASCII character codes.

On Windows, they can be entered by holding Alt, then entering the number combination for each character separately. No manual conversion needed.

On other OSes, either look for the equivalent function, or convert the ASCII codes manually by reading the Dec and Char columns from this table (obtained from

Placid Plastic Duck Simulator Opening the Door
Opening the Door

Finally, depending on your method, enter the duck name in the Collection menu, and viewing in the pool, the duck should now have the first part of the code as its name.

Placid Plastic Duck Simulator Opening the Door
Opening the Door

Radio static noises

Black and White Duck Name

At Infinity Cool, switch your view to the radio and tune in to 97.0 FM using zoom controls.

Opening the Door
Opening the Door

Listen for Morse code (same word repeated 3 times), convert it using this chart:

Opening the Door
Opening the Door

Finally, enter the duck name in the Collection menu, and viewing in the pool, the duck should now have the second part of the code as its name.

Opening the Door
Opening the Door

Unlocking the Door

Finally, change your view to the door, you will be prompted with a keypad. Enter the code you’ve just assembled, and the door will open!

Opening the Door
Opening the Door

Note that the code is randomised.

Written by lightwo

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