Potionomics All Friendship & Romance Answers

Welcome to our Potionomics All Friendship & Romance Answers guide. A guide where you can find all answers and reactions for every romance character. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Potionomics game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Potionomics guide.

Potionomics All Friendship & Romance Answers

A guide where you can find all answers and reactions for every romance character.

Quinn – The grumpy Witch

Potionomics - All Friendship/Romance Answers [WIP]

Quinn is a little grumpy and very lazy Fella, but he´s also like a little Thundere. He likes when you´ll answer to him with excitment, even though he wont show it directly.

When he comes into your shop after completing the first Day, he´ll ask you about doing business together. You have two options:

Sure thing. ————————— Qinn will like that answer

Don´t count on it. —————— Qinn will like that answer

After that, you´ll get your first card from Quinn´s Deck!

Plant the Seed

Potionomics - All Friendship/Romance Answers [WIP]
Potionomics - All Friendship/Romance Answers [WIP]

After that Sylvia will ask where she can find him. There will be two options again:

I look forward to do business. —————- Quinn wont react to that

I´m excited to get to know you ————— He´ll love that answer

You will also get the following card:

Potionomics - All Friendship/Romance Answers [WIP]

Mint – The Novice Hero

Potionomics - All Friendship/Romance Answers [WIP]

Mint is new in Rafta to become a member of the Hero´s Guild. She´s outgoing and very friendly. She can be a little bit of a scatterbrain sometimes, but she loves going on adventures.

She will be introduced to you after your first day. She´ll get inside your shop all excited and offers you to gather materials for you for a small price and the help of your potions (which she say ist optional, but we all know she´ll need them.)

That would be an huge honor —————- Mint really like that answer

Eh, Heroes are overrated. ———————- Mint will like that answer, because Sylvia then ————————————————————————– says she wants to sell it to the common folk.

After some more talking comes the next two options:

I´m not cut out for heroing ——————————– Mint wont react to that

You´ve got the muscles to be a hero —————— Mint will love that answer

After that youll get your first card from Mint´s deck.


Potionomics - All Friendship/Romance Answers [WIP]
Potionomics - All Friendship/Romance Answers [WIP]

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