Progressbar95 – Cheats Codes

Welcome to our Progressbar95 Cheats Codes guide! You can use cheats. Look for them in the game or on the Internet. Enter them via ProgressDOS Cheats can be opened by using cheats.txt in ProgressDOS or tapping cheats.txt on the desktop.

Updated on 06.13.2022

Progressbar95 Cheats Codes

There are 10 cheat slots for each of the 3 types of cheats. Once all 10 slots in a certain type of cheat are used, that type of cheat can no longer be used. The next day, you can use another cheat code..

God Mode Cheats

All the God Mode Cheats & Codes per slot

  • 1 Slot > PB1
  • 2 Slot > PBDQD
  • 3 Slot > PBJUMAL
  • 4 Slot > PBDIEVS
  • 5 Slot > PBDIAMD
  • 6 Slot > PBJUMALA
  • 7 Slot > PBZEU5
  • 8 Slot > PBDEUSEX
  • 9 Slot > PBISTEN
  • 10 Slot > PBEDOMDOG
  • 11 Slot > PBGDMD
  • 12 Slot > PBSYS32
  • 13 Slot > PB1NE
  • 14 Slot > PBG0DMD
  • 15 Slot > PBTXTDOC
  • 16 Slot > PB10II
  • 17 Slot > PB10III
  • 18 Slot > PBAMB
  • 19 Slot > PB11
  • 20 Slot >

No Pop Ups – Progressbar95 Cheats Codes

All the No Pop Ups Cheats & Codes per slot

  • 1 Slot > PBPPNN5
  • 2 Slot > PBPOPBLOCK
  • 3 Slot > PBPPPBLK
  • 4 Slot > PBNOPOPUP
  • 5 Slot > PBNPUP
  • 6 Slot > PBPAPCLIP
  • 7 Slot > PBNOPCLIP
  • 8 Slot > PBSPRING
  • 9 Slot > PBUPNOPP
  • 10 Slot > PB1POP1N
  • 11 Slot > PBUPPOPNO
  • 12 Slot > PBNPP
  • 13 Slot > PBPOPPOP
  • 14 Slot > PBBLOCK33
  • 15 Slot > PBPOPUPNO
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • 19
  • 20

Only Blue Segments

All the Only Blue Segments Cheats & Codes per slot

  • 1 Slot > PBEULB
  • 2 Slot > PBSINE
  • 3 Slot > PBNAVY
  • 4 Slot > PBBLUE
  • 5 Slot > PBBLBL
  • 6 Slot > PBKEK
  • 7 Slot > PBBLAU
  • 8 Slot > PBBEBEBE
  • 9 Slot > PBICE
  • 10 Slot > PB0000FF
  • 11 Slot > PBBLU3
  • 12 Slot > PBBLLUU
  • 13 Slot > PBAZUL
  • 14 Slot > PB00255
  • 15 Slot > PBGORM1
  • 16 Slot > PBBLOO
  • 17 Slot > PBONLYB1
  • 18 Slot > PBBEBEBE
  • 19 Slot > PBBLAH
  • 20 Slot > PB81U3


There are 10 cheat slots for each of the 3 types of cheats. Once all 10 slots in a certain type of cheat is used, that type of cheat can no longer be used. The next day, one cheat slot is freed and another cheat code can be used.

God Mode lets you catch red segments without receiving a BSOD and pink segments without subtracting 5%. Both will count as a normal 5% blue segment.

Progressbar95 Cheats Codes 1

The other 2 types of cheats are self-explanatory.

List of Known Cheat Codes – Progressbar95 Cheats Codes

Progressbar95 Cheats Codes 2


  • Before the cheats update, cheats were used by opening cheats.txt in ProgressDOS while a game was running. Attempting to use a cheat while a game was not running would return the error “Use in game!” Cheat codes were displayed but could not be used without the cheats.txt.
  • Before version 0.5, cheats.txt was named cheatcode.txt.
  • PBSYS32 is a reference to System32. It was added in 0.5.
  • The PBDQD cheat code is a reference to the IDDQD cheat code in Doom. This code also always appears in the cheats.txt file from the tutorial.
  • PBEULB has the word “blue” backwards: “eulb”.
  • PBAZUL has the “azul” word, likely the “blue” word in Spanish.
  • PB0000FF is a reference to the hex code for blue, #0000FF.
  • PBBLOO is a reference to Bloo, a character from Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends.
  • PBDEUSEX is a reference to the first two words of “Deus Ex Machina”, which means God from the Machine.
  • PB1POP1N creates a sentence from the cheat code: I pop in.
  • PB00255 is a reference to the decimal color code for blue, (0,0,255)
  • PB1 is a reference to this being the first cheat code in the game, or Progressbar 1.
  • PBZEU5 is a reference to Zeus, who is the sky and thunder god in the ancient Greek religion.
  • PBPAPCLIP refers to Clippy, a pop-up in game.
  • You need to use the “Only Blue” or “God Mode” cheats in order to get the “Mission Possible” achievement.
  • Using Help in the CHEATS application in BarOS will display the message: “CHEATER!!!”
  • BarOS text file icons beginning with BarOS 10 contain the PBTXTDOC, PB10II and PB10III cheat codes.

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