RDR 2: President Hardin Cigarette Card Location

Where to Find President Hardin Cigarette Card

Located in Lagras, Bayou Nwa, Lemoyne, you will find the President Hardin Cigarette Card, which is part of the Prominent Americans Card Set.

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In order to find the President Hardin card, head to the jetty that is just west of the Lagras Bait Shop.

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You will find the card sitting on top of the jetty’s railing, directly opposite two broken wagon wheels that are sitting in the Northeastern corner of the jetty.

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Find this card on a shack’s jetty, just west of the Lagras Bait shop. The card will be sitting on a railing, directly opposite two broken wagon wheels in the Northeastern corner of the jetty.

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Yess! We found President Hardin

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