Red Dead Redemption 2 – Tuberculosis

What is Tuberculosis?

Red Dead Redemption 2 is set in 1899, and back then, tuberculosis was also widely known as “consumption” because of the way the infection would slowly break down and eat away at the body.

A person infected with this disease when it becomes active will lose massive weight, cough up bloody phlegm, and experience other symptoms like heavy fatigue. It generally infected the lungs, which is why the diseased would be advised to move to dry and warm climates (and why Micah keeps calling Arthur “Black Lung”), but it could potentially spread to other parts of the body.

Tuberculosis Cure

The history of the disease may come as disappointing news for Red Dead players. Just like in the actual year of 1899, there is no cure for Tuberculosis in the game, but there is a way to diminish the disease’s affects on the main character. As Tuberculosis progresses throughout the game, players need to find a way to reduce its affects on the main character’s core stats.

When Arthur Morgan, the main character in Red Dead Redemption 2, contracts an illness, he loses his cores, or his health and stamina stats. Players can either have a “sick” status or “very sick,” where they see a 7 or 15 percent increase in core drain speed, respectively.

Players can replace missing health due to the disease through consuming more food or tonics or through sleeping more frequently. Another option includes crafting a Special Cure to add extra health.

In one mission titled Archaeology for Beginners, the main character travels with Rain Falls who helps him find three different herbs: Ginseng, English Mace and Yarrow. Players can view the Special Health Cure pamphlet, which can be obtained through a fence, to learn the ability to craft the medicine. While the Special Cure grants players an additional ring around their life bar to gain extra health, it does not completely cure the disease.

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