Rising Constellation – Agent and Ship Infographics

Rising Constellation Agent and Ship Infographics

Welcome to our Rising Constellation Agent and Ship Infographics guide. These infographics help clarify some of the game’s main iconography, terminology and mechanics. We’ll keep you upgraded with extra information once they are released.

Infographics quickly explaining the layout of the information generally found on key parts of Rising Constellation’s interface, specifically the agent and ship cards. These infographics help clarify some of the game’s main iconography, terminology and mechanics.

It should be noted that all 5 factions (Tetrarchy – blue, Cardan – purple, Myrmezir – red, A.R.K. – yellow, Synel – green) have access to and can hire all 3 agent types (Navarch, Erased, Siderian). The infographics simply apply a faction to an agent type for the sake of illustration.

Agent Type : Navarch

Rising Constellation Agent and Ship Infographics 1

Agent Type : Erased

Rising Constellation Agent and Ship Infographics 2

Agent Type : Siderian

Rising Constellation Agent and Ship Infographics 3

Ship : Gunners

Rising Constellation Agent and Ship Infographics 4

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