ROUNDS: How to Play Modded Post Update

ROUNDS’ was released on Xbox and therefore some fixes, localization and cross-play as well as some achievements were added to the Steam version. In this guide, we explained how to play the game with the update.

How to Play Modded Post Update

The recent update has made it so that mods as they currently stand are unplayable. (this is to be expected when a game updates) This guide will explain how you can still enjoy the old mods post update.

Downloading the Old Vertion

To start with, you will need to open the steam console. you can do so by pressing Win + R and typing


into the run dialogue box. alternatively pasting this into the url bar of your web browser should work.

once you do that, you should see a CONSOLE tab at the top of steam. click it and enter the command

download_depot 1557740 1557741 8703385561169526803 

This will tell steam to download the old build of rounds. it should print out

Downloading depot 1557741 (325 MB) ...

and then eventually something similar to

Depot download complete : "C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamappscontentapp_1557740depot_1557741" (300 files, manifest 8703385561169526803)

Make note of the location, it will be needed for step 2.

Configuring the Mod Manager

I was going to write here about how you can now change the rounds directory to the newly downloaded version inside of the mod manager by going to Settings > Locations > Change ROUNDS directory. But it turns out, that setting does seemingly nothing… not on R2 or on Thunderstore.


As of right now, you have to chose between being able to play modded and being able to play vanilla. To play modded you must overwrite the game’s files with the ones you downloaded during part 1. Right click on ROUNDS in steam, go to manage > browse local files. delete everything in that folder, then copy the files over from the depot you downloaded. you will now have the old 2021 build of rounds. If you ever want to go back to playing vanilla, simply tell steam to uninstall then reinstall the game.

Written by 『 Root 』

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