Sailing Era Fisheries List

Welcome to our Sailing Era Fisheries List guide. This is a simple list concerning the location […]

Welcome to our Sailing Era Fisheries List guide. This is a simple list concerning the location and information regarding the Fisheries and the associated achievement.

We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Sailing Era game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Sailing Era guide.

Sailing Era Fisheries List

This guide is just a simple list to help people find the fisheries hidden all over the world of Sailing Era.

To get the Achievement, you just need to sail over the coordinates. You do not need to actually fish at the fishery nor do you need to find all the seasonal discoveries associated with the fisheries.

To fish at a fishery, sail over the location and hold the F key. Then a large white ring should appear around the fishery. Hold the F key again and another window will pop up saying what fish you found. you can either convert the fish into cargo to sell at a port or convert it into provisions to extend your time at sea. Currently (Jan 2023) the buttons are bugged and the labels say the same thing. The left button will convert into cargo, the right button will convert into provisions.

The List

Scandinavian FisheryAlwaysE1,N67Pelican EelArctic Region
North Sea FisheryAlwaysE3,N55Atlantic Blue Fin TunaNorth Europe
Newfoundland FisheryAlwaysW65,N41CrinoidNorth America East
Caribbean FisheryActive 1-9W58,N15Deep Sea Dragon FishCaribbean
Caribbean FisheryActive 10-12W58,N15Oar FishCaribbean
Amazon River EstuaryAlwaysW47,N1PirarucuSouth America East
Peru FisheryAlwaysW75,S22Great White SharkSouth America West
Southeast Asia FisheryAlwaysE123,N3DugongSoutheast Asia
Hokkaido FisheryAlwaysE146,N46Big Sail FishEastmost Eurasia
Bay of Bengal FisheryAlwaysE90,N15Manta RayIndian Ocean
Mozambique FisheryAlwaysE44,S9CoelacanthIndian Ocean
Cape of Good HopeAlwaysE11,S36Giant SquidWest Africa
Nile River FisheryActive 3-5E31,N28Saddled BichirNile River
Nile River FisheryActive 8-12E31,N28Dinosaur BichirNile River


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