Sons Of The Forest Items Locations

In this guide, we’ll show you the way to get the most items and locations in Sons Of The Forest! Any feedback and/or suggestions are highly welcomed.

Updated on 02.25.2023

Sons Of The Forest Items Locations

Welcome to our Sons Of The Forest Items Locations guide. In this guide, we’ll show you the way to get the most important items! Any feedback and/or suggestions are highly welcomed. We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Sons Of The Forest game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Sons Of The Forest guide.

The GPS Tracker and Pistol

The GPS tracker can be found on the liferaft in the water. You can swim up to it and climb the raft.
There are some items there including a pistol and the GPS tracker. The location can easily be found since it’s one of the highlighted areas in the water.

Sons Of The Forest All Important Items
Sons Of The Forest All Important Items

The Rebreather

This cave is very close to the starting area. You can find it very easily when using GPS. When you have entered this cave, explore the surroundings for a bit until you go further. Focus on the left side. At the end you will see it. If you go to the right, you will find the taser.

Sons Of The Forest Items
Sons Of The Forest Items

The Zipline Gun

The Zipline gun can be found north at the helicopter crash site (your starting point).
The first cave you see is close to two tents with a small water pond in front of it.

Sons Of The Forest Items
Sons Of The Forest Items
Sons Of The Forest Items
Sons Of The Forest Items

The Modern AXE

The Modern Axe can be found between the three blimping-locations on your GPS somewhat in the middle of the ones that are closer to the winter location close to two caves as you can see in the picture. The Modern Axe is inside a body in a few tents. Can be obtained in 15+/- from the spawn location. Though keep in mind, sometimes there are cannibals near. The Modern Axe is heavy and does more damage but is slower when it comes to attacking/hitting enemies or trees.

Sotf All Important Items
SOTF All Important Items

The Flashlight

The flashlight can be found at the three blimping locations on the GPS the closest to a cave. There is a man hanging on a rope. Cut down this rope from the top, go down, and pick up the flashlight.

Sotf All Important Items
SOTF All Important Items

The Taser

The taser can be found at the closest cave to the spawn area. Follow the right side of the cave to the end and you will find a man hanging with a taser next to it.

Sotf All Important Items
SOTF All Important Items

The Revolver

The revolver can be found when digging up the site on the golf field in the open. When digged enough, you’ll see a hatch. From there, you know what to do.

Sotf All Important Items
SOTF All Important Items

The Fireaxe

When obtained the shovel, the story starts as you could have told. Go to these locations on the map. In here you will also find the keycard including the fire axe.

Sotf All Important Items
SOTF All Important Items

The Keycards

As you can see in the FIREAXE section. The maintenance keycard is here as well.
From here, you basically unlock everything.

Sotf All Important Items
SOTF All Important Items

The Slingshot

At the north of the crash landing location (starting area on the beach), you will find this cave. Outside this cave, there are three dead bodies. The middle one holds a Slingshot. But using it is rather unuseful.

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The Compound Bow

Maintenance B hatch. You need a shovel to enter. A keycard is not required.
Once exploring, you’ll find the bow next to a drowned man. In here you will also find regular loot, a silencer and a printer.

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Sons Of The Forest All Important Items 13

The Machete

The machete or ‘kukri’ can be found very close to the spawn point as you can see on the picture.
It’s 2 minutes of walking/running and you’ll see something sticking out of a boat. It’s quick but doesn’t do as much damage as the axe.

Sotf All Important Items
SOTF All Important Items

The Shotgun

When you have found the keycards, now you can open the doors to the bunkers.
I will not spoil to much cause there’s plenty to explore but when you are at this place on the beach, open the door to the bunker and see for yourself.

Sotf All Important Items
SOTF All Important Items
Sotf All Important Items
SOTFAll Important Items

The Crossbow

When you have the keycard, open the door to this bunker below. With all the nature growing inside. You will find quite some loot including bolts for your crossbow. Open the door and explore. You can find a body at the right side in the second or third room laying on the ground.

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The Shovel

In order to get the Shovel you need the Zipline hook to travel on the rope to the other side including the Rebreather since you need to swim through a hole underwater. You will also find an air canister to refill your Rebreather. Continue exploring and you will find regular loot as well which comes in handy. Bringing batteries for your flashlight also might be useful since it’s really dark down there.

In this cave, at a body you will also find a flashlight attachment for your weapon, it’s at a dead body. Continue exploring the cave, swim again and you will eventually find the Shovel at the end. From there, the true journey starts.

Sons Of The Forest Items Locations
Sons Of The Forest Items Locations
Sons Of The Forest Items Locations
Sons Of The Forest Items Locations

The Katana

The Katana can be found when you are going to this part of the world. At the lake, there’s a bunker. If you explore every room you will eventually find it. The Katana is on a stand in the living room next to the couches.

Sons Of The Forest Items Locations
Sons Of The Forest Items Locations
Sons Of The Forest Items Locations
Sons Of The Forest Items Locations

The Chainsaw, Guitar and Guest Key

When going to this cave, be prepared for a bit of cannibal here and there, and definitely bring some batteries with you as you will need them. This cave/bunker is very big and there are a lot of things that you can pick up. Mostly money though. In this cave, you will also find the guitar, a chainsaw, and a guest key. You will find them. The key can be found close to the end of this cave/bunker near bodies sitting on a table with loads of money around them. The guitar can be found on the bar and the chainsaw at the cinema.

Sons Of The Forest Items Locations
Sons Of The Forest Items Locations
Sons Of The Forest Items Locations
Sons Of The Forest Items Locations
Sons Of The Forest Items Locations
Sons Of The Forest Items Locations
Sons Of The Forest Items Locations
Sons Of The Forest Items Locations

The Golden Armor (Key to Ending)

The same location where you can find the Katana as well. Simply explore the rooms and you will find the golden armor. You need this to continue to the ending part of the game.

Sons Of The Forest Items Locations
Sons Of The Forest Items Locations
Sons Of The Forest Items Locations
Sons Of The Forest Items Locations

The Silencer (Heli Crash Loc)

At the helicopter crash site, you will find a case with a silencer and some other basic loot. Not much else to find here.

Sons Of The Forest Items Locations
Sons Of The Forest Items Locations

The Crashed Plane Loc

At this location, there is a crashed airplane. All you can find is basic loot, food, money, and a leather jacket from the pilot. Keep in mind, there is a lot of deer here for food and armor.

Sons Of The Forest Items Locations
Sons Of The Forest Items Locations
Written by WHOLF ⚡

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