Space Engineers – Hydrogen Engine

Hydrogen Engine

Hydrogen Engines are used to power vehicles by burning hydrogen gas. They need to be conveyored to a reservoir in order to access the hydrogen fuel. This engine is available for small grids and large grids. The Large grid version is a 1x1x2 HWD block. It has 2 conveyor access ports one on the bottom of the tall face and the other on the smallest surface mount. It contains 3 control pads. This large version has a mass of 3,253 Kg. It can hold 500,000 Liters of fuel.

The Small grid Hydrogen Engine functions the same way with 2 conveyor ports on opposite ends as an inline version. Its mass is 1,005 Kg. It can hold 16,000 Liters of gas. Its demensions are 2x3x2 Height x Width x Depth.

It is one of the few blocks to require the production of Power Cells to function.

1- Does hydrogen consumption increase with power use or is it a static rate?

  • It increases quite a bit depending on how much power you’re using. It only creates as much power as you need.

2-Can the hydrogen engine consume hydrogen faster than the H2/O2 generator can produce it?

  • Yes, but for some reason it will alternate between being at 100% power and being at the normal amount of energy consumption like 20 times every milisecond, and everything will still work, although it might turn some things on and off constantly. Basically, it technically doesn’t.

If you start trying to look at the physics of the SE universe, things get weird fast:

  • Nuclear reactors totally convert their fuel to energy, rather than producing any nuclear waste products or leaving behind spent fuel. However, most of the energy you’d expect to be released (per E=MC2) disappears – it’s not released as heat, light, vibration, or any other observable form of energy. This happens to work out such that 1 kilogram of uranium – which should produce nearly 9 * 1016 joules if converted entirely into energy – instead only produces 3.6 * 106 joules.
  • Refined uranium that’s usable in reactors is not radioactive, or is so mildly radioactive that no neutron embrittlement, secondary activation, or radiation hazards to life are observed. Even reactors which are plainly too small to be properly shielded, like small grid small reactors, produce no radiation when operating.
  • Pure hydrogen burns, even in the absence of oxygen, and releases more energy than it took to produce the hydrogen in the first place. Working out the power output, in watts, of an H2 thruster is beyond my abilities, but it can be done, and it’s pretty clear just from observation that even small thrusters produce way more than the 330 kilowatts it takes to run an O2/H2 generator on a large grid. As per this thread, the new H2 generator also produces more energy than is consumed producing the hydrogen.
  • The sun is infinitely far away, or so far away that it approximates it. Despite this, it manages to move through the sky quite quickly.
  • The sun also manages to shoot asteroids at any person, from infinitely far away, which arrive in less than infinite time and arrive travelling at quite low speeds. This phenomenon doesn’t afflict any other life in the universe: spiders and wolves, for example, are not regularly picked off by an angry star.
  • Newton’s third law does not apply to the game: there are a number of systems that produce force in one direction without producing recoil anywhere. Gravity drives based on this principle are well known in the literature, as the saying goes, and this month’s rush of clang-drive development is another good example. These systems also produce far more thrust than could possibly be justified by the power they consume: they’re effectively free-energy machines, as well as free-momentum machines.
  • Planetary atmospheres have pressure, like any body of gas, but this gas is frictionless and massless. Objects travelling through air are not slowed or deflected by it, and do not leave turbulent wakes through it.
  • Planetary gravity falls off proportional to the seventh power of the distance from planet’s centre of mass, bafflingly, and somehow does not decrease at all for a large radius around a heavy object’s centre of mass. As a result, stable orbits are impossible.
  • Which is fine, because nothing orbits. Planets and asteroids are locked in place, with the sun whirling around them (infinitely far away, as above). Copernicus was, apparently, right.



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