SpellForce 3 Soul Harvest – Synergy Skills Guide

Synergy Skills Guide

Combat/<X> Synergy Skills

Combat / Defense

  • Riposte: Passive Perk. Whenever you block a blow you temporarily gain an extra 30%/50%/70% chance to deal critical hits with Melee weapons.

Combat / Hunting

  • Throwing Knives: Single Target, Ranged, Ability. Scales with Dexterity. Hurls a throwing knife at up to 2/2/3 enemies and deals damage. Rank 2 inflicts Bleeding, Rank 3 inflicts stronger Bleeding.

Combat / Elementalism

  • Battlemage: Passive Perk. Your weapon-based abilities now additionally scales with Intelligence. At rank 1, landing a Melee attack Empowers your next Fire ability. At rank 2, it also Empowers your next Frost ability. At rank 3, every melee attack causes you to regain 1 Focus.

Combat / Necromancy

  • Slay the Living: Single Target, Ranged, Ability. Scales with Weapon damage. Deals massive damage to a single Living target, deals moderate damage otherwise. At rank 2, instantly kills a target below 15% of their max health. At rank 3, adds a small Area of Effect.

Combat / Light

  • Punish the Forsaken: Single Target, Ranged, Channeled, Ability. Scales with Weapon damage. Continuously deals massive damage to an Undead or Demonic target, only deals moderate damage otherwise. At rank 2, applies Weakened. At rank 3, adds an Area of Effect around the original target and deals more damage.

Combat / Demonology

  • Black Vortex: Self-targetted, Buff, Area of Effect. Scales with Weapon damage. Enfold yourself in a demonic aura that continuously damages nearby enemies. At rank 2, lifedrains enemies. At rank 3, applies Bleeding.

Combat / Druidism

  • Poison Strike: Single Target, Melee, Ability. Scales with Weapon damage. Attacks a target and inflicts a strong Bleeding effect. At rank 2, also adds Impaired. At rank 3, makes the Bleeding and Impaired debuffs stronger.

Combat / Beguilement

  • Telekinetic Punch: Single Target, Melee, Ability. Scales with Strength. Delivers a strong attack knocks back and potentially stuns the enemy. At rank 2, the knockback, stun duration, and damage is improved plus this ability instantly kills Frozen targets. At rank 3, the knockback, stun duration, and damage is further improved plus the ability gains an Area of Effect.

Defense/<X> Synergy Skills

Defense / Hunting

  • Hold your Ground: Self-targetted, Area of Effect, Buff, Ability. You and nearby allies gain improved offensive and defensive stats, but cannot move, for 10 seconds. At rank 2, lasts 12 seconds and the boosts are stronger. At rank 3, lasts 15 seconds and the boosts are even stronger.

Defense / Elementalism

  • Scorching Reprisal: Passive Perk. All Boon abilities additionally scales with Intelligence. Once every 10 seconds, if below 50% of your max health, you deal some physical and fire damage in a blast around yourself. At rank 2, this can trigger every 6 seconds. At rank 3, this can trigger every 3 seconds.

Defense / Necromancy

  • Unholy Feast: Self-targetted, Area of effect, Ability. Scales with Constitution. Absorbs a dead body to restore Health. At rank 2, grants Demonic Frenzy on consumption(+10% Movement speed, attack damage, ability multiplier) for 5 seconds. At rank 3, becomes a toggled Aura that absorbs a body every 5 seconds.

Defense / Light

  • Avatar of Hope: Self-targetted, Buff, Ability. Scales with Willpower. Instantly heals some HP, then makes you Immune to Damage and Purge for 16 seconds. At rank 2, also makes your attacks deal a large amount of bonus damage against Undead and Demonic enemies. At rank 3, heals nearby allies every few seconds over the duration of the buff.

Defense / Demonology

  • Cascade: Area of Effect, Ability. Scales with Willpower. Deals damage and have a chance to cause knockback in a cone infront of you. At rank 2, wider and longer area of effect. At rank 3, even wider and longer area of effect.

Defense / Druidism

  • Earthstorm: Self-targetted area of effect, Ability. Scales with Constitution. Causes a storm of rocks to surround you, damaging and potentially knocking back enemies, lasts for 12 seconds. At rank 2, area of effect becomes larger. At rank 3, lasts 20 seconds.

Defense / Beguilement

  • Arcane Maelstrom: Area of effect, Channeled, Ability. Scales with Willpower. Creates a Vortex that sucks enemies towards it and inflicts the Impaired ailment, lasts up to 6 seconds. At rank 2, also deals damage. At rank 3, lasts up to 10 seconds.

Hunting/<X> Synergy Skills

Hunting / Elementalism

  • Explosive Arrow: Passive Perk. Bows and Crossbows you use have a chance to explode, dealing damage and causing knockback to your target. At rank 2, gains a small area of effect. At rank 3, more damage(?) and bigger area of effect.

Hunting / Necromancy

  • Bone Fetish: Area of effect, Ability. Scales with Willpower. Summons a Bone Totem that deals damage to a nearby enemy, lasts 15 seconds. At rank 2, allegedly longer duration. At rank 3, allegedly even longer duration and can damage multiple enemies at a time.

Hunting / Light

  • Shimmering Arrow: Area of effect, ranged, Ability. Scales with Weapon damage. Causes area of effect knockback and potentially stuns those immune to knockback. At rank 2, stronger knockback and longer stun. At rank 3, even stronger knockback and even longer stun.

Hunting / Demonology

  • Desecration: Passive Perk. Your attacks have a 20%/30%/40% chance to curse the ground around the enemy, inflicting Oiled and Bleeding ailments.

Hunting / Druidism

  • Swamp: Area of effect, Debuff, Ability. Scales with Willpower. Creates a puddle of muck that inflicts the Impaired ailment, lasts for 8 seconds. At rank 2, also inflicts Oiled. At rank 3, lasts for 16 seconds and has a larger area of effect.

Hunting / Beguilement

  • Call to Arms: Self-targetted area of effect, Buff, Ability. Scales with Willpower. Grants you and nearby units improved Critical hit chance, Movement speed, and Block chance for 14 seconds. At rank 2, stronger boost, At rank 3, even stronger boost.

Elementalism/<X> Synergy Skills

Elementalism / Necromancy

  • Explosive Minion: Area of effect, Ability. Scales with Willpower. Detonate target creature you have summoned, dealing heavy physical and magical damage to nearby enemies. At rank 2, also inflicts enemies with Impaired. At rank 3, also inflicts Bleeding.

Elementalism / Light

  • Smother the Arcane: Area of effect, Ability. Scales with Intelligence. Deals area damage, purges active boons, and inflicts Silence for 10 seconds. At rank 2, causes additional explosions. At rank 3, causes additional explosions over a duration.

Elementalism / Demonology

  • Oblation: Self-targetted area of effect, Ability. Sacrifices an allied unit to restore Focus. At rank 2, also grants a buff for 10 seconds that reduces Ability Cost and Cooldown by 25%. At rank 3, also gain +0.50 Focus/Sec regeneration while the buff lasts.

Elementalism / Druidism

  • Meteor Shower: Self-targetted area of effect, Ability. Scales with Intelligence. Creates 10 projectiles that strikes randomly around you, dealing heavy damage, can benefit from Fire Might. At rank 2, creates 15 projectiles. At rank 3, projectiles impact a larger area.

Elementalism / Beguilement

  • Erratic Burst: Area of effect, Ability. Scales with Willpower. Conjure several blasts of magic to damage an area. At rank 2, may randomly inflict one or more status ailments and/or boons that lasts for 7 seconds. At rank 3, affects a larger area and allegedly causes more blasts.

Necromancy/<X> Synergy Skills

Necromancy / Light

  • Paradox: Area of effect, Ability. Scales with Intelligence. Unleash an explosion of light and dark to heal allies(including undead) and damage enemies. Deals more damage to living targets. At rank 2, grants Regeneration to allies and Enfeebled to enemies for 10 seconds. At rank 3, affects a larger area.

Necromancy / Demonology

  • Summon Corpse Golem: Ability. Scales with Willpower. Summons a Corpse Golem, a strong unit highly resistant to magic. Lasts 30 seconds minimum. At rank 2, the Golem is stronger. At rank 3, the Golem is even stronger.

Necromancy / Druidism
Plague Bearer: Passive Perk. All Poison abilities (Taint Soil, Withering Touch, Avenging Vines, Poison Strike) now also inflict a plague that drains life, weakens, and has a chance to inflict others near them. At rank 2, this perk becomes stronger. At rank 3, this perk becomes even stronger.

Necromancy / Beguilement

  • Siphon Mind: Single target, Channeled, Ability. Scales with Willpower. Drains Focus from the enemy, lasts for up to 10 seconds. At rank 2, also continuously interrupts the target if they are Weakened. At rank 3, also reduces cooldowns of your abilities by 1 every second this ability is channeled.

Light/<X> Synergy Skills

Light / Demonology

  • Last Deed: Single target, Ability. If the affected ally would die they explode causing massive damage to nearby enemies, lasts 30 seconds. At rank 2, purges enemies and inflicts Weakened and Silence for 10 seconds. At rank 3, the ally revives shortly after death.

Light / Druidism

  • Blessed Ground: Area of effect, Ability. Scales with Willpower. Creates an area of peace for 7 seconds, where enemies and allies can’t attack or use abilities, is immune to damage, and gain increased hit point and focus regeneration. At rank 2, area of effect is increased. At rank 3, lasts for 12 seconds.

Light / Beguilement

  • Nullifying Verdict: Area of effect, Affliction, Ability. Scales with Willpower. Deals area damage that purges and interrupts enemies. At rank 2, also inflicts Silence for 5 seconds. At rank 3, has a 30% chance to inflict Stasis for 5 seconds.

Demonology/<X> Synergy Skills

  • Demonology / Druidism
    Shapeshift: Tribe-Eater. Self-targetted, Ability. Scales with Constitution. Transforms into a demon with a large health pool and high damage. Continuously loses life, but regains life on kills. At rank 2, improves scaling. At rank 3, further improves scaling.

Demonology / Beguilement

  • Maggot Plague: Self-targetted area of effect, Channeled, Ability. Scales with Willpower. Causes physical damage to surrounding enemies, lasts up to 20 seconds. At rank 2, inflicts Bleeding. At rank 3, larger area of effect.

Druidism/<X> Synergy Skills

Druidism / Beguilement

  • Chords of Thunder: Aura, Ability. Scales with Willpower. Has a 15% chance every 3 seconds to strike nearby enemies with magical damage, with a 50% chance to strike a second time. At rank 2, more than doubles the area of effect. At rank 3, triggers every 2 seconds instead.

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