STAR WARS Battlefront: Hosting Servers for Multiplayer

If you are not familiar with multiplayer servers in STAR WARS Battlefront Classic Collection, we have explained the details you need in this guide about setting up and configuring the hosting servers for the better.

This guide was created by The Pusher.

Hosting for Star Wars: Battlefront

  • Creating a Server With the In-Game Menu
  • Run the game and navigate to the main menu.
  • Click on the Multiplayer tab.
  • Choose your connection type: LAN or Multiplayer.
  • Click Create.
  • On the left you have the option for the server title, the map/era selection and password.
  • On the right you have the current map selection and the order.
  • Along the bottom you back, the server settings and the launch.
  • The server options should self-explanatory.

There are some additional options such as the server tick rate and the hosting bandwidth in the Options<Online Options accessible from the main menu.

  • There are additional configurations you can add through command line arguments.
  • To use those open up the Steam Library and navigate to the game.
  • Right click on properties.
  • Under the General Tab go to Set Launch Options and type them in.

Here’s a list of all the arguments in the executable.

  • /profile /ai /ainotext /lang /loadspam /record /playback /notvalues /ShowAllSessions /ShowAllServers /nointro /firstperson /nonames /bandwidth /latency /loss /nodrag /autonet /playercount /playerlimit /gamename /lan /norender /nowait /nosound /nostartupmusic /fixedrate /team /skill /soundwarning /noai /crashed /adminpw /throttle /netplayers /sideselect /bots /heroes /randomize /nomovies /tps /noframelock /noaim /noteamdamage /difficulty /gameslice /resolution /win /fixedfunction /password -password +password /playername /audiomixbuffer /audionoenhance /audiosamplerate /audiomaxchannels /logfinalscore /spawn

I’m not sure how many of these will work with servers created through the in-game menu but I do know /tps and /adminpw do. /tps should override whatever you selected in the Online Options so you can go above the 30 limit. Although I will caution that going too high can cause problems with the game’s physics and may make the server unstable. /adminpw allows you to set up a server with the remote admin controls.

Remote Admin

Remote admin commands can be typed in game through the chat system. Use global chat (ctrl-t) and start each command with /admin. The first admin command must be /login unless you are on the host. The admin password is set from the command line with the /adminpw option.

  • “/login ” – login as admin
  • “/waitlate” | “/nowaitlate” – turn on and off waiting for
    late moves from clients
  • “/dropmap” – drop the specified map from the rotation or
    the current map if no map is specified
  • “/addmap” – add a map to the rotation
  • “/nextmap” – skip to the specified map at the end of the
    current game
  • “/players” – list the players in game
  • “/boot ” – boot the specified player
  • “/endgame” – end the current game
  • “/say” – send an admin message to all players
  • “/maps” – list the maps in rotation
  • “/shutdown” – shutdown the server
  • “/bandwidth ” – set the hosting bandwidth
  • “/adminpw ” – change the admin password
  • Here’s three more commands that are in the executable but not in the readme:
  • /restart – restarts the current map
  • /whatmap – tells you what map you’re currently playing
  • /mapnext – tells you what map is next
  • bes1a – Bespin: Platforms GCW
  • bes1r – Bespin: Platforms CW
  • bes2a – Bespin: Cloud City GCW
  • bes2r – Bespin: Cloud City CW
  • end1a – Endor: Bunker
  • geo1r – Geonosis: Spire
  • hot1i – Hoth: Echo Base
  • kam1c – Kamino: Tipoca City
  • kas1c – Kashyyyk: Islands CW
  • kas1i – Kashyyyk: Islands GCW
  • kas2c – Kashyyyk: Docks CW
  • kas2i – Kashyyyk: Docks GCW
  • nab1c – Naboo: Plains CW
  • nab1i – Naboo: Plains GCW
  • nab2a – Naboo: Theed GCW
  • nab2c – Naboo: Theed CW
  • rhn1i – Rhen Var: Harbor GCW
  • rhn1r – Rhen Var: Harbor CW
  • rhn2a – Rhen Var: Citadel GCW
  • rhn2c – Rhen Var: Citadel CW
  • tat1i – Tatooine: Dune Sea GCW
  • tat1r – Tatooine: Dune Sea CW
  • tat2i – Tatooine: Mos Eisley GCW
  • tat2r – Tatooine: Mos Eisley CW
  • yav1c – Yavin IV: Temple CW
  • yav1i – Yavin IV: Temple GCW
  • yav2i – Yavin IV: Arena GCW
  • yav2r – Yavin IV: Arena CW

The addon maps for Jabba’s palace

  • tat3c – Tatooine: Jabba’s Palace CW
  • tat3a – Tatooine: Jabba’s Palace GCW

Hosting for Star Wars: Battlefront II

Most of the Star Wars: Battlefront section applies to Star Wars: Battlefront II as well. Server creation is almost identical as are the command line arguments. The ones that are of interest to us are /tps and /adminpw. /adminpw allows you to set up remote admin for your server which allows you to use a host of amazing commands to enhance your multiplayer experience and /tps allows you to set your own tick rate for your server overwriting the default limit. I would advise you not to set the tps too high, I set it to 60 and it was a stuttering mess.

Remote Admin

Remote admin commands can be typed in game through the chat system. Use global chat (ctrl-t) and start each command with /admin. The first admin command must be /login unless you are on the host. The admin password is set from the command line with the /adminpw option.

  • “/login ” – login as admin
  • “/waitlate” | “/nowaitlate” – turn on and off waiting for
    late moves from clients
  • “/dropmap” – drop the specified map from the rotation or
    the current map if no map is specified
  • “/addmap” – add a map to the rotation
  • “/nextmap” – skip to the specified map at the end of the
    current game
  • “/players” – list the players in game
  • “/boot ” – boot the specified player
  • “/endgame” – end the current game
  • “/say” – send an admin message to all players
  • “/maps” – list the maps in rotation
  • “/shutdown” – shutdown the server
  • “/bandwidth ” – set the hosting bandwidth
  • “/adminpw ” – change the admin password
  • Here’s three more commands that are in the executable but not in the readme:
  • /restart – restarts the current map
  • /whatmap – tells you what map you’re currently playing
  • /mapnext – tells you what map is next
  • cor1c_con Coruscant: Jedi Temple Conquest CW
  • cor1c_ctf Coruscant: Jedi Temple CTF CW
  • cor1g_con Coruscant: Jedi Temple Conquest GCW
  • cor1g_ctf Coruscant: Jedi Temple CTF CW
  • dag1c_con Dagobah: Swamp Conquest CW
  • dag1c_ctf Dagobah: Swamp CTF CW
  • dag1g_con Dagobah: Swamp Conquest GCW
  • dag1g_ctf Dagobah: Swamp CTF GCW

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