Super Robot Wars 30 How to Change Monitor Setting

Welcome to our Super Robot Wars 30 How to Change Monitor Setting guide. Since Super Robot saves the monitor settings displayed first in the setting file, the displayed monitor may not change even if the display setting information of Windows 10 is changed.

Super Robot Wars 30 How to Change Monitor Setting

Since Super Robot saves the monitor settings displayed first in the setting file, the displayed monitor may not change even if the display setting information of Windows 10 is changed.

Up to the previous work (V and X), there was an item to change as an option, but this time I was a little troubled because there was no such item.

(At first, it wasn’t displayed on the main monitor, but it was displayed on the sub monitor, which made me a little impatient.)
I hope it can be used as a reference for people with the same problems (or rather, it’s my memo because I almost forget it).

Change setting .ini File

You can find .ini config file in this location.


  • C:\Users\Player1\AppData\Local\SRW30\GameOptions.ini )

If you install windows 10 in C drive and your user name is “Player1”
Then path is “C:\Users\Player1\AppData\Local\SRW30\GameOptions.ini”

You have to find [DISPLAY] row.



Change monitor identification number.

DisplayW / DisplayH : Width / Height for your monitor specification

Save & re-run.

How to Confirm your Monitor Identification

Click identify button in advanced display settings ( windows 10).

Sometimes it’s not correct number. do trial and error.

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