Tails The Backbone Prelude Achievements Guide 100%

This guide will show you instructions on how to get every achievements in the Tails The Backbone Prelude.

Tails The Backbone Prelude Achievements Guide 100%

Welcome to our Tails The Backbone Prelude Achievements Guide 100%. This guide will show you instructions on how to get every achievement in the game.

General Achievements

Completing the game normally will give you (most) of these achievements, you don’t need to do anything in particular to get them.


Tails : The Backbone Prelude 100% achievement guide

Finish act one


Tails : The Backbone Prelude 100% achievement guide

Finish act two


Tails : The Backbone Prelude 100% achievement guide

Finish act three


Tails : The Backbone Prelude 100% achievement guide

Finish act four (and the game)


Tails : The Backbone Prelude 100% achievement guide

Start a new game after finishing the game once. After the credits, an option called “new game+” will show up on the main menu, which allows you to have another go.

I Major In Photography

Tails : The Backbone Prelude 100% achievement guide

Take many photos using the game screenshot function. After having started a NewGame+, press “F” to take a pic, use the scroll wheel to rewind the camera. You need 24 photos in total for the achievement, this includes any pictures taken by Howard during act 3.


Not The Time

Tails : The Backbone Prelude 100% achievement guide

Apologise to your dad. After the funeral, go to Clarissa’s dad and talk to him. When he inevitably gets mad and demands you apologise, do so and repeat after him.

I Beat You

Tails : The Backbone Prelude 100% achievement guide

Kill Carlo. During act four, you can either spare or kill Carlo, choose to kill him. For the achievement to trigger you have to choose an option that says [Kill him]. Beating him up can kill him but will not net the achievement.


Sexy Howard

Tails : The Backbone Prelude 100% achievement guide

Succeed at flirting with either Wisconsin, Freja, or Niles.

  • Wisconsin likes earnest and nice dialogue options that aren’t overtly sexual.
  • Freja enjoys quirky and funny options, but not sexual jokes.
  • Niles wants you to disagree with him, but still be smart about it. Ask questions about his beliefs and don’t avoid his own.

More detailed guides can be found elsewhere on Steam and the internet.

Better Times

Tails : The Backbone Prelude 100% achievement guide

Take a photo of Larry during act 3. Don’t take more than 2 pictures of different people, since Howard only has 4 shots. After you take the picture of the clock, you can remark that you still have one left and decide to photograph Larry.


Investigative Reporting

Tails : The Backbone Prelude 100% achievement guide

During act one, successfully convince Lukas that something is wrong with the police report.
Important things to consider :

  • The fire started before the second call, since the place wasn’t on fire when the police got there.
  • The cops breached the door, citing hearing a distressed voice but the report notes that the lady wasn’t actually in distress.
  • One cop claims the person threatened him with a sharp object, and the other claims that it was with a blunt object.
  • Essentially, the testimonies don’t add up and hint towards a cover-up.

Lizard Mom

Tails : The Backbone Prelude 100% achievement guide

During the first and third acts, feed Renee’s iguana. You don’t need to do it during the second or fourth one, as that option will not be available anyway


State of Affairs

Tails : The Backbone Prelude 100% achievement guide

Successfully do all the experiments. I’m not sure you can fail this one since you can just keep trying but anyways. The best order for the experiments is :

  • Experiment 1 : Temperature chamber (Freeze)
  • Experiment 2 : Chemical chamber (Agitate), Temperature chamber (Heat), and Humidity chamber (Salt/solidify)
  • Experiment 3 : Temperature chamber (Heat)

I Got Nothing To Hide

Tails : The Backbone Prelude 100% achievement guide

During act 3, choose not to alter the journal, and tell the truth about the artefact (don’t try to hide or destroy the research

Okay For Now

Tails : The Backbone Prelude 100% achievement guide

Don’t let either Eli or Jorge get shot by the visitor. You might need to start a new play-through if you were too antagonistic to HQ in previous acts. Ideally, praise HQ when you can, don’t alter the journal at all, be honest and push towards getting a lab in the city to study the artefact. When act 3 comes, choose to convince the visitor that you’re valuable due to your expertise on the artefact. In act 4, be cooperative, confident (but not arrogant), and emphasise that you aren’t too close to Jorge. Additionally, when observing the artefact, say you the hum is from the container, and that you pacified it, this helps convince him you’re experts

Alternatively, if you’ve been saying the artefact is dangerous, you can also survive by convincing the visitor that the artefact is too volatile. It’s important to agitate the artefact beforehand, as this will convince him of the artefact’s danger.

Written by MintCat

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