Temtem – Starters Guide

Starters Guide

Choose Temtem Starter

Your starter Temtem will likely be with you to the very end of your Temtem journey so it’s important you make the right decision. It’s also important to know that you can’t select a different starter after your initial selection – so, Which Temtem Starter Should You Choose?

If you’re the kind of trainer that likes rarity, Crystle is for you, as Crystal-type Temtem are rare early on in the game. Despite that rarity, it will provide the hardest challenge early in the game as the types of moves it is weak to — Fire, Earth and Melee — are quite prevalent among the game’s beginning Temtem.

If you’re the kind of tamer who wants to get the first hit in, and possibly the last, Smazee is the Temtem for you. Keep in mind, though, that the Melee-type Smazee is a bit of a glass cannon and will likely have a ticking clock on its life on the battlefield. You’ll need to focus on ending a battle quickly with its powerful physical attacks.

Because of Houchic’s low HP, it’s a bit of a glass cannon, much like Smazee. It hits hard, but can’t take too many hard hits itself. As such, with Houchic, you should focus on taking out the opposing Temtem with powerful special attacks as fast as you can.


Crystle is one of three starter Temtem available for you to choose from. Additional info about this Temtem can be found below.

temtem starters guide 1

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  • Crystle Type Advantages and Disadvantages

Crystle is a Crystal-type Temtem that is resistant to Electric, Mental, and Toxic-type attacks; and weak to Fire, Earth, and Melee-type attacks.

Crystle’s Crystal-type attacks do double damage against Electric and Mental-type Temtem, but do half damage to Earth and Fire-type Temtem.

  • Crystle Best Stats

Crystle’s best stats are its Attack and Defense. Its Base Attack is 61 and its Base Defense is 69. Its weakest stats are its Stamina and Speed. Its Base Stamina is 41 and its Base Speed is 33.

  • Crystle Evolutions

Crystle evolves into Sherald at level 30. It has a third evolution but it is not yet known at this time. We will update this guide when its third evolution is known.

  • Crystle Partner Temtem Recommendations

Because Temtem allows up to two Temtem on your side of the battlefield in combat, it’s important to have a good partner Temtem for Crystle. We recommend a partner Temtem that is either Water, Mental or Digital-type to counter the weaknesses of Crystle. Digital Temtem are rare in the game so your best bet would be a Water Temtem like Platypet or a Mental Temtem like Barnshe.


Smazee is one of three starter Temtem available for you to choose from. Additional info about this Temtem can be found below.

temtem starters guide 2

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  • Smazee Type Advantages and Disadvantages

Smazee is a Melee-type Temtem that is resistant to Melee-type attacks and weak to Digital and Mental-type attacks.

Smazee’s Melee-type attacks do double damage against Crystal and Earth-type Temtem, but do half damage to Melee and Mental-type Temtem.

  • Smazee Best Stats

Smazee’s best stats are its Speed and Attack. Its Base Speed is 66 and its Base Attack is 69. Its weakest stats are its Special Attack and Special Defense. Its Base Special Attack and Special Defense are 37.

  • Smazee Partner Temtem Recommendations

Because Temtem allows up to two Temtem on your side of the battlefield in combat, it’s important to have a good partner Temtem for Smazee. We recommend a partner Temtem that is Electric-type to counteract the weaknesses of Smazee. We recommend Ampling as it is an Electric-type Temtem that you’ll run into early in your journey. You can also use a Digital-type Temtem as a partner but Digital Temtem are some of the rarest in the game.

  • Smazee Evolutions

Smazee evolves into Baboong at level 30. It has a third evolution but that is unknown at this time.


Houchic is one of three starter Temtem available for you to choose from. Additional info about this Temtem can be found below.

temtem starters guide 3

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  • Houchic Type Advantages and Disadvantages

Houchic is a Mental-type Temtem that is resistant to Melee and Neutral-type attacks; and weak to Crystal, Digital and Electric-type attacks.

Houchic’s Mental-type attacks do double damage against Melee and Neutral-type Temtem, but do half damage to Crystal-type Temtem.

  • Houchic Best Stats

Houchic’s best stats are its Speed and Special Attack. Its Base Speed is 66 and its Base Special Attack is 72. Its worst stats are its HP and Attack. Its Base HP is 38 and its Base Attack is 40.

  • Houchic Evolutions

Houchic evolves into Tental at level 30. It has a third evolution but it is not yet known at this point.

  • Houchic Partner Temtem Recommendations

Because Temtem allows up to two Temtem on your side of the battlefield in combat, it’s important to have a good partner Temtem for Houchic. We recommend a partner Temtem that is either an Earth or Water-type to counteract the weaknesses of Houchic.

One of the earliest Earth-type Temtem you’ll discover is Bunbun so we recommend adding it to your squad as soon as you can. A good Water-type to add to your team is Platypet as it is available early on in the game as well.

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