Terminator: Resistance – Ultrawide & Multimonitor Support

Ultrawide & Multimonitor Support

Achieving Ultrawide,superwide and multimonitor support in the game!

Unpack The Game Exe

  • Download the latest version of this tool https://github.com/atom0s/Steamless/releases You only need the main archive, not the source code.
  • Unpack the archive with software like 7zip or PeaZip.
  • Launch the tool through its .exe
  • For the file to unpack, select \Terminator\Binaries\Win64\Terminator-Win64-Shipping.exe found in the main game folder.
  • Click on Unpack File.
  • If succeeded, remove or back up the original game exe, then rename the .unpacked file to Terminator-Win64-Shipping.exe
  • Done! The game executable is ready for modification.

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