The Exit 8 Walkthrough 100%

If you have just started The Exit 8, you can find detailed information about how to progress in the game and how to complete the game in this The Exit 8 How to Complete the Game guide.

The Exit 8 Walkthrough

In this The Exit 8 How to Complete the Game guide you will learn how to complete game.

The Basics

First you need to remember what the original room looks like.

How to complete the game?

The goal of the game is to get out of the subway. How to get out? If the room looks wrong, run back.


How to complete the game?
How to complete the game?
Как пройти игру? / How to complete the game? (SPOILERS/СПОЙЛЕРЫ) ENG / RUS


Как пройти игру? / How to complete the game? (SPOILERS/СПОЙЛЕРЫ) ENG / RUS

They shouldn’t move! When passing by them, be sure to look at how they are, whether they are moving or not

Doors, Ventilation, Signage

Как пройти игру? / How to complete the game? (SPOILERS/СПОЙЛЕРЫ) ENG / RUS
Как пройти игру? / How to complete the game? (SPOILERS/СПОЙЛЕРЫ) ENG / RUS

  • Doors – there can be only 2
  • Ventilation – black liquid may flow
  • Signboard – symbols are swapped, etc.

Camera Above the Eyes

Как пройти игру? / How to complete the game? (SPOILERS/СПОЙЛЕРЫ) ENG / RUS

The camera should not blink


Как пройти игру? / How to complete the game? (SPOILERS/СПОЙЛЕРЫ) ENG / RUS

Llamas should be static, they can: blink, be in dissimilarity, etc.
There may also be a face on the ceiling after the sign – if you see it, then run back.


Как пройти игру? / How to complete the game? (SPOILERS/СПОЙЛЕРЫ) ENG / RUS


If you do everything right, you will survive and get out of the subway. There are a bunch of different anomalies, I will not insert them all, but I think you will understand if something is wrong in the room

Как пройти игру? / How to complete the game? (SPOILERS/СПОЙЛЕРЫ) ENG / RUS

And each time the number on the screen increases. If the correct path is +1, it will be every time and so up to 8.

All Anomalies in Exit 8

Welcome to the guide that spills the beans on all the peculiarities at Exit 8. Here’s the lowdown on spotting anomalies in this zone:

  1. Exit Sign Orientation:
    • Check if the Exit sign is facing the right way.
  2. Underground Plaza Mention:
    • Inspect the back of the Exit sign for any mention of an underground plaza.
  3. Surveillance Camera Status:
    • Confirm if the central upper surveillance camera is powered down.
  4. Ceiling Patterns:
    • Look for any odd patterns on the central ceiling.
  5. Braille Block Alignment:
    • Ensure that the ground Braille blocks form a straight line and remain uncrushed.
  6. Ceiling Lights and Posters:
    • Verify that the ceiling lights are in place and the left poster maintains its normal appearance.
  7. No-Smoking Poster Count:
    • Check if the number of no-smoking posters is within the expected range.
  8. Left Poster Specifics:
    • Examine the left poster for any deviations in size or the absence of a close-up of a person’s face.
  9. Surveillance Camera in Posters:
    • Inspect the posters on the left for any abnormal movement of the surveillance camera or the person’s face.
  10. Right Side Details:
    • Confirm the presence of three doors on the right and ensure their handles are in the correct position.
  11. Right Door Behavior:
    • Check that the right doors neither open nor knock unexpectedly.
  12. Ventilation Inspection:
    • Verify that nothing unusual is emerging from the right ventilation.
  13. Observations on Old Man:
    • Assess if the old man’s speed, height, and behavior align with the norm.
  14. Solo Old Man:
    • Ensure the old man is alone and not looking at you with an expressionless demeanor.
  15. Wall Assimilation Check:
    • Confirm that no one is assimilated into the back wall.
  16. Flowing Water and Power:
    • Check for the absence of flowing water and ensure there’s no power outage.

Walking Man

  • The Walking Man swiftly walks directly at you (if he touches you, you get a game over)


Concourse Sign

2 thoughts on “The Exit 8 Walkthrough 100%”

  1. when i get to exit 8 it doesent show the stairs so i dont know if i did endless somehow so if you could leave some feedback i would love it

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