The Henry Stickmin Collection – Anomaly Achievement How to get?

The Henry Stickmin Collection Anomaly Achievement How to get? So this guide will help you get […]

The Henry Stickmin Collection Anomaly Achievement How to get?

So this guide will help you get the anomaly achievement with the cardboard box as the picture.

The Setup

So this will help you set it up.

First to set it up you need to have the ccc building in CtM if you dont have it you cant do it.

2.You need to go to all maps and fail on everything so you have every fail.

3.Go to the ccc building in completing the mission.

How to Do It

  • Okay so your now in the ccc building in CtM and you see the notes. Click on them until you see a bar.
  • If the bar is green and halfway go back and get every fail.
  • If its red a button is there and click it and you get a cutscene.
  • The cutscene is in the prison. A portal appears and the box comes out then guards come and say its for henry as they walk off.

The End

Extra achievement. This extra is for the biggol sword. Go to ItA And go to the computer room and click the key and get to the cells and you unlock the door for the guard and the next room he hits metal with a hard drive down and click on the hard drive. Next go to the CCC in ItA and click the hard drive. It shows a code. Next go to the discusion room and click the code pad and type it in. Next you go to the closing door area and henry goes into a open door and picks the sword up. You do have to do it again to get it again.