THE LONGING – Achievements Guide

Achievements Guide

1. The Halls of Eternity

Found deep below the tunnels in the lower left corner of the map.

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2. Running Water

On the way to the Hall of Eternity you will come across a large boulder. Move it aside and you’ll notice running water. You’ll find a facet in your room now which you can turn on and off.

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3. The Map

Toward the northern piece of the map before you get to the mine there will be a map of the full cave that needs to be deciphered. Standing there long enough will make the room shrink down small enough so the camera moves out and lets you see the full cave. Take a screenshot and use it for future use. Once Shade has this quote the achievement will unlock.

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4. Disappointing Achievement

You’ll find these all over the place anytime a path is blocked either by a huge gap you can’t jump, wall you can’t climb, or door you can’t unlock. Once you get five the achievement will unlock. Still not sure what having so many will do – if there’s any consequence.

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5. Head of a Horse

Found in the Hall of Eternity. The time needed to find it varies. I found it after about two minute of walking, others seem to find it after about an hour.

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6. Mattock

There seems to be two, but I’ve only found one so far in the mine below an unstable platform. Stand on the platform a few minutes and listen to ground shake. It will break after a little while.

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7. My Favorite Painting

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You’ll get this for drawing a five little lice.
(Special thanks to Builder_X, and poolZem | FCRK for the info)

8. Wah Wah Wah Waaah

This can be unlocked after finding all four pieces of your musical sax and playing a few notes. While I’m still learning the mechanics of playing it, several guides I’ve read state that you have to click on various parts of your cave room to play the notes. I got it after clicking on the wall and the floor.

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9. Dream

Above the mine you will come across a few patches of mushrooms. Each three purple ones and you will enter a dream state and see some of the world above. It is repeatable, and each dream should be fairly different. I’ve seen three so far.

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10. A Face

About mid level past the falling ceiling spike (takes a few days to fall) you can find a blue cave containing the face. Talking to it will unlock the achievement. You can ask him questions that will cost you. (5x dissapointments, 20 coal, and 20 moss)

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11. Home Sweet Home

You’ll notice time moves just a bit quicker while in your room, faster when you read a book, add furniture/crystals, play music, or add drawings to your walls. The trick here is to get the timer to countdown by about ten seconds per one second of real time you spend in your room. I suggest getting paper from the Hall of Eternity since it seems to have a near endless amount. Here’s what my room looked like when I popped the achievement.

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Note: Home Improvement: Go to the left side of your home cave, past the fireplace, and use the mattock until you hit granite, then work your way towards the right, then a couple of steps to the left again (you’ll see “use mattock” pop up). It’s going to take a while… The achievement unlocks once you’ve broken through to the waterfall.

12. Crystal Glory

There are five crystals of different colors that need to be collected:

Red: In the hallways with three doors. There are several along the wall.

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Pink: Near the mushroom cave (pic pending since I already grabbed it)

Black: In the caves on the bottom left of the map near the Halls of Eternity.

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Blue: In the room with the face that you ask a few questions.

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White: in the cave where moss needs to weeks to grow you can drop down the ledge and find this near a large waterfall. Grab the mattock if yours broke or if you haven’t picked up the one from the mine.

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13. Home Improvement

This will require a mattock and a bit of time. Go to the left of the fireplace and start chipping away at the rock. You will need to pick away until you reach the flowing water for the achievement to register.

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14. Becoming Darkness

I’ve read several sources each with varying times it takes to fall asleep while you’re idle. Once Shade is idle and seated long enough a dialogue option will open and prompt you to question whether it is best to stay in the cave or leave when the time comes. There should be an option to ‘Becoming the Darkness” or something along those lines.

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