You have the swap to use any of your costumes in other levels in Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered Starring Lara Croft. In this guide, we explained how to make this costume swap.
Costume Swap Day 1 Method
This guide will show you how to swap the costume using the day 1 method in Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered Starring Lara Croft. Use any costume from the collection in other parts of the game.
Backup First
Start by creating a copy of your original folder with the costume assets;
> C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonTomb Raider I-III Remastered1ITEM

Costume Names
Use the photo mode in-game (press F3) to find the costume names and match it to the file names. You want to know the name of both the current costume Lara will be wearing in the part of the game you’re playing and the costume you intend to swap to;
- TR1_CLASSIC=Classic 1
- TR1_GYM=Training 1
- TR2_CLASSIC=Classic 2
- TR2_GYM=Training 2
- TR2_SWIM=Wetsuit
- TR2_TIBET=Bomber
- TR2_HOME=Bathrobe
- TR3_GYM=Training 3
- TR3_NEVADA=Nevada
- TR3_COAST=Pacific
- TR3_CATSUIT=Catsuit
- TR3_ANTARC=Antarctica
Swapping the Costumes
Now to swap the costumes browse back to the folder we backed up before;
- C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonTomb Raider I-III Remastered1ITEM
You’ll see 12 files with the costume names;
Choose the costume you want to use as the replacement first. Copy and paste it in the same folder to create for example;
Choose the costume you intend to replace, copy the name, then delete the file. If you wish to replace the starting Tomb Raider 1 costume with the Tomb Raider 2 Swim costume as an example, you would copy the following file name text before deleting the actual file;
Now rename;
As ->
By pasting what you should still have copied to the clipboard.
Some demonstrations of it all working;
Restore Backups, Errors & Future Methods
If things go wrong simply delete the entire folder and rename the backup;
- C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonTomb Raider I-III Remastered1ITEM – Copy
As ->
- C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonTomb Raider I-III Remastered1ITEM
And start the guide over from the beginning, including creating a new backup
If you made a mistake in the naming I believe the game will default to the original graphics model
Which as a bonus means you can play with the 1996 character model with the new environments and framerate!
This is a day 1 approach that works by simply renaming files which should be deprecated soon.
Alternatively someone could probably improve this method by editing the level files to tell the entire level section to use another costume instead of replacing costume files.
In the future a piece of software will likely be created that handles costume swapping for costumes in the game and user made costumes. Keep an eye out!