TUNIC Collection Guide by Map Area

In this guide, you can find the items in the game arranged by map area.

100% Collection Guide by Map Area

This guide has spoilers and doesn’t tell you how to solve any of the puzzles, only the answers.


  1. From start, Hold A 3 seconds on yellow square to get pages 2/3
  2. Also on this yellow square Secret treasure #9
    <Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Left, Down, Right, Right, Down, Down>
  3. By the weathervane statue Fairy
    <Left, Right, Down, Up, Up, Down, Right, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Down, Right, Left> (IGN #11)
  4. Collect key across bridge from save point. Go back towards start and unlock door on right above first set of stairs pages 10/11
  5. In same room notice the pattern on the wall Secret treasure #1
    <Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down>
  6. Exit room to the right then go up ladder. Move left through trees fr a chest with an Effigy
  7. D pad door SE of map above bridge to swamp. Ability Card – Fire Sword (sword ignites enemies, but Health becomes permanently 1 while equipped)
    <Down, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right>
  8. By start, SE, Under bridge towards swamp, enter a cave (blue room) Fairy
    <Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right> (IGN #4)
  9. From start, bomb secret door 3 flowers at bottom of curly stairs Fairy
    <Right, Right, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up, Up, Right, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up, Right, Right, Up, Up, Right, Up> (IGN #14)
  10. In front of windmill Secret treasure #3
    <Down, Left, Left, Up, Up, Right, Right, Left, Down, Right, Up, Down>
  11. Main Overworld Teleportation square pages 16/17
  12. SE of teleportation square, past wishing well and Rudeling, across planks is a chest containing a potion shard.
  13. Stairs under western bell Fairy
    <Up, Right, Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Down, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Down> (IGN #3)
  14. In front of fountain with inaccessible page in the middle Fairy
    <Down, Left, Left, Down, Up, Right, Down> (IGN #16)
  15. D pad door above fountain pages 44/45
    <Down, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right>
  16. To the right of the fountain behind trees, go down the secret stairs and open the chest for a coin.
  17. To the left of the fountain, down ramp, in Red doorway, chest with Flowers (HP bar)
  18. Down stairs in front of fountain then chest up a slope on the left. Ability Card – Lucky Cup (15% enemies drop hearts)
    (Go to inventory, click on the dashed square on the right to select this card/ability)
  19. Head down bridge to Ruined Atoll and there is a chest by a blue Rudeling with an Effigy.
  20. Under bridge to Ruined Atoll, behind and to the right of the Autobolt, is a chest with Pressed Flower (potion refill amt)
  21. Cave under bridge to Ruined Atoll Fairy
    1. follow code on door to open.
    2. At top of tower <Left, Up, Right, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right, Up, Left, Left, Left, Up, Right, Up> (IGN #10)
  22. Run under bridge along beach to Ruined Atoll. When the wall juts out a bit by a dead end, there’s a secret door to get to the other side where the chest is. Ability Card -Bracer (reduces stamina lost from blocking)
  23. On beach under bridge by start pages 32/33
    Go down stairs by fountain, then east, down ladder, then behind waterfall to get to other side of beach.
  24. Under bridge by start chest with coin.
  25. Under bridge by start Fairy
    <Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up> (IGN #15)
  26. Island with gold tail stand on island Fairy
    <Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Up> (IGN #2)
  27. Island with gold tail stand in water Secret treasure #4
    [repeated below if you want to do this after getting page 1 and do the audio exercise]
    <Down, Right x 11, Left x 12>
  28. Down stairs to left of save shrine go north to pass under waterfall. Follow the path to a chest before a wood bridge. Fang (attack)
  29. Waterfall E of Dark Tomb Fairy
    <Down, Right, Up, Right, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Right, Up, Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right> (IGN #5)
  30. Left of Dark Tomb, climb two ladders to reach a chest with Flowers (HP bar)
  31. Outside old house in front of wind chime Secret treasure #8
    <Up, Down, Right, Up, Down, Left, Up, Down, Left, Right, Down, Left Right, Up>
  32. Inside old house Fairy
    <Up, Up, Right, Down, Down, Right, Up, Up, Right, Down, Down, Down> (IGN #12)
  33. Old house back room, special door Pages 52/53
    <Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right>
  34. In the sealed temple Fairy
    <Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Up, Left> (IGN #6)
  35. Behind waterfall by entrance to Bottom of the Well pages 18/19
  36. Top of Mountain in front of door pages 20/21
  37. Raised platform E of save shrine (under pink flower island) pages 28/29
  38. After 10 fairies, return to waterfall cave by Dark Tomb pages 54/back
  39. NE cave behind waterfall Fairy
    <Down, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Down> (IGN #13)
  40. Just left of western bell, chest guarded by Envoy. (Tip after getting the orb sneak behind him from above to get chest) Ability Card – Inverted Ash (HP potions become exclusively MP potions)
  41. NW gold obelisk pages 48/49
    <Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right>
  42. Pink flower above entrance to Eastern Forest/path to eastern vault Fairy
    <Up , Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Right, Down, Right> (IGN #1)
  43. Two coins available in the shop
  44. Two potion slots available in the shop (second available after Dark Tomb)

After ringing Eastern and Western Bells:

  1. Enter Sealed Temple and run up the ledge in the NE. Pages 24/25

Need Orb:

  1. On beach under western bell, lasso across for a coin.

Need Crown:

  1. SE corner, top of bridge to swamp dash to reach pages 8/9
  2. Behind windmill, below Dark Tomb entrance on a rock pages 4/5
  3. Fountain pages 42/43
  4. Island above entrance to East Forest. Dash over to crumbled looking cave. Pages 22/23
  5. Dash on pedestals east of sealed temple for a potion shard.
  6. After 20 fairies, return to waterfall next to dark Tomb for Secret treasure #7

Need all other pages (specifically page 48):

  1. Mountain top > door puzzle Cover page/1
    <Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Left, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Up, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Up, Right, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right, Right, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down, Right, Down, Left, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right, Right, Down, Down, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Left, Up, Left, Up, Right, Right, Up, Left, Up>
  2. Need page 1: Island with gold tail Sec

East Forest

  1. In front of shrine/eastern bell immediately in entrance of Forest pages 12/13
  2. Need Sword: Go through the space in the wall that’s glowing green for a chest with a Pressed Flower (potion refill amt)
  3. On teleportation square pages 14/15
  4. Upper level of Guardhouse 1 chest has potion shard.
  5. Go up wood ladder and out to the left. Outside is a chest with a full potion slot.
  6. Defeat Guard Captain boss (NE door in Guard house) and next room has a chest with a full potion slot.
  7. Enter guardhouse (east of teleportation square) to access Lower Forest, go SE to some trees near the water, go around trees to go under the stone bridge and access chest with a coin.
  8. Lower Forest, far east, Broken golden shrine Fairy
    <Down, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Down, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Up> (IGN #20)
  9. In front of Hero’s Grave, N wall with trees has a break to go behind. Chest contains an Effigy.

Need Orb:

  1. Go to right cliff from transport square. Use ice and fire wands together to freeze pink ooze. Then use orb to lasso orb and travel to ledge. Kill ooze and open chest for Secret treasure #6.
    (If you accidentally kill ooze just pray at shrine to reset.)

Need Crown:

  1. When you’re a ghost/at night climb the ruins to the left/NW. Don’t enter Guardhouse, dash left. Find ghost. Fairy
    <Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right> (IGN #8)
  2. Lower Forest, hook down broken bridge closest to broken obelisk, then dash to chest with Flowers (HP bar)

Under the Well/Dark Tomb

  1. Chest at beginning Pressed Flower (potion refill amt)
  2. Room after first save point to the left pages 34/35
  3. Hallway with pink energy line. Far left there’s an opening in the top side of the wall. Ability Card – Louder Echo (Recovering Tunic Ghost explosion causes greater damage and a larger radius)
  4. Far right of hallway with pink energy line go through north wall (path turns east) to access chest with an Effigy.
  5. Chest at top of ladder by 3 pots Figurine (defense)
  6. At top of ladder interact with wall to open secret passage. Access chest seen above save shrine for a coin.
  7. On opposite ledge is a chest with a potion shard.
  8. In giant pink glowing obelisk room, chest on lower west side Figurine (defense)
  9. After activating obelisk, follow pink path back until you pass a chest with six skulls/Phrends in front of it. Notice the wall here is now open. Secret room has a chest with a coin.
  10. Save shrine at the very end of the Beneath the Well area. Pages 30/31
    [OR go into the entrance of the Dark Tomb. Before you enter the hallway, go to the right corner and climb down a wooden ladder to the save Shrine room.]
  11. Dark Tomb first room, climb stone ladder to reach chest. Ability Card – Orange Peril Ring (Raises attack when low on health)
  12. In room with three lasers and a chest, NE passage leads to hidden chest with a coin.
  13. In room full of floor spikes, to the left after climbing down long ladder, NE corner has a chest with a potion shard.
  14. Chest in center of room completely full of lasers contains an Effigy.

West Garden

  1. Walk under stairs to Hero’s Grave to reach chest. Ability Card – Cyan Peril Ring (raises defense when low health)
  2. West of save shrine up a narrow path. Pages 26/27
  3. Under a bridge some planks connect towards a short ladder and a bridge you can unlatch (also the spot where you drop the rope down. In front of the short ladder go under the tunnel to reach a chest to the right with an Effigy
  4. Big area with Chompignon and blue Rudeling with lots of blue pattern lines on ground Fairy
    <Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up> (IGN #18)
  5. Path to the right of this blue flooring, chest with Leaves (stamina bar)
  6. At top of ladder from blue flooring, chest with Fang (attack)
  7. Under Obelisk, press A on wall by 3 flowers for a chest with a coin.

Need Crown:

  1. NE (directly west from north save shrine) is an island with a stone Garden Guardian. Chest behind stone to the right contains Effigy
  2. Dash back to narrow path then turn right onto wider path. Follow past Chompignon until column goes into water. Walk along shallow path then dash across gap to reach small island with chest Flowers (HP bar)
  3. Dash to the left SW corner to island with single tree Fairy
    <Left, Down, Right, Left, Up, Down> (IGN #17)

Need to have activated fast travel to West garden & have crown:

  1. Teleport to Garden and then dash east and north. You may need to tilt camera to see behind island. Pages 46/47
    [As a ghost go to this location to activate obelisk.]

Forest Fortress/Eastern Vault

  1. In Forest Fortress, take the left path, pray to an obelisk, and the page is behind it pages 6/7
  2. Large open room filled with spiders, chest behind waterfall. Ability Card – Muffling Bell [Equip Immediately] (decreases enemy detention range)
  3. Activate switch so golden bridge appears to chest Blue Mushrooms (Magic bar)
  4. Second corridor with jail cells, room has a chest with Flowers (HP bar)
  5. Overlooking obelisk room below, go through left door to find two chests Leaves (stamina bar)
  6. First room with obelisk. Destroy barrels at far north of upper ledge to enter a room with a chest for a coin.
  7. Far left room stand on activated obelisk surrounded by candles Fairy
    <Right, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left> (IGN #19)
  8. Same room, top-left platform pages 36/37
  9. Right room (before going outside to grassy area), bomb through the middle of upper walkway for a secret room with a chest with a potion shard.
  10. Hidden chest on left side of Hero’s grave. Ability Card – Anklet (move slightly faster)

Need Crown:

  1. Far top/right of Forest Fortress (grassy map) to Hero’s Grave. Dash North/left to a cave. Bomb all four piles of leaves and a chest appears. Secret treasure #11

Ruined Atoll

  1. Get key in NE to unlock brick house directly south. Chest on roof has a potion shard.
  2. Climb NE hill and activate pillar, then walk around to get to brick walkway with a chest Figurine (defense)
  3. Frog’s Domain, after getting orb. From save shrine, go through left door, turn right down hallway then in room with three frongs standing around a table, grapple to NW hook and enter a hidden room. Secret chest contains potion shard.
  4. Frog’s Domain, room with three frogs, chest contains Flowers (HP bar)
  5. Frog’s Domain, chest to the right of golden doors Fang (attack)
  6. Throw a bomb at the wall behind the rock with a flower on it to reach chest. Ability Card – Bone (doubles invincibility time during dodge rolls)
  7. By brick building, defeat Envoy to go behind house to find chest. Ability Card – Tincture (Attack is increased but defense is decreased)
  8. Behind SW Obelisk along pink energy path is a chest with an Effigy
  9. North path from statue in center of map, chest with a bird on it. Blue Mushrooms (Magic bar)
  10. Far south center of map, tall brick building, climb wooden ladder to reach chest. Ability Card – Magic Echo (Recovering Tunic Ghost restores some MP)

Need Crown:

  1. Travel to the left side by the hook and down to a bit of a brick wall barely poking out of the sand. Dash left to a chest. Secret treasure #10


  1. Big rug in room with Hero Grave shrine Fairy
    <Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right> (IGN #9)
  2. Chest to the left of obelisk has an Effigy

Need Orb:

  1. In laboratory room above book stack, smash glass cases pages 38/39, pages 40/41, pages 50/51

Quarry/Monastery/Inside the Ziggurat

  1. Drop bridge to travel right, immediate chest Fang (attack)
  2. Keep going right until you come to a chest on top of scaffolding. Ability Card – Aura’s Gem (parry timing window is slightly increased)
  3. Climb ladder to the right of save shrine in front of Monastery door to access a chest with a coin.
  4. Chest next to hero’s grave in Monastery Ability Card – Scavenger’s Mask [Equip Immediately] (protects from miasma)
  5. By stairs to top of Mountain (accessible from Overworld via mountain) Fairy
    <Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Right, Down> (IGN #7)
  6. At bottom of spiral stairs (not the ones to the mountain) go behind ledge towards waterfall for a chest with a potion shard.
  7. In the shooting range, break boxes to top right and go around cliff for a chest with a potion shard.
  8. Train tracks, drop bridge and chest contains Figurine (defense)
  9. Travel right from drop bridge across scaffolding to find a chest behind pillar with an Effigy.
  10. (Last room in Ziggurat but closer to Hidden Vault Teleport square) Room with glowing walkways above miasma, you’ll see a platform with two Autobolts and a chest. Defeat them to get a full potion slot.

Need Crown:

  1. Come down mountain to Quarry, climb ladder by save shrine, dash across path to chest with Blue Mushrooms (Magic bar)


  1. First section before gate, top right chest. Ability Card – Dagger Strap (cast time for magic dagger is reduced)
  2. Through gate, go left to stone wall. There will be a break in the iron grate to pass through to find a chest with an Effigy.
  3. Through the gate, climb ladder to right, chest is at top. Ability Card – Perfume (recover stamina faster)
  4. Up ladder past gate then down the side further east, defeat Giant Fleemer to access chest with coin.
  5. Slightly west from Giant Fleemer, push 4 red skulls into small circle of water in front of gravestone (tilt camera for 4th skull behind cross) Secret treasure #5
  6. Go NE past gate, along cliff to find hidden passage (at the N end of the water) to a chest with a coin.
  7. Go up ramps on far back cliff then turn right to access a chest with a coin.
  8. NW of area past gate, up a slope is a chest with a potion shard.
  9. Back right corner of birdcage room, press A to open wall. Chest has a coin.
  10. An inch to the right of secret door, behind birdcages is a chest with a potion shard.

Need Crown:

  1. Part 1– In ghost form or at night, go back to the room with the ladder (on the right) and dash at back wall. In next room dash at back wall again. In next room use D-pad to open door. Exit via ladder on right.
    <Left, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left Up, Right, Down, Right, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Right, Down, Left, Down, Left>
    Part 2– After getting your body back, make it day. Use the lower path of the swamp bridge. Return via the ladder (on right) to the back door you opened. The treasure chest is no longer blocked. Secret treasure #2.
  2. Chest in first secret room behind ladder contains an Effigy.
  3. Climb ladder after gate then dash back towards ladder to stone pillars. Dash right then dash to cliff with chest for a coin.

Far Shore

Need Crown:

  1. Dash once south towards the start platform. In the middle of this broken path dash left several times to a chest. Secret treasure #12.

Far Shore Ma

Glyph Tower

After collecting all 12 secret treasures:

  1. Return to back room of old house and go through portal.
    <Down, Left, Down, Right, Right, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, Left, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Up, Up, Right, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Up, Left, Left, Up, Right, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Left, Up, Right, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right, Right, Down, Right, Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Down, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Down, Right, Down, Left, Up, Left, Down, Left, Up, Left, Down>

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