Unnamed Space Idle: Base 5 Guide

This base is unlocked once powered up and then beaten sector 73. The purpose of this guide is to show the optimal settings for this base.

Base 5 Layout

Spoilers ahead for how far you can go, depending on how many Reinforces you’ve done:

  • In Reinforce 1 (R1 for short), you only need to get the research upgrade, then ignore this base until you reach R2.
  • You get all slots unlocked very late in R3.


Important note: You can replace the parts with components in any of the setups below to get some components.

Early on, you’ll start with this to unlock the 2000 mats slots.

Base 5 Guide

Now that they’re unlocked, you can start getting some parts.

Base 5 Guide

Another slot unlocked next to the part, so we can put a Drain Reducer next to it.

Base 5 Guide

This setup below is when you can start using boosters.

Base 5 Guide

Boosters get even better here, because now you can boost the same slot with 2 boosters, like so.

Base 5 Guide

Parts get moved a bit to make use of the boosters.

Base 5 Guide

This one focuses purely on mats income.

Base 5 Guide

And this one focuses more on parts income.

Base 5 Guide

Now you can boost the same slot with 3 boosters like this for mats.

Base 5 Guide

And here’s a slightly different setup, with some parts income. You can copy the bottom-right portion of the setup and put it in the top-left portion of the base, if you want more parts income.

Base 5 Guide

Now that you have all slots unlocked, there are 2 more slots that can be boosted by 3 boosters! You can use them like this for mats.

Base 5 Guide

As for getting some parts income, you can use this setup. As usual, you can copy the bottom-right portion and put it in the top-left portion, if you want to.

Base 5 Guide
Written by Nomisabeu

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