Valheim Swap your Triggers

Valheim is a brutal exploration and survival game for 1-10 players set in a procedurally-generated world inspired by Norse mythology. Craft powerful weapons, construct longhouses, and slay mighty foes to prove yourself to Odin! If you’re looking for a guide on how to actually change your triggers in Valheim to get them right, you’ve come to the right place. This guide has all the information you need. Check out our Valheim Swap your Triggers guide without wasting time!

Valheim Swap your Triggers

Welcome to our Valheim Swap your Triggers guide. A guide to actually swap your triggers in Valheim so they are correct! We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the Valheim game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our Valheim guide.

NOTE: This guide is for PS4/PS5 controllers. This guide will not fix the issue of Xbox controllers having each trigger count as both. The reason you need this guide is for whatever reason, the Steam controller configuration does not seem to matter to Valheim. So swapping the triggers in there does nothing.

Get DS4Windows

Download and install DS4Windows

This software was more widely used prior to steam’s excellent controller support, but is still used heavily in the emulation community. The software is open source, so feel free to verify the safety of it.

Setup DS4 Windows

  • Go to the “Profiles” tab
  • Select “New”
  • You will be asked if you want to use a preset, choose “Yes”
  • Leave the first option “Gamepad” and change the second option to “DualShock 4”
  • You can now either click the L2 in the image of the controller or in the controls list below that.
  • Change the L2 to R2.
  • Repeat prior steps, but mapping R2 to L2.
  • Save the Profile as “Valheim”

Optional: This step will make it so if you are using DS4 it will auto switch to your Valheim profile when the game launches.

  • Select “Auto Profiles” tab
  • Add Programs
  • If you chose add steam games it will add all of your steam games ((You can just check valheim and click “hide unchecked”, or you can choose other.
  • Check Valheim, set Controller 1 to Valheim and Save

Actually Getting it to work…

You thought it was that simple?

  • FOOL

Last steps:

  • Quit Steam.
  • Launch DS4Windows.
  • Connect your controller.
  • Set Profile to Valheim (Not needed but good idea in my experience).
  • Launch Steam.
  • Launch Valheim
  • ???
  • Profit.

Sadly you will need to do this every time….
Luckily it ain’t too bad.

Written by FiredFromLife

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