Your Only Move Is HUSTLE How to Beat a Grab Stand off

How do you beat all the vanilla characters in a grab standoff? Thanks to the information in this guide, you will learn how to win in a grabbing conflict.

This is the guide Dr. Shenanigans it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

Your Only Move Is HUSTLE How to Beat Grab Stand off

Tired of your foe invading your personal space and being forced to either jump or play the “He touched me innapropriately!” game? This guide will show you how to beat a grab standoff with (Almost) all vanilla characters!

Trumping a Grab Stand-Off

For any non-vanilla characters…

If you have an attack gets you off the ground in three frames or less, or have a special grab that has higher priority than a normal grab. You will win the standoff.


How to trump a ground-grab stand-off!
How to trump a ground-grab stand-off!


Only a block can stop it, but blocking in grab distance is usually a bad idea.


How to trump a ground-grab stand-off!
How to trump a ground-grab stand-off!

Downward Slash

Auto-jumps, preventing you being from ground-grabbed.

Could be blocked or counter-hit by a faster attack though.


How to trump a ground-grab stand-off!
How to trump a ground-grab stand-off!

Command : Grab

Higher priority than normal grab. Could be countered by jumping attacks that beat normal grabs though.


How to trump a ground-grab stand-off!
How to trump a ground-grab stand-off!

Kick (or Shred)

Mutant has two standing aerials he can use to outplay a stand grab, but he also has a MAJOR tool to deal with it: Juke.

How to trump a ground-grab stand-off!How to trump a ground-grab stand-off!

The moves circled in green are you best bets. The crossed-out ones cannot save you, even with a juke. The unmarked ones may or may not work depending on if your foe is smart enough to remember how to toggle dash with grabs.


How to trump a ground-grab stand-off!
How to trump a ground-grab stand-off!


No really. Wizard has NOTHING he can do to trump a standing grab. Air Grabs? Fall and hover work wonders, but not ground.


Written by Dr. Shenanigans

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