Apex Legends Aim Assist on PC Controller

Do you get aim assist on pc Apex Legends with controller? If you are looking for […]

Do you get aim assist on pc Apex Legends with controller? If you are looking for the answer to this question, yes, you can use aim assist on the computer.

Updated on: 3.26.2023

Apex Legends PC Aim Assist

  1. First, make sure your controller is properly connected to your console or PC.
  2. Navigate to the Apex Legends main menu using your controller.
  3. From the main menu, you can use your controller to select options and navigate through the menus. The left joystick is used to move the cursor, while the A button is used to select options.
  4. Once you have selected “Play,” you will be able to choose your preferred game mode and squad. Use the joystick to select your options and press A to confirm.
  5. Before the match starts, you can use your controller to choose your character. Use the joystick to navigate through the available Apex Legend, and press A to select them.
  6. During the match, the left joystick is used to move your character, while the right joystick is used to control the camera. The A button is used to jump, the B button is used to crouch, and the X button is used to activate your abilities.
  7. Use the left trigger to aim down sights, and the right trigger to fire your weapon.
  8. To reload, press the Y button. Press the left bumper button to switch between your weapons and the right bumper to switch between your abilities
  9. Press and hold the menu button to bring up the in-game menu, where you can access settings and options
  10. Remember to communicate with your squadmates, you can use the D-pad to send quick chat messages, or press and hold the menu button to open voice communication
Do You Get Aim Assist on PC Apex Legends With Controller?
Do You Get Aim Assist on PC Apex Legends With Controller?

Aim Assist Tips

Keep in mind that this is a general guide and specific button layout might differ on the platform you are playing.
Also, always remember that practice makes perfect, so the more you play, the better you will become at using your controller.


  • Use the left joystick to move your character in any direction.
  • Pressing the left joystick in any direction will make your character move in that direction.
  • Use the A button to jump.
  • Use the B button to crouch and go into cover.

Aiming and Shooting:

  • Press the left trigger to aim down the sights of your weapon.
  • Press the right trigger to fire your weapon.
  • Use the right joystick to control your camera.

Reloading and Weapon Switching:

  • Press the Y button to reload your current weapon.
  • Press the left bumper button to switch to your next weapon.
  • Press the right bumper button to switch to your previous weapon.

Ability Usage:

  • Press the X button to use your abilities.
  • Press the right bumper button to switch between your abilities.


  • Use the D-pad to send quick chat messages.
  • Press and hold the menu button to open voice communication.

Inventory Management:

  • Press up on the D-pad to access your inventory.
  • Use the joystick to navigate through the items in your inventory.
  • Press the A button to pick up an item, and press it again to use it.
  • Press the X button to drop an item.

Note that these are general instructions, the button layout may differ depending on the platform or even the region. You might have to refer to the instruction manual of your controller or the settings in the game to find the right button layout.

It’s also important to remember to always be aware of

your surroundings, keep an eye on the minimap, and communicate

Ranked Aim Assist Settings

In Apex Legends, players can earn a seasonal badge called the “Apex Predator” badge, which is awarded to players who consistently perform well in the game’s Ranked mode. To level up this badge, players will need to earn RP (Ranked Points) by playing in Ranked matches.

Here’s an overview of how to level up the Apex Predator badge:

  1. Play in Ranked matches: The main way to earn RP and level up your Apex Predator badge is by playing in Ranked matches. The more matches you play and the better you perform in them, the more RP you will earn.
  2. Finish in high positions: Finishing in higher positions in a match will award you more RP than finishing in lower positions. The rewards are also larger for solo and duos than for trios
  3. Win or finish with good K/D ratio: Winning a match or having a good kill-to-death ratio will award you more RP than losing or having a poor K/D ratio.
  4. Consistently perform well: To level up your Apex Predator badge quickly, it’s important to consistently perform well in Ranked matches. Playing consistently and having a high win rate will give you a higher RP/match ratio than playing less frequently and having a lower win rate.
  5. RP is capped by ranks: as you level up your badge, you will reach a point where you will require more RP to advance to next rank, also reaching a high rank will take more RP than lower ranks.

It’s important to note that the badge level you reach in one season does not carry over to the next season. You will have to earn RP again for the next season to achieve this badge again.

Keep in mind, mastering the game mechanics and understanding the meta will help you to perform well in Ranked matches, so it is always beneficial to practice and improve your gameplay skills.

Is Controller is Superior?

The debate over whether a controller or mouse and keyboard is superior in first-person shooter games like Apex Legends is a matter of personal preference. Both have their own strengths and weaknesses, and which one is better for you will depend on your individual playstyle and preferences.

One of the main advantages of using a controller is that it allows for more intuitive and natural movement. The left joystick is used for movement, making it easier to quickly and smoothly turn in any direction. This can be beneficial in fast-paced, close-quarters combat situations where quick reflexes and precise movement are crucial.

Another advantage of using a controller is that the buttons are typically more spread out and easy to reach, which can make it more comfortable to play for extended periods of time.

Additionally, controller players have an advantage of having the aim-assist feature, which helps with aiming, this can be especially helpful when playing on consoles where the aiming may be harder than on PC.

On the other hand, a mouse and keyboard offer much more precision and control when aiming. The cursor movement is much faster than with a joystick, making it easier to quickly and accurately aim at targets. Additionally, the mouse allows for fine-tuned adjustments to aim that can be difficult to replicate with a controller.

Another advantage of keyboard and mouse, is having more buttons easily accessible, that allows players to bind multiple keys to different actions and macros, which makes it easier to access the different actions and weapons.

Ultimately, both controllers and mouse and keyboard have their own unique advantages, and the best choice will depend on the individual player’s preferences and comfort level.
It’s worth noting that a controller player will have a harder time playing on PC and vice versa, but many games do offer a remapping option, so it’s worth trying both and see which one you are more comfortable with.

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