Arms Trade Tycoon Tanks: Tank Contract Types

Having a good tank in the game is important for your future. In this guide, we have explained all the details you need to know about the tank contract types in the game.

Best Tank Types

Do you want to Design a good Tank for a future Contract? We’re tell you in this guide, what kind of stats you need to crank to the sky.

British Tank Doctrine

Vanguard Tank: (35k)

  • Protection
  • Firepower Hard
  • Repairability
Tank Contract Types

Fusillade Tank: (35k)

  • Protection
  • Firepower Soft
  • Repairability
Tank Contract Types

Exploitation Tank: (20k)

  • Mobility
  • Firepower Soft
  • Reliability
Tank Contract Types

French Tank Doctrine

Nest Buster Tank: (35k)

  • Protection
  • Firepower Hard
  • Reliability
Tank Contract Types

Wire Crusher Tank: (25k)

  • Protection
  • Firepower Soft
  • Reliability
Tank Contract Types

Saturation Tank: (10k)

  • Reliability
  • Repairability
  • Mobility
Tank Contract Types

German Tank Doctrine

Assault Tank: (35k)

  • Protection
  • Firepower Hard
  • Firepower Soft

i fogor the image

Cavalry Tank: (20k)

  • Repairability
  • Reliability
  • Mobility
Tank Contract Types

Rationalised Tank: (20k)

  • Repairability
  • Reliability
  • Crew Performance
Tank Contract Types

Strange Stuff

Sight MK1 and Sight MK 2

They have the same stats right?


  • MK1 needs one less Commander Point (or none at all)

Tank Contract Types

British Engineers are apparently very efficient with material

Tank Contract Types

But sometimes British and French Engineers are Wizards

Tank Contract Types
Tank Contract Types
Tank Contract Types
Written by X1-Ray

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