Being a DIK Cheats & Console Commands (S1-S2)

Welcome to our Being a DIK Cheat Codes Console Commands guide. Activate the console and enjoy Max Money, Max DK Status, Max Characters Relationships and Mansion Minigame. You can find our complete guide to Being a DIK Season 2 here.

September 22, 2023: We updated our, Being a DIK Console Commands and Cheats article

Being a DIK Cheats

We hope these cheats are useful for you and you don’t need money anymore, character relationship points or mansion minigame will not be a problem again.

Image showing console commands and cheats in Being a Dik
Being a DIK Cheats

How to Enable the Cheats

These are the steps to enable the console commands and open the console, they are the same as in any RenPy game:

  1. Go to steamapps common folder – Example: PC > HDD-Data (E:) > Steam > Steamapps > Common > Being a Dik
  2. Open the Being a Dik folder
  3. Click on Renpy > Click on Common
  4. Open 00console.rpy with notepad (or any other text editor)
  5. Find “config.console” (use CTRL + F to find it)
  6. Change config.console = False to config.console = True
  7. Open the console: Launch the game and press “SHIFT + O”

You can use the same steps to open the console in any other RenPy game. The hardest part is finding the Steamapps shared folder:

“but with the example it shouldn’t be a problem”

Console Commands

These are all available console commands, some of them as mentioned can only be used from season 2 onwards:

  • Max Dk Status: Dk = 10 (don’t use a number higher than 10)
  • Max Characters’ relationships: Rpcharactername = 30 (don’t use a number higher than 30), examples:

-RPjosy = 30
-RPmaya = 30
-RPsage = 30
-RPisabella = 30
-RPjill = 30
-RPdiks = 30
-RPpreps = 30 (Season 2 exclusive)

  • Money: money = x (replace x with the amount of money you want, you can use the console command as many times as you want)

Season 2 Console Commands

These Being a Dik cheats can only be used in season 2.

Character Relationships Cheat:

These are the characters that can have their Relationship Points edited with the command

RP{entername} = {enter number}
  • All characters from season 1 list
  • Preps

Mansion Money Cheat:

This cheat will change the money amount you have in the mansion minigame

mansion_money = {Enter number here}

Mansion Minigame Cheats

This cheat will change the stats to 100 for the frat members in the mansion minigame.

  • Mansion Minigame Money: mansion_money = x (replace x with the amount of money you want)
  • Max Mansion Minigame Stats:

-Clean: mStatClean = [100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100]
-Build: mStatBuild = [100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100]
-Work: mStatWork = [100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100]
-Salvage: mStatSalvage = [100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100]

  • Mansion Minigame Score: mansion_score = x (replace x with the score you want)

You can use the Being a DIK cheats as many times as you like. So from now on, thanks to console commands, you should always have maximum dk status, maximum relationships with all characters, infinite money and maximum stats, money and points in the manor minigame.

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