BlazBlue Entropy Effect Tactics and Achievements

Characters, features and unique combinations! Welcome to the brilliant action fighting game! So what tactics should you apply and achieve success in this adventure? Here we have explained in detail in this BlazBlue Entropy Effect Tactics and Achievements guide.

This is the guide Bad At Videogames it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

BlazBlue Entropy Effect Tactics and Achievements

Blazblue Entropy Effect has a fairly cut & dry Achievement set with only four achievements requiring a different playthrough to get both. There are a handful of missable achievements and some that may be hard to interpret. This BlazBlue Entropy Effect Tactics and Achievements guide aims to help you get 100% completion with as easy a time as possible. That being said, the vast majority of these Achievements are easy to get just by playing the game.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Tactics and Know How

This section is just a quick over view of some things to think about when playing for Achievements to better assist you.

Please note that this guide is made assuming you know the terms and meanings of words in the game (such as Evotype, Analyzers, etc.) and won’t be explaining them.

Strong Characters

Jin Kisaragi

In my personal Opinion, I recommend Jin Kisaragi as your first character if you’re just starting. I consider him to be the best character in the game by a decent margin. He has a simple powerful kit with an extremely useful Dodge passive that freezes and slows down the screen. This feels super busted, especially when you have a good build. This powerful passive is also gained by characters when you use Jin as a Legacy character. Ontop of that, his legacy skill is an AoE freeze that works on bosses, making him probably the best Legacy character pick in the whole game. He has incredibly powerful Potentials and a simple kit that can get technical if one desires. This includes a Potential that gives him a Hakumen counter-parry which is just insane. He has a spammable jump+attack that can shred enemies with a good Basic Attack Tactic. I honestly feel Jin is just a better Ragna without the downside of using HP.
Jin, as of now, is just all around the strongest character in the game and you should absolutely abuse him for harder achievements. He makes Hard Mode a breeze.


The second strongest character in my opinion. Hakumen’s strength lies in the fact that with even average level skill, his counter as well as Potentials that make his dashes invincible make Hakumen nearly unbeatable. He can counter and trivialize most things in the game with some decent game knowledge and counters. He is slow but hits very hard and as a bonus has the highest HP in the entire game. Hakumen can cheese a lot of this game with his counter alone as well as bide time in fights. I highly recommend him as a second or third character choice.

Es & Mai

Es & Mai I put together as the next strongest characters but both for similar reasons. They both require a Potential or two to really take off, but when they take off they really take off. Es & Mai have a lot of variety of gameplay as well based on their potentials. Mai takes a slight advantage to me because her Legacy skill is slightly more useful. However these are both strong characters to consider.


Full disclosure, I’m not a Lambda fan and she can be technical, but I felt I should put her here as she is a popular choice for Speedrunners. I do not Speedrun nor know why she is a choice for that, but I figured I’d put it out there.

Basic Tips

The following are just some observations and tips I feel like sharing.

  • Don’t be Afraid of Entropy. For every negative Entropy effect you get, you also get a positive Entropy effect. When the game was first released it wasn’t that way, but now that it is there is almost no downside to having high entropy or corruption effects. Most barely inconvenience you and can be played around. But also consider that the less times you go to a rest space the more chances you get to earn Tactic EXP for more tactics = higher Evotypes. If you’re just starting with not many mind upgrades feel free to rest a lot, but as you get mid progression Entropy is not that big of a deal (if at all.)
  • Dash & Dodge Tactics are better than you think. Every character has access to a potential which allows them to dash more. You don’t think about how much you Dash in this game, but it is ALOT. Think of all the damage you could do if you budget power into those hundreds of dashes you do each run.
  • Potentials should be priority. Potentials are your strongest character strength spikes. They increase Basic & Skill damage as well as make your character more flexible. They should always be your top priority to grab.
  • Sortitio spaces are good, but always spend the Exchange point to roll a second time.
  • Event & black Market spaces are currently not required for any Achievements. As a whole, They are kinda worthless in my opinion.

Easy / Organic Achievements

These are fairly easy to gain by normal play and probably gained organically. We’ll go through these in a sort of Lightning Round. Keep in mind that a majority of these can be done in EASY MODE for faster ease and minimizing the number of runs.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Simple. Get a negative Corruption effect for the first time. At Entropy level 120 the odds will rise until you get a Corruption effect. This will happen naturally no matter how you play.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

You will obtain your first after beating your first boss (Elite Enemy) after unlocking Phenomena (which is done after your very first introductory run.) This will happen naturally no matter how you play and is part of the story progression.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

This is only doable once you have unlocked 3 characters. When you pick a character, simply pick two different evotype characters you have generated from previous runs to be your legacy characters. This should happen naturally as the whole goal of the evotype system is to keep generating stronger and stronger legacy evotypes to make yours stronger.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Achieved by spending AP to get a Mind Upgrade in the HUB area.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Achieved by completing each Phase of the Mind Upgrade Catalogue respectively. Easiest way to achieve AP is going on long Entropy maxed runs in EASY MODE. But this is also organic to gameplay.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Achieved by selecting the number of unique Potentials in the game. This achievement gets easier with each character added. Essentially you want to select any potential with the NEW tag for each evotype until you hit the required number. This will just take some runs to accomplish.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Both of these are gained by selecting enough unique tactics. This is something you should be doing any time you see a tactic appear with the “NEW” icon at the top right. This not only unlocks more things for you in game but also goes towards the “Elemental Collector” Achievements. Good rule of thumb is to always pick a “NEW” tactic whenever you get the chance, despite what build you’re going for until you have filled your tactic codex.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide
Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Gained from collecting “EVERY” tactic in the prospective element atleast once. This achievement was made before more Tactics were added to the game, so for some, such as Fire, you will not need to collect EVERY tactic to unlock. Basically aim for the vast majority of each element tree. The general tactics tree is the easiest to complete of these sets,

You can see your progress by viewing the Tactic Codex at the NPC you obtain Mind Upgrades from. You can also better hone in on tactics you are missing by viewing the “Tactics Skill Tree” which will show you the lines of upgrades you need to get a certain tactic to appear. This does NOT count synergy Tactics (Red rarity) Tactics.

You may need to get all Mind upgrade rarity upgrades to have a better chance at receiving some tactics that only appear as a certain rarity or higher.

These sets will take the most time out of all achievements to get as they will just require you to do full runs over and over aiming for as many new Tactics as you can get. My strategy for this is to play on Easy Mode with a strong character and completely ignore entropy and hit the exchange shop each time you can with 100 credits to purchase a new tactic. Hit extensive training whenever possible and go down tactics paths you don’t normally to try to hit each tactic.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

These all have to do with the Sortitio space. (Roulette, essentially). These are all good to go after when attempting the Small-time Gambler Achievement. Basically, anytime a Sortitio space pops up as selectable, go to it. This may take a few runs and will only be doable if you make it to atleast the 4th zone. Always re-roll for the 70 Exchange points after the first roll to better your odds to get the HP Mixture and HP Recovery.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Cumulatively spend 20000 Exchange Points in Exchange Spaces. This is globally and does not have to be completed in one run. This is earned simply over time by spending Exchange points in Exchange Spaces. You can usually get anywhere from 1000-1900 Exchange points in full runs, give or take a few hundred.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Elite Enemies are Bosses for each Phase. (The Watcher, Serpent of Destruction, Arakune, etc…). Simply cumulatively kill 100 to earn this achievement. Will just take time.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Unlock 7 Characters. As you play through the story you will be awarded Analyzers which can be used to unlock a new character. Some of these are earned by Mind Training Challenges, Story, or Random other things. Simply play the game and you will reach this eventually.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Obtained after completing the prospective area (Phase) of Mind Training. You will get these Naturally over time as these 4 stages will always appear in order (as of the making of this guide.)

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Obtained by beating Mind Training. Space Omega is the Final Stage and you will earn this by beating Susanoo, effectively clearing Space Omega.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Mind Challenge refers to the Boss Challenge on the upper floor that requires you to use a Evotype from a previous run to challenge. Simply beat the challenge to obtain each of these achievements. These are required to be cleared for Story & Analyzer purposes, as well as a few other achievements.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

When clearing or failing a Mind Training and you receive an Evotype with a rating of 900 or higher. Evotype rating is determined mostly by how many potentials, tactics, & how far you got. An evotype rating of 900 is actually fairly easily obtainable on your 3rd or 4th run with enough Mind Upgrades to make Tactics & Potentials appear easier as well as clearing Mind Training. The easiest way to get this is on EASY MODE. However, you will naturally get higher and higher Evotype ratings the more you play and 900 is a fairly bottom tier number for an Evotype. So you will get this rather naturally over time.

Specific “Feat” Achievements

These are Achievements that will require you to perform a specific task to earn them and thus are a bit less organic to earn unless you’re aware of them.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Beat the game (Clear Mind Training) on HARD MODE. Hard Mode is unlocked after clearing Mind Training on Normal and depending on your skill and progress when you achieve that may require you to clear more Mind Upgrades before being able to achieve this. Of all the achievements in this game, this is the hardest, but it’s still easily doable. I can give you a few recommendations:

  • Abuse Jin Kisaragi – As I stated in my tactics section at the beginning, Jin is in my opinion the strongest character in this game. Spamming his jump+attack with a good basic attack Tactic can shred enemies quickly and his passive screen freeze dodge can quite literally keep bosses like Susanoo from even moving with a good build. No joke when I cleared this on Hard as Jin, every boss past the second one quite literally could not fight back even at high entropy.
  • Get a good build with a little luck and nudging from legacy characters. As an Example: The most busted build I’ve found is a Thunderbolt + Light Spear combo. Dash Thunderbolt, Dodge Thunderbolt, & Light spears will get you the Red Synergy Tactic of Lightning Light Spears. Get triple Dash Potential if possible and then just build on that and you can quite literally freeze the boss in place and dash over and over to shred their health bar with thunderbolts. Alternatively a full Ice tactic build on Jin is absolutely busted.
  • Abuse Hakumen. Hakumen is probably the second best character in the game because played even remotely well he can dodge most if not all damage with his counter. Get the potential to make his dashes invincible and you can build a good Dash build as well. Something like Virulent bomb to just dash and constantly deal damage while taking none makes him very strong. If you use Jin as a legacy character you also get access to the powerful screen freeze dodge effect from Jin.
  • Git Gud.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Press Jump button then down while in the air to meteor downwards on top of a low health enemy and kill them. The Achievement states “Enemies” so it may take more than one kill.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Fairly Self-explanatory, simply don’t get hit in any way when completing an Extensive Training Space. This is almost guarunteed to occur eventually, so you shouldn’t need to think about it. But if for some reason you are having trouble with this. Use Hakumen with good counters and/or play on Easy Mode to dumb down the enemy AI.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

This should be easy to get naturally. Just clear a Training Space as fast as possible. This is easiest done in some of the first stages of a run or right after your first Potential. Hakumen’s Heavy Strike can one shot enemies in early levels and ofcourse Easy Mode makes this even more easy, but this is not difficult.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

As the Achievement states, this boss can only be Challenged in Space Omega. This is the Lightning Samurai girl fought in the rising vertical boss battlefield. This was easier on release as she was the only boss that appears in Space Omega besides Susanoo. Now she merely has a chance of appearing among the 4 choices outside of Susanoo. You can find the entrance to this battlefield by finding the green portal door that matches the picture below. Defeat her and earn this achievement.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

When picking a character for a Run, you are not required to pick a Legacy evotype at all. Simply hold the Start Run button and don’t pick a Legacy Evotype then clear Space Omega & Defeat the Final Boss. This can be done on EASY MODE.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

When doing a run, simply don’t cleanse your Entropy and wait for your negative Corruption effects to build up. As I stated in my Tactics section, you shouldn’t really be afraid of the Entropy negative effects as you also get beneficial ones. So I would technically say this can be organically earned, but for some, they may need to go out of their way to achieve this. This CAN NOT be done on Easy Mode as Corruption effects cap at 3 on Easy Mode. You will need to play Normal Mode or Higher to get this.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

This one will take some Willpower to accomplish. You must complete Mind Training while not spending any Exchange points whatsoever. This includes in Sortitio spaces and the Exchange Shop in Space Omega. As always, easiest accomplished in Easy Mode, but is doable in Normal just as easy. My recommendation is to only take Training & Potential spaces and avoid Exchange or rest spaces entirely. Only select Rest if you absolutely can’t pick a Training space. This will get you tactic exp enough to counteract not spending any Exchange points. It also counts down on the temptation to spend points.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

As it says on the Achievement, just clear Mind Training with 300+ Exchange Points. You can easily spend them up until Space Omega and then effortlessly get 300 Exchange points just from some of the Space Omega bosses then clear Mind Training and receive this as long as you don’t spend them.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

This will most likely take some of the Mind Upgrades to make more Potential Spaces appear in your run. You need to clear Mind training with 7 Potentials. You get 4 from the bosses leading up to Space Omega. You can get one from Exchange space for 300 Exchange Points to make 5. That just leaves the last two up to a Potential Space or getting lucky and getting one in Sortitio space to make 7. Without luck, 7 is usually the max Potentials you can get in a single run. So this may take a few runs and some Mind Upgrades to achieve. You should always aim to get Potentials over anything else as they are your strongest character growth. So this should come naturally.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

So this one is a bit tricky. It use to be easier as Exchange spaces sold a way to remove a negative effect entirely. Now they only remove 1 turn. Thus making this achievement a bit trickier. The easiest way to get this is to play in Easy Mode where negative effects max out at 3. Save all your Exchange points for Space Omega. Then when you’re in Space Omega your Entropy raises over time. Once it reaches 190, spend all your exchange points in the shop to remove the turns from any status effects you have until you have none. Still fairly simple, but not as easy as it use to be.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

I saved this one for last as Full disclosure and for Clarity, this is the only achievement I am not 100% certain on. The way it is worded the assumption is that you clear an entire Phase of Mind Training Without taking any damage. (For Example, Sakura city in its entirety) and not just a stage. However, when I got this Achievement it was after defeating Susanoo as Noel in a run where I most definitely got hit.

So either this Achievement is bugged or isn’t quite what it says on the tin. It is possible it can also mean beating a Boss flawlessly. I’m not entirely sure. Sorry.

Missable / Story Achievements

This is for Achievements that you can technically miss or are labelled as Secret. So Spoilers are ahead.

These are missable because the game uses a Auto-save system and has no Save States. So if you miss them or choose one option, you will have to play on a new save file to get them or the opposite achievement!

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

This NPC first appears after clearing the first Mind Challenge. Named Marvin, Stan will refer to him as the Shiny Object.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

The goal is to pick all the dialogue options to pry about why he is sad. Pick any and all options that keep him talking and ask about why he’s sad. He’ll mention it’s ‘her’. And then will disappear. He will show back up again after you unlock Mind Challenge 2 and view the Recycle Phenomena.

This is his second appearance and you can try to talk to him about ‘her’, but the conversation will stay on the Entropy and Skyeyes You should have obtained the achievement by now.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

The following Achievement pairs are a ‘Pick one or the Other’ Option and to get the one you don’t pick will require starting a new game file to get the one you missed.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Bigger Disadvantage

This is the achievement for turning in Stan. I will walk you through this one because it is the more difficult of the two. After completing the Second phase of Mind Challenge 2 (Should be an Arakune Fight). Once you Leave you will be stopped by SkysEyes who will interrogate you.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Answer “What do you want to know?”

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Answer “What do you mean by Restricted Personnel?”
The investigator will tell you what it means.
You want to answer “…” (Sorry I didn’t get a picture of this. It is the LAST OPTION)

You will then get the following question.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Answer “I met an ACER named Stan.”

after a few more questions that don’t matter you will receive the “Bigger Disadvantage” achievement.

To Obtain “Anything For You” You must get to this point on another save file and do the opposite of turning in Stan during this point. You can only do one of these per save file.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

This is the Easier of the next two, so I will cover it first. Like the above two, you can only get either this achievement or Extravagance per one save file.

After your second run and the Elevator is fixed and you go up to B2 as soon as you zone in you will get pulled aside by a robot named Stan. He will in so many words give you a Free Challenge Ticket for the Mind Training.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

To get Outlaw you simply go to the Mind Training pavilion and enter to do the challenge WITHOUT talking to Fee the Ticket booth robot. After completing the challenge, go to Fee to accept your reward. He will question how you got a ticket to which you will then receive your Achievement.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

This is the other option where even though you received a Free ticket from Stan, you still buy a ticket from Fee the Ticket Robot. (It will cost you 50 AP which you can get from a cleaning robot after talking to Marvin for free.)

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

Complete the Mind Challenge, receive your reward, and you will earn this achievement.

You can only do one of these per save file.

Secret Achievements

These are achievements marked as Secret. So they will contain Spoilers for gameplay. You have been warned.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

While playing as Kokonoe, if/when you get to Arakune purposely lose. Arakune only appears as a boss after the third stage (Ruins). He can also have a chance to be a selectable boss in Space Omega.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

While playing as Hakumen, purposely lose to the final boss Susanoo. This is one of few actual references to Blazblue proper. If you know you know.

Entropy Effect 100% Achievement Guide

While playing as Ragna, defeat Susanoo (effectively clearing Mind Training). Ragna is a very risk reward character that may have a difficult time against Susanoo. So if you’re having trouble, you can earn this by playing in Easy Mode. This too is an actual reference to Blazblue proper. Imagine Blazblue references in a Blazblue game, right? HAKAISHIN.

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