Capsa – Chat Commands

This User Guide contains all the Commands that can be used in the game and can be also found in game by typing /? Or /help for a quick reference.

This guide will update as soon as thers is a new command added or and any further editng is required, which you can like and favorite to be informed!.

I am not associated with capsa and any questions,suggestions or ideas can be sent to the devs on the follwoing froms of commuication.

How to Apply Commands

This Section will give a very short step by step on how to enter and apply chat commands in game.

Step 1 Press enter and type a commad e.g /?
a) hit enter, then the command entred will apply

Chat Commands

/yell, /y, /sh, /shout – Send a message to players in your area

/general, /1 – General chat channel. Seen by all players in the zone

/area, /2 – Area chat channel. Seen by all players in the area

/emote, /em, /e, /me – Perform an emote with the given text

/whisper, /w, /tell, /t – Send a message to another player/reply, /r – Reply to the last whisper

General Commands

/help, /? – This help information

/time – Returns current server time

/who – Lists all players in areaA

/dancelist – Displays a list of dances

/emotelist – Displays a list of emotes

/fps – Displays performance information

/unstick, /respawn – Respawns the player – used to un glitch

/cointoss, /coinflip, /coin – Toss a coin

/forceday, /setday, /settime, /forcetime, /tod – Forces a specific time of day between 0 and 2400 with -1 disabling

/forcecloud, /setcloud, /forceclouddensity, /setclouddensity, /cd – Forces a specific cloud density between 0 and 100 with -1 disabling

/unclaim, /unown – Unclaims all owned buildings or areas, or specify each with “1” being club/cinema and “2” being home

/profile, /sp – Opens a player’s steam profile

Vehicle Commands

Vehicle Commands

/despawn, /removevehicle – Despawns your currently spawned vehicle or mount.

Server Admin Roles and Commands

Server Admin roles

Server Admin (Server Owner) – has full control all, can use all admin commands

Server Officer – acts the same as owner however this user can not make set users as admins in game.

Server Moderator – these users can kick, unclamin and ban from my understanding (TBC from developers in later developments)

* Only server owners can give or revoke admin or moderate access to players.

Server Admin Commands

/adminunclaim – Unclaims nearest owned club or cinema

/adminforceday, /adminsetday, /adminsettime, /adminforcetime, /admintod – Changes the current time of day on the server.

/admindaylength, /admindl – Changes the current length of day on the server.

/adminservername – Changes the current name of the server.

/adminwelcomemessage – Changes the current welcome message on the server.

/admincountrycode – Changes the current country code on the server to set a new flag icon.

/adminaddbannedid – Adds a SteamID 64 to the server banned list. press insert ingame to obtian a palyer’s stemid 64

/adminremovebannedid – Removes a SteamID 64 from the server banned list.

/adminaddofficerid – Adds a SteamID 64 to the server officer list.

/adminremoveofficerid – Removes a SteamID 64 from the server officer list.

/adminaddmoderatorid – Adds a SteamID 64 to the server moderator list.

/adminremovemoderatorid – Removes a SteamID 64 from the server moderator list.

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