Cavern of Dreams Secrets, Mysteries and Tips

There are many secrets and mysteries that you need to solve as you progress through the game. Get the solution to all the mysteries and more clues using the information in this guide.

This is the guide R-Bull™ _P-Omen it was created by. You can find the author’s link at the end of the guide.

Cavern of Dreams Secrets, Mysteries and Tips

It contains a collection of secrets (most of which need the flight ability, achieved by getting all the eggs), mysteries and a few missable stuff i found neat to point out

Ps: i didn’t create a section for the Cavern of Dreams because i found it easier to group them with the area they are connected with. For example, the small forest section right before the Lostleaf lake (while technically the Cavern of Dreams) i found it best to put it in the Lostleaf section

Lostleaf Lake

Hidden Red Rubber Duck

Right before entering the Lostleaf Lake (still in the Cavern of Dreams area)

Secrets, mysteries and interesting tidbits

If you look upwards you’ll notice a hole in the ceiling

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Flying up there you’ll find the Red Rubber Duck

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I’m not sure, but i believe taking it out of there makes it also appear in the lake as shown below

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Hidden Green Sappleing in the Jester Boots area

You can find this in puzzle area with the Jester Boots

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If you fly all the way up you’ll find a hidden Green Sappleing, not sure if there is anything more to it

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Meet Raay

You can fly towards Raay in the game

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You can find 2 of them in the Lostleaf Lake area, one of them being right in front of the lake

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Here’s him up close

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Hidden stone tablet #1

Near the tree house, you can fly in the direction of the screenshot below to find it

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You’ll reach an area with giant trees and apples

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To the left is where you’ll find the tablet

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Hidden tree smiley message

Easy to miss, you can find it at the tree house

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Hidden stone tablet #2

Inside the tree house, the ceiling has an opening

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Flying up there you’ll find the tablet

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Secret Shelwart dialogue

If you put out all the fires in his tomb area, you’ll get a secret dialogue

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Secret area inside the sunken church

On the pipes above the water, you’ll see an opening

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You can fly there to find giant status with a bunch of fish, not sure if there is something here but i didn’t find anything

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Airborne Armada

Hidden stone tablet #1

It’s in the area right after the steam pipe in the Cavern of Dreams, as shown below

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Flying up towards the pipes, you’ll find the tablet

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Secret Luna painting

In the puzzle area right before being shot up to the Airborne Armada, to the right of the entrance you’ll find a pipe you can enter

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Following this path you’ll end in an area with a bunch of bars

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Flying up you’ll see a pipe entrance

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At the end of the pipe, you’ll see the painting

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Secret area with giant ducks

In the puzzle area right before being shot up to the Airborne Armada, you can fly up there instead of using the canon

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Up there you’ll find the giant ducks, not sure if there is anything else up there

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Airborne Armada military backstory

In the area right before entering the Airborne Armada, after unlocking flight you can read the messages left near the ceiling which go about the military advantages of the Sappleings and Mushrooms

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Secrets, mysteries and interesting tidbits

Secret area with unlockable Reapers (Red Sky)

In the area right before entering the Airborne Armada, there is an opening in the ceiling

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Outside you’ll find 3 other silos similar to the one you are at

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In these, you’ll find hoops you can go through

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Going through all of them in time, you’ll unlock the Reapers in the area

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Secrets, mysteries and interesting tidbits

Secret area with unlockable FISHs (Beach House)

Right in front of Kerrington, you’ll be able to see a blue glow

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Flying there you’ll see a blue entrance with the Kerrington gliders to the side

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Once inside, you can fly through the ceiling and find underwater hoops

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If you go through all 3 in time, you’ll unlock the FISHs in this area

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Secrets, mysteries and interesting tidbits

Secret Kerrington dialogue

You can hit his right eye to activate it

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This also hints that his left eye is missing because he was attacked

Hidden stone tablet #2

In the green room with the Reaper, you can fly above the smoke ceiling

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Up there you’ll see an opening where the tablet is

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Hidden stone tablet #3

In the Heart room, you can fly above the ceiling

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Up there you’ll see a platform with the tablet

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Prismic Palace

Hidden stone tablet #1

This is in the area where you first find the fire birds

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Flying up, towards the dragon statues you’ll find the tablet

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Hidden Giant Yellow Rubber Duck

In the area right before entering the Prismic Palace, you’ll find an opening in the ceiling

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Going there you’ll find the rubber duck

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Secrets, mysteries and interesting tidbits

Hidden stone tablet #2

You can find this one near the observatory

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Flying upwards you’ll start seeing a few platforms you can go to, the tablet is in one of them

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Giant starfish is still in the area

Across the tablet above, you can see the starfish. If you fly to him, he’ll greet you

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Hidden Red Rubber Duck

On the platform with the Hidden stone tablet #2, you’ll see an area with a frozen lake

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Flying there you’ll find a cave with the rubber duck inside

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Hidden stone tablet #3

It’s in the area with the Frozen King (and the scary box), the entrance is shown in the screenshot below

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Just keep flying up to find the tablet

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Hidden regular tablet

It’s near the area where you disable the turrets

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Go up the corridor, above this area (the one you went through to disable the turrets the first time)

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Simply fly up to find another corridor, the tablet is at the end

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Gallery of Nightmares

Luna’s Final Boss area in Sage’s Dream area

In the Dream area you find Sage’s encyclopedia card, you’ll see a few dragons in the distance

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You can fly towards them and it’s the same ones you traverse in Luna’s boss fight

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Also as a side-note there is a picture of Fynn in the sky

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Hidden stone tablet #1

Right before entering the Gallery of Nightmares

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You can fly up to the top of the castle to find the tablet

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Hidden Luna message #1

Near the entrance, above the trapdoor

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You’ll find it on top the platform above the trapdoor

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Luna’s diary (backstory)

Falling in the trapdoor and going in the dark area (the one the illuminates with lightning), you can find a giant door that is blocked.

If you heal Sniffles (the giant) by giving him medicine or using Fynn’s water ability, he’ll get excited and his jumping with break this door.

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Behind this door, you’ll find a house with Luna’s diary inside (which explains her backstory and how Sage tried to raise her)

The diary hints that Luna created all the enemies you see, like the Keehee (firebat)

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Giant chopped tree

Behind the house with Luna’s diary, you can fly above the bars and find a giant cut tree

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I haven’t really found anything in this area though…

Kerrington’s missing left eye

You might have noticed that Kerrington is missing his left eye in the Airborne Armada area.

Also in that dark area, you can find a breakable floorboard in the underwater section to the left

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To the corner, you’ll find Kerrington’s left eye (it opens up when you hit it)

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Mysterious blue starfish(?)

In the same area above with Kerrington’s eye, you’ll find a weird blue starfish-looking creature. It follows you around but doesn’t do much besides that

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I speculate this is one of Luna’s freaky creations (as hinted by her diary that she created creatures which Sage didn’t find very good)

Hidden stone tablet #2

It’s inside the painting of the “Green area” with the swamp

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You’ll find it on top of the moon, just keep flying up

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Hidden Luna message #2

Near the painting above, fly to the upper right corner to find it

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Hidden stone tablet #3

It’s inside the painting of the “Red area”with the carts and lava

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You’ll find it on top of the snake, just keep flying up

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Hidden Luna message #3

In the “Red area” with the carts and lava, just fly upwards to find the message

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Hidden stone tablet #4

In the “blue painting” with the deep underwater section (in the trapdoor area), you can find it right behind the cage

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Hidden cat eyes

Also in the “blue painting” (in the trapdoor area), you can see these behind the windows

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I’m not sure if there is some tablet i missed in the game that explains what the eyes are…

Hidden Luna message #4

It’s at the last part of the gallery, before you would start the fight with Luna

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Flying upwards you’ll find an area in the walls with Luna’s last message

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Interconnected stories

Boxed Nightmare

In each of the areas, you can find tablets which explain the story behind the box

Secrets, mysteries and interesting tidbits
  • Part 1: Lostleaf Lake Secrets, mysteries and interesting tidbits
  • Part 2: Airborne Armada Secrets, mysteries and interesting tidbits
  • Part 3: Prismic Palace Secrets, mysteries and interesting tidbits
  • Part 4: Prismic Palace Secrets, mysteries and interesting tidbits

Conclusion: the box contained a powerful monster/magic, that on being opened froze time in the area it was in…this *technically* granted the King’s wish of eternal life, but not the way he probably imagined.

Dumpling foreshadow

In the Lostleaf Lake we find a drawing of him

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Later finding him on Kerrington’s ship

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Escaped Earth element creature

In Kerrington’s ship we’re shown that the Earth element creature grew too much and escaped his cage

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Later in the Gallery of Nightmares we find Sniffles, which fits this description of growing too much

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Unsolved Mysteries

Possible Hidden Dumpling area

If you read this guide, you probably noticed that there isn’t an area where you unlock the Dumplings.

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We have the beach area where we unlocked the FISH inside it;

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and the “red sky” area where we unlocked the Reapers inside it.

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Oddly enough i haven’t found one for the Dumpling.

I’m not sure if there is one, but i speculate there is one area for each of the creatures we freed in the Airborne Armada cage area (Fire=Dumpling, Water=FISH, Wind=Reaper, Earth=Giant)

On the same note, i wonder if there might be an area for the Giants too…?

Healing the painting

In the Gallery of Nightmares, you are able to throw medicine (or split water) to “heal” the painting in the “Green area” (swamp area) as seen below

Secrets, mysteries and interesting tidbits

I haven’t discovered what this is for though, since i was able to finish the painting’s puzzle without it. I haven’t tested to see if it’s easier to solve the puzzle (since i believe the arrows will be easier to see)

Mystery unlock in the Heaven’s Path

If you put out all the fires in the area, you’ll hear the sound effect you normally get by completing a puzzle or unlocking something. Sadly i haven’t figured out what this does, hopefully someone will point that out in the comments and i’ll update this guide

Secrets, mysteries and interesting tidbits

3 thoughts on “Cavern of Dreams Secrets, Mysteries and Tips”

  1. The secret of the dumpling area is simple. There are three flying fortresses surrounding Kerrington, and just as the entrance contains Reapers and the far off beach house contains FISH, the third one contains the dumplings. (The one where you save the egg from the fire.) Within the area, you have three rings which are sitting over fires, blocking them. Put out the fires, fly through the rings, and the dumplings will appear.

    Something noteworthy about the painting is that, before you “heal” it, those Eternals will remain staring longingly at the moon and those fake entrances with the evil laugh stay there to be triggered again. Upon healing the painting, both of these things disappear from the world alongside the once dead trees suddenly blooming green with life.

    If you check directly under the bridge within the Heaven’s Path area where you put the fires out, a red rubber duck should have spawned there. Which is interesting, considering the red duck within the frozen lake cave failed to spawn for me for whatever reason, leaving the cave empty.

    A couple of other things. While inside the control room in Airship Armada, you can see a pair of eyes staring in at you from outside the right windshield similar to the ones in the blue painting, which are quite notably not Kerrington’s own eye. In the area before the Gallery of Nightmares, if you fly off towards the right of the castle, you’ll find an entire empty area which is completely inaccessible otherwise. And in Sage’s dream area where the dragons from the Luna boss encounter reside, you can see a mysterious platform off in the distance which you can’t access. (I saw it just past the fourth dragon while flying close to it popping in and out of the skybox.) Couldn’t figure out what the point of any of these were, but it was neat nonetheless.

    One thing I did not check was the final boss fight area since you can’t go back to it after you beat it without clearing the whole game again.

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