Celeste Hardest Strawberries to Collect

Celeste is a challenging platform game that requires precision to finish. There are some strawberries that are hard to pick in this challenging adventure. Here in our Celeste Hardest Strawberries to Collect guide, we’ll show you the ten hardest strawberries players can try to collect and how to get them!

Celeste Hardest Strawberries to Collect

Welcome to our Celeste Hardest Strawberries to Collect guide. How to collect the hardest strawberies in Celeste? This guide will show you!

Celestial Resort #23

Celeste Hardest Strawberries to Collect
Celeste Hardest Strawberries to Collect

The Celestial Resort level is where the game takes a jump in difficulty. This is where most players will start to see their death counts explode, after the relatively tame first two chapters.

Near the end of the chapter, the undead hotel manager Mr. Oshiro finally loses his cool. He swells into a big-headed vampire ghost that chases you through the final rooms. This strawberry is mostly hard for the precise timing it requires. Your dash alone can’t get you all the way up and so you have to bounce off of Oshiro’s head as he charges past you at Mach 2.

Mirror Temple #31

Celeste Hardest Strawberries to Collect
Celeste Hardest Strawberries to Collect

The very last strawberry in the Mirror Temple, this one is easy to see but tricky to actually get. Its little alcove is blocked off by a door and the switch to activate it is completely covered in spikes. Your only option is to bait one of the weird eyeball-fish-monsters that’s been chasing you. When they have direct line of sight they propel themselves toward you at speed. If you time it just right you can get the fish to slam into the switch and open the door. Of course, the fish is trying to kill you, so take care you avoid it on the rebound.

Mirror Temple #12

How to Collect the Hardest Strawberies?
How to Collect the Hardest Strawberies?

This strawberry is a pain. Even getting to the room it’s in is kind of tricky. In a previous room, you need to jump into one of the red bubbles you can ride and jump out of it into a small imperfection in a wall to reveal a hidden room. Pressing the switch in there opens a door in a totally different room that lets you ride a different bubble up, finally, into the room the strawberry’s actually in.
It’s a puzzle where you need to activate both blue switches to open the door. The switches themselves aren’t too hard to get once you know your path. But then you need to fall back through the opening you came through. The tiny opening lined with deadly spikes. Have fun solving the puzzle twenty times and killing yourself right before you can claim you

The Summit #33

How to Collect the Hardest Strawberies?
How to Collect the Hardest Strawberies?

Shortly after crossing the 2500M mark on your long climb to the mountaintop, you’ll find an industrial looking area with a red bubble. The bubble is just waiting to catapult you to the other end of the screen, but just below it waits a strawberry. The trick with this one is trying to figure out what path to take, and you don’t have a lot of time to decide. You have to burst out of the bubble with precise timing and land on a small crumbling platform. Think fast or the platform will disappear and take you with it. You have to leap for the strawberry and then dash up and left back to the safety of the red bubble.

The Summit #14

How to Collect the Hardest Strawberies?
How to Collect the Hardest Strawberies?

This is a tall room that gives you some binoculars so you can scope out exactly how much hell you’re in for. The concept is pretty simple: you just need to zigzag your way up, letting the dream blocks propel you and refill your stamina. But actually executing the right moves can be frustrating. Doing diagonal dashes can be tricky in the best of situations, let alone chaining multiple together under threat of being impaled. Once you do finally get to the top, be careful not to hit any of the spikes on the way down to the strawberry or you’ll have to do it all again.

The Summit #47

How to Collect the Hardest Strawberies?
How to Collect the Hardest Strawberies?

This is the very last strawberry before you finally reach your goal and summit Celeste Mountain. And it is a doozy. This final stretch is packed with spikes.. To get this strawberry first you need to spring up to a golden feather and zoom it through a spiky passage.
Then instead of continuing with the ascent you have to turn around and land on a tiny, one-block-wide platform that falls out from under you. Dash your way through some more spikes, grab the ‘berry and carefully fall back down to the feather. Then you have to ride the feather through the same spiked passage again before you can land on solid ground and claim the collectible.

Celestial Resort #19

How to Collect the Hardest Strawberies?
How to Collect the Hardest Strawberies?

One of the hardest strawberries is also in one of the earliest levels: our old friend Celestial Resort. If you touch any of the waving cilia lining the level, it fills in with more deadly goo and that’s what makes this strawberry so difficult:
You have to make a circle around part of the room. Go down, hop up those two platforms, dash through the strawberry, and fall back down to the floor. Except every single one of those platforms turns deadly afterward. So you need to leave yourself a navigable path and then actually successfully navigate it. Not to mention the strawberry doesn’t pop until you get to a safe zone at the end of the screen, so don’t slip.

The Core #4

How to Collect the Hardest Strawberies?
How to Collect the Hardest Strawberies?

After finishing the main story and collecting enough hidden Crystal Hearts, you can come back and access the bonus stage called The Core. The Core changes how your dash works: instead of it refreshing whenever you touch the ground, instead it only replenishes between rooms or if you can grab a stamina crystal.
You need to navigate a room thick with ice spikes. You also need to try to conserve dashes, because you’ll need them on the other side of the room. And be careful of the masks that launch you like a rocket, which usually just send you face first to your death. Have you made it this far? Great, now just get up to a hole in the ceiling. Uh oh, the strawberry is blocked off by ice? Guess you forgot to flip the fire/ice switch in the previous room. Sucks to be you.

The Core #3

How to Collect the Hardest Strawberies?
How to Collect the Hardest Strawberies?

This one’s even worse than the last. It’s less frantic, but much more precise. Getting through the first part with the two columns of fire and/or ice isn’t too bad. But you need to get out of that part at the right angle to hit the switch. You need the jump boost from the fire platform to get to the launcher with your one final dash intact. Then you have to wrestle with the launcher to make it fire you at exactly the right angle to get the height and distance you need to reach this ‘berry.

The Summit #27

How to Collect the Hardest Strawberies?
How to Collect the Hardest Strawberies?

The most difficult strawberry in Celeste requires such a perfect storm of precision and timing that at first it probably doesn’t even look possible. Then you realize you need to cling to a tiny sliver of moving platform sticking out from the spikes. And you realize this is going to hurt. It’s hard to convey the soul-crushing difficulty of this one in mere words. But suffice it to say: you will die here a lot. You will die on every inch of spikes at least once. You will die at the very end with safety within your grasp. And you’ll reload and try it again.

Written by MuD

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