Chasing Sunsets Walkthrough Guide

Welcome to our Chasing Sunsets Walkthrough guide. An easy and simple to follow step by step guide. Literally just match the screens.

Updated on 11.01.2022

Chasing Sunsets Walkthrough & Guide

An easy and simple to follow step by step guide. Literally just match the screens.


Match these settings for the fastest “Skipping” through the chapters.


  • Prologue Question 1
  • “Would’ve been right before I bought the bar.”
  • A. It’s seen better days.
  • Prologue Question 2
  • “I will not have another dust-up like your graduation party in my place of business!”
  • A. I promise. No dust-ups.
  • Prologue Question 3
  • “Lucas tried to whitewash him in the remakes. He was always better as an anti-hero.”
  • A. Throw her a bone.
  • Prologue Question 4
  • “What it’s not is any of your business.”
  • A. Let’s try an olive branch
  • Prologue Question 5
  • Hmmm…Is there a page ripped out?
  • A. Nope I’ve snooped enough
  • Prologue Question 6
  • “Were you snooping in my room?”
  • Prologue Question 7
  • “Look we’ve already worked through this. I would never…”
  • A. Square up on him

Prologue (Misc)

The Black Sheep Achievement

Create a new game and work your way to question 3

  • Prologue Question 3
  • “Lucas tried to whitewash him in the remakes. He was always better as an anti-hero.”
  • A. Challenge her opinion.
  • Prologue Question 4
  • “What it’s not is any of your business.”
  • A. Sick of the attitude.
  • Prologue Question 5
  • Hmmm…Is there a page ripped out?
  • A. Try to read the impressions.
  • Prologue Question 6
  • “Were you snooping in my room?”
  • Prologue Question 7
  • “Look we’ve already worked through this. I would never…”
  • A. Sucker punch him.

Chapter 1 Jaye’s Path – Chasing Sunsets Walkthrough & Guide

  • Chapter 1 Question 1; Create Game Save “Ch 1-1”
  • “When we’ve crossed that bridge, we’ll meet here again soon and discuss succession.”
  • A. They would want us both involved.
  • Chapter 1 Question 2; Create Game Save “Ch 1-2”
  • “Take the time you need, but please let me know you got this so I know it works now.”
  • A. Respond kindly.
  • Chapter 1 Question 3; Create Game Save “Ch 1-3”
  • Spoke too soon…Is that Erica?
  • Chapter 1 Question 4 ; Create Game Save “Ch 1-4”
  • If I’m going to make a move, I need to do it now or focus on falling asleep.
  • A. Gently wake Erica.
  • Chapter 1 Question 4 – Erica
  • “Fill me up…I want it inside me.”
  • A. Give her what she wants.
  • Chapter 1 Question 5
  • “For starters, how is your sister holding up?”
  • A. She’s a soldier.
  • Chapter 1 Question 6
  • “Cool! I want to drive.”
  • A. Bullsh*t her.
  • Chapter 1 Question 7
  • “What…What are you going to do?”
  • A. Let nature run its course
  • Chapter 1 Question 8
  • “Because this is how I was born.”
  • A. Let me help you find it.

At the beginning, of Chapter 2, create a game save “Chapter 2”

Chapter 1 (Misc Achievements)

  • Load Game Save “Ch 1-1” and select the answer
  • “When we’ve crossed that bridge, we’ll meet here again soon and discuss succession.”
  • A. Jaye should run the company.
  • Reload Game Save “Ch 1-1” and select the answer
  • “When we’ve crossed that bridge, we’ll meet here again soon and discuss succession.”
  • A. I should run the company.
  • Load Game Save “Ch 1-2” and select the answer
  • “Take the time you need, but please let me know you got this so I know it works now.”
  • A. Ignore it.
  • Load Game Save “Ch 1-3” and select the answer
  • Spoke too soon…Is that Erica?
  • Load Game Save “Ch 1-4” and select the answer
  • If I’m going to make a move, I need to do it now or focus on falling asleep.
  • A. Try to sleep.
  • Reload Game Save “Ch 1-4” and select the answer
  • If I’m going to make a move, I need to do it now or focus on falling asleep.
  • A. Quietly wake Linda. (Scene must play out complete to unlock)

Now load your “Chapter 2” game save

Chapter 1 Mallory’s Path

  • Chapter 1 Question 1; Create Game Save “Ch 1-1”
  • “When we’ve crossed that bridge, we’ll meet here again soon and discuss succession.”
  • A. I should run the company.
  • Chapter 1 Question 2; Create Game Save “Ch 1-2”
  • “Take the time you need, but please let me know you got this so I know it works now.”
  • A. Respond kindly.
  • Chapter 1 Question 3; Create Game Save “Ch 1-3”
  • Spoke too soon…Is that Erica?
  • Chapter 1 Question 4 ; Create Game Save “Ch 1-4”
  • If I’m going to make a move, I need to do it now or focus on falling asleep.
  • A. Gently wake Erica.
  • Chapter 1 Question 4 – Erica
  • “Fill me up…I want it inside me.”
  • A. Give her what she wants.
  • Chapter 1 Question 5
  • “For starters, how is your sister holding up?”
  • A. As well as can be expected.
  • Chapter 1 Question 6; Create Game Save “Ch 1-6”
  • “Cool! I want to drive.”
  • A. F*ck with her.
  • Chapter 1 Question 7; Create Game Save “Ch 1-7”
  • “What…What are you going to do?”
  • A. Carry it to the lodge for help
  • Chapter 1 Question 8
  • “Because this is how I was born.”
  • A. I think you’re beautiful.

Chapter 2 Jaye’s Path

  • Chapter 2 Question 1; Create Game Save “Ch 2-1”
  • “Enjoy your swim, Mr. Mendez?”
  • A. I got your back, Sis. Go nuts.
  • Chapter 2 Question 2; Create Game Save “Ch 2-2”
  • “And I’m so sorry I didn’t.”
  • A. I would have welcomed that
  • Chapter 2 Question 3
  • “Spending time with her son, silly!”
  • A. Kiss Her
  • Chapter 2 Question 4; Create Game Save “Ch 2-4”
  • “I’ll even let you start, if you want.”
  • A. Let Jaye ask the first question
  • Chapter 2 Question 4 Part 2
  • “Well, I guess it’s your turn.”
  • Answer in this order
  • A1. How were things after I left?
  • A2. How do you feel about taking over Polygene
  • A3. Is anyone waiting for you back home?
  • A4. Why did you bring Christian to the yacht?
  • Chapter 2 Question 5; Create Game Save “Ch 2-5”
  • “Did you ♥♥♥♥ Tara?”
  • A. Yes.
  • Chapter 2 Question 6
  • “She wants to talk to you, Son…Says it’s important.”
  • A. What do you think, Sis?*
  • Chapter 2 Question 7
  • “Yeah?”
  • A. Great work

At the beginning, of Chapter 3, create a game save “Chapter 3”

Chapter 2 (Misc Achievements)

  • Load Game Save “Ch 2-1” and select the answer
  • “Enjoy your swim, Mr. Mendez?”
  • A. Show Mr. Mendez off the Sunset.
  • Reload Game Save “Ch 2-1” and select the answer
  • “Enjoy your swim, Mr. Mendez?”
  • A. Really show Mr. Mendez off the Sunset.
  • Reload Game Save “Ch 2-1” and select the answer
  • “Enjoy your swim, Mr. Mendez?”
  • A. Not my circus, not my monkeys
  • Load Game Save “Ch 2-2” and select the answer
  • “And I’m so sorry I didn’t.”
  • A. It’s too late for that.
  • Reload Game Save “Ch 2-2” and select the answer
  • “And I’m so sorry I didn’t.”
  • A. It’s in the past.
  • Load Game Save “Ch 2-4” and select the answer
  • “I’ll even let you start, if you want.”
  • A. I need some answers now
  • Chapter 2 Question 5; Create Game Save “Ch 2-5”
  • “Did you f*ck Tara?”
  • A. Of course not!

Load your “Chapter 3” game save

Chapter 2 Mallory’s Path

  • Chapter 2 Question 1; Create Game Save “Ch 2-1”
  • “Enjoy your swim, Mr. Mendez?”
  • A. I got your back, Sis. Go nuts.
  • Chapter 2 Question 2; Create Game Save “Ch 2-2”
  • “And I’m so sorry I didn’t.”
  • A. It’s in the past.
  • Chapter 2 Question 3
  • “Spending time with her son, silly!”
  • A. Kiss her
  • Chapter 2 Question 4; Create Game Save “Ch 2-4”
  • “I’ll even let you start, if you want.”
  • A. I need some answers now
  • Chapter 2 Question 4 Part 2
  • “Well, I guess it’s your turn.”
  • Answer in this order
  • A1. How were things after I left?
  • A2. How do you feel about taking over Polygene
  • A3. Is anyone waiting for you back home?
  • A4. Why did you bring Christian to the yacht?
  • Chapter 2 Question 5; Create Game Save “Ch 2-5”
  • “Did you f*ck Tara?”
  • A. Of course not!
  • Chapter 2 Question 6
  • “She wants to talk to you, Son…Says it’s important.”
  • A. I’d rather not.
  • Chapter 2 Question 7
  • “Yeah?”
  • A. Great work

At the beginning, of Chapter 3, create a game save “Chapter 3”

Chasing Sunsets Walkthrough – Chapter 3 Jaye’s Path

  • Chapter 3 Question 1; Create Game Save “Ch 3-1”
  • Huh…I must’ve added Mallory’s number last night.
  • A. Get up and shower.
  • Chapter 3 Question 2; Create Game Save “Ch 3-2”
  • Topless?
  • A. Why not both? Both is good*
  • Chapter 3 Question 3
  • “Watch and learn…”
  • A. Be confident.
  • Chapter 3 Question 4
  • “I don’t think it can.”
  • A. It’s information that may be relevant to the lawsuit.
  • Chapter 3 Question 5
  • “What’s going on?”
  • A. I can give you the short version
  • Chapter 3 Question 6; Create Game Save “Ch 3-6”
  • “Go with them, but I want you on the HR angle. Find out who the Prizer insider is.”
  • A. We’ll have better odds as a team
  • Chapter 3 Question 7
  • “Of course, sir.”
  • A. Keep her access minimal. (Requires Mallory trust to be below 5)
  • Chapter 3 Question 8
  • So, when I could afford them, I walled the memory off behind contact lenses.”
  • A. Don’t let him win
  • Chapter 3 Question 9
  • “Or I can call George and have him page the security guard.”
  • A. Call Jaye
  • Chapter 3 Question 10; Create Game Save “Ch 3-10A”
  • “…If Mom solved that, it would rock the field of medicine…”
  • A. Wanna team up?*
  • Chapter 3 Question 10; Create Game Save “Ch 3-10B”
  • Hmmm… Should I call in some backup for this?
  • A. Text Mallory for help
  • Chapter 3 Question 11
  • [Texting Tara at the docks]
  • A. I don’t mind a low key assist
  • Chapter 3 Question 12; Create Game Save “Ch 3-12”
  • Little minx. Maybe I can get her back a little…
  • A. Tease her back.
  • Chapter 3 Question 13
  • [With Jaye in shipping container]
  • A. Kiss her neck
  • Chapter 3 Question 14
  • “And here we’ve just reconnected, and I’m already ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on your trust.”
  • A. Relax, I’m not angry.
  • Chapter 3 Question 15
  • “I can tell.”
  • A1. How do you think this will help?
  • A2. Where do you hope this leads?
  • A3. What do you want me to do?
  • Chapter 3 Question 16; Create Game Save “Ch 3-16”
  • This seems important to her.
  • A. Yes, but not like this.
  • Chapter 3 Question 17
  • “Let’s go back to the storage room. Pick up where we left off.”
  • A1. Build anticipation
  • A2. Kiss her.

Chasing Sunsets Walkthrough Chapter 3 (Misc Achievements)

  • Load game save “Ch 3-1” and select the following answer
  • Huh…I must’ve added Mallory’s number last night.
  • A. Text Fiona a ♥♥♥♥ pic.
  • Load game save “Ch 3-2” and select the following answer
  • Topless?
  • A. Check out the other redhead.
  • Load game save “Ch 3-6” and select the following answer
  • “Go with them, but I want you on the HR angle. Find out who the Prizer insider is.”
  • A. I’ll deliver on my part
  • Reload game save “Ch 3-6” and select the following answer
  • “Go with them, but I want you on the HR angle. Find out who the Prizer insider is.”
  • A. We’ve got each other’s back, George.
  • Load game save “Ch 3-12” and select the following answer
  • Little minx. Maybe I can get her back a little…
  • A. No, let’s focus on getting out of here
  • Reload game save “Ch 3-12” and select the following answer
  • Little minx. Maybe I can get her back a little…
  • A. Call her bluff
  • Load game save “Ch 3-16” and select the following answer
  • This seems important to her.
  • A. This doesn’t feel right
  • Reload game save “Ch 3-16” and select the following answer
  • This seems important to her.
  • A. Lay down next to me

Chapter 3 Mallory’s Path

  • Chapter 3 Question 1; Create Game Save “Ch 3-1”
  • Huh…I must’ve added Mallory’s number last night.
  • A. Get up and shower.
  • Chapter 3 Question 2; Create Game Save “Ch 3-2”
  • Topless?
  • A. Focus on Mallory.
  • Chapter 3 Question 3
  • “Watch and learn…”
  • A. Be dominant.
  • Chapter 3 Question 4
  • “I don’t think it can.”
  • A. Mallory may have blown the lid off of this Prizer thing*
  • Chapter 3 Question 5
  • “What’s going on?”
  • A. Better just wait for George
  • Chapter 3 Question 6; Create Game Save “Ch 3-6”
  • “Go with them, but I want you on the HR angle. Find out who the Prizer insider is.”
  • A. We’ve got each other’s back, George
  • Chapter 3 Question 7
  • “Of course, sir.”
  • A. Raise Mallory’s access level
  • Chapter 3 Question 8
  • So, when I could afford them, I walled the memory off behind contact lenses.”
  • A. Don’t let him win
  • Chapter 3 Question 9
  • “Or I can call George and have him page the security guard.”
  • A. Call George
  • Chapter 3 Question 10; Create Game Save “Ch 3-10A”
  • “…If Mom solved that, it would rock the field of medicine…”
  • A. Nope, not getting involved.
  • Chapter 3 Question 10B
  • A. Speak for yourself
  • Chapter 3 Question 11
  • “I can tell.”
  • A1. How do you think this will help?
  • A2. Where do you hope this leads?
  • A3. What do you want me to do?
  • Chapter 3 Question 12; Create Game Save “Ch 3-12M”
  • This seems important to her.
  • A. Yes, but not like this.
  • Chapter 3 Question 13
  • “Let’s go back to the storage room. Pick up where we left off.”
  • A1. Build anticipation
  • A2. Kiss her.

Chapter 4 Jaye’s Path

  • Chapter 4 Question 1
  • “I guess I’m starting off my day with Fiona-tier crazy…
  • A. Reply
  • Chapter 4 Question 2
  • “But what’s more relevant to me has more to do with who he wasn’t.”
  • A. Wait patiently
  • Chapter 4 Question 3
  • “That test result is why I allowed her to join us…I can’t think of a rational explanation”
  • A. I think it’s possible
  • Chapter 4 Question 4
  • “You do the rest, George. Don’t disappoint me.”
  • A. I think it’s worth considering.
  • Chapter 4 Question 5
  • “She’s gone…Dr. Campbell.”
  • A. She was my mother*
  • Chapter 4 Question 6
  • “Please? If making good on my debts is in doubt, last time I did take down a judge.”
  • A. Save it for later
  • Chapter 4 Question 7
  • “I am a little into you…”
  • A. Let’s pick this back up later
  • Chapter 4 Question 8
  • “You gigantic dork, get the body art! How’s this even a debate right now?”
  • A. Make an offer on the action figure
  • Chapter 4 Question 9
  • “I hope she had a smooth flight. Amanda doesn’t travel well.”
  • A. Say hi to Amanda for me
  • Chapter 4 Question 10; create game save “Ch4-10”
  • [Texting Linda]
  • A. Suggest working on her marriage.
  • Chapter 4 Question 11; create game save “Ch4-11”
  • “A subtle riposte… Measured delivery. You almost even stuck the landing.”
  • A. Poke the bear
  • Chapter 4 Question 12; create game save “Ch4-12”
  • “Why did you run away?”
  • A. Be vague, but honest.
  • Chapter 4 Question 13
  • “No no! I mean…I’ll keep looking. I’m sure it’ll turn up.”
  • A. Thanks for making me lunch
  • Chapter 4 Question 14; create game save “Ch4-14”
  • “Oliver…Man overboard!”
  • A. Save your sister or die trying
  • Chapter 4 Question 15
  • “Phrasing! Are we still doing phrasing?”
  • A. The bed fort treaty must be honored
  • Chapter 4 Question 16
  • Select both choices
  • Chapter 4 Question 17
  • Go after Jaye, or not?
  • A. Go check on her

Chapter 4 (Misc Achievements)

  • Load game save “Ch4-10” and select the following answer
  • [Texting Linda]
  • A. Suggest leaving Ray.
  • Load game save “Ch4-11” and select the following answer
  • “A subtle riposte… Measured delivery. You almost even stuck the landing.”
  • A. Nah
  • Load game save “Ch4-12” and select the following answer
  • “Why did you run away?”
  • A. Refuse to answer.
  • Load game save “Ch4-14” and select the following answer
  • “Oliver…Man overboard!”
  • A. Shout for help.
  • Reload game save “Ch4-14” and select the following answer
  • “Oliver…Man overboard!”
  • A. People vanish at sea all the time.

Chapter 4 Mallory’s Path – Chasing Sunsets Walkthrough

  • Chapter 4 Question 1
  • “I guess I’m starting off my day with Fiona-tier crazy…
  • A. Ignore it
  • Chapter 4 Question 2
  • “But what’s more relevant to me has more to do with who he wasn’t.”
  • A. Encourage her
  • Chapter 4 Question 3
  • “That test result is why I allowed her to join us…I can’t think of a rational explanation”
  • A. I think it’s possible
  • Chapter 4 Question 4
  • “You do the rest, George. Don’t disappoint me.”
  • A. I think it’s worth considering.
  • Chapter 4 Question 5
  • “She’s gone…Dr. Campbell.”
  • A. She was my mother*
  • Chapter 4 Question 6
  • “Please? If making good on my debts is in doubt, last time I did take down a judge.”
  • A. Split your lunch with Mallory*
  • Chapter 4 Question 7
  • “I am a little into you…”
  • A. Kiss her
  • Chapter 4 Question 8
  • “I hope she had a smooth flight. Amanda doesn’t travel well.”
  • A. I can come with you if you want
  • Chapter 4 Question 9; create game save “Ch4-9”
  • [Texting Linda]
  • A. Suggest leaving Ray.
  • Chapter 4 Question 11; create game save “Ch4-11”
  • “A subtle riposte… Measured delivery. You almost even stuck the landing.”
  • A. Nah
  • Chapter 4 Question 12; create game save “Ch4-12”
  • “Why did you run away?”
  • A. Refuse to answer.
  • Chapter 4 Question 13
  • “No no! I mean…I’ll keep looking. I’m sure it’ll turn up.”
  • A. Did I miss anything?
  • Chapter 4 Question 14; create game save “Ch4-14”
  • “Oliver…Man overboard!”
  • A. Shout for help
  • Chapter 4 Question 15
  • “Phrasing! Are we still doing phrasing?”
  • A. I can’t do this…

Chapter 5 Jaye’s Path – Chasing Sunsets Walkthrough & Guide

  • Chapter 5 Question 1
  • “The Family Liaison Officer assigned to James and Sarah’s accident… In Scotland.”
  • A. Loop in Jaye
  • Chapter 5 Question 2
  • “Mmmmff…Not familiar enough, if you ask me.”
  • A. I could get used to it.
  • Chapter 5 Question 3
  • “And if you ain’t the pool boy I hired from Egg, you can fck right off with him!” A. I’m your huckleberry.
  • Chapter 5 Question 4
  • “But I still need a pool boy…”
  • A. I think we can work something out.
  • Chapter 5 Question 5
  • “Have you let yourself grieve for Mom and Dad yet? I mean, really?”
  • A. There just hasn’t been time
  • Chapter 5 Question 6
  • [Text with Jaye.]
  • A. Be patient
  • Chapter 5 Question 7
  • “Ah… No! I mean…”
  • A. It’s just… You look nice today is all
  • Chapter 5 Question 8
  • “Text her and tell her I am awake. She will come.”
  • A. Call Mallory
  • Chapter 5 Question 9
  • “I thought I’d…. I thought she was…”
  • A. Let her finish
  • Chapter 5 Question 10
  • I can see this is tearing her up, but I feel…
  • A. Accepting.
  • Chapter 5 Question 11
  • “…Mom also wasn’t a huge-ass nerd. Great game, but that ending sucked.”
  • A. Well, we’d better get going.
  • Chapter 5 Question 12
  • “Mmmmm…”
  • A. Stay for one
  • Chapter 5 Question 13
  • “Kinky. Hey, I don’t judge.”
  • A. Jaye
  • Chapter 5 Question 14
  • “Don’t look at me, she’s making the rules tonight!”
  • A. Take the shot straight and ignore the setup
  • Chapter 5 Question 15
  • [Body shot with Jaye]
  • A. Let’s kick this up a notch
  • Chapter 5 Question 16
  • “I…I’ll just be going.”
  • A. Let her go

Chapter 5 Mallory’s Path

  • Chapter 5 Question 1
  • “And if you ain’t the pool boy I hired from Egg, you can fck right off with him!” A. I’m your huckleberry.
  • Chapter 5 Question 2
  • “But I still need a pool boy…”
  • A. I think we can work something out.
  • Chapter 5 Question 3
  • “Have you let yourself grieve for Mom and Dad yet? I mean, really?”
  • A. Uh, of course I have.
  • Chapter 5 Question 4
  • “Ah… No! I mean…”
  • A. It’s just… You look nice today is all
  • Chapter 5 Question 5
  • A. What might those be?
  • Chapter 5 Question 6
  • “Text her and tell her I am awake. She will come.”
  • A. Call Mallory
  • Chapter 5 Question 7
  • “I thought I’d…. I thought she was…”
  • A. Reassure her.
  • Chapter 5 Question 8
  • I can see this is tearing her up, but I feel…
  • A. Accepting.
  • Chapter 5 Question 9
  • “…Mom also wasn’t a huge-ass nerd. Great game, but that ending sucked.”
  • A. Kiss her.
  • Chapter 5 Question 10
  • “Mmmmm…”
  • A. Let’s make up for lost time*
  • Chapter 5 Question 11
  • “Kinky. Hey, I don’t judge.”
  • A. Mallory
  • Chapter 5 Question 12
  • “Don’t look at me, she’s making the rules tonight!”
  • A. I guess I could do one..*
  • Chapter 5 Question 13
  • “I…I’ll just be going.”
  • A. Stop her
  • Chapter 5 Question 14
  • “F*ck, I’m gonna..”
  • A. Come inside her

Chapter 6 – Chasing Sunsets Walkthrough & Guide

Coming soon…

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