We know where the items are in Clash Artifacts of Chaos. Do you want them? Then you are in the right place, because this guide has information on everything you need! Check out our Clash Artifacts of Chaos Secrets guide, which we have explained in detail, without wasting time!
Clash Artifacts of Chaos Secrets Guide
Welcome to our Clash Artifacts of Chaos Secrets Guide. Keep in mind, to open an area to dreamwalking, you must first (usually) explore it while awake.
Stance Totems
Mammoth Stance

In a very hard to miss shallow cave in a cliff face in Karu Crags, guarded by a boar thing.

Lightning Stance

It’s just in the middle of The Town, really. Can’t miss it.

Corwid Stance

In The Town, on the southeast corner. While dreamwalking, you must go behind Dark Wrehgg and get through the brambles, and knock down the shortcut block. Afterwards, simply return to the area during the day.

Slash/Boxing/Spear Stance #1

Up on the Zonectic Mountains after the second camp, requires a little night time stroll with a thorny encounter to open the path.

Slash/Boxing/Spear #2

In the village north of The Town, just before leaving the first section, simply follow the road.


Halfway through The Amokuali, once you’ve reached the lowest cliff, be mindful to take the stairs up to the right and you’ll come up to a plateau with the totem.


After passing the chaelid in the Salt Marshes and talking to Eo, go forward and hang a right and find some brambles. Then, go to sleep, and beat up the Thorn Guardian beyond these brambles. There’s a Day Chest that also spawns at night next to him.
Afterwards, just come back again during the day.

Special Totems
Rising Punch

After sleeping soundly near Grandfather’s dead body, go through the cave in Karu Crags and hang a right off the road.

Multi Strike

After defeating Claw with the help of your friend Fist for the first time, immediately go into the next area and down into the grove on the right.
Come here at night for a body part as well.


It’s in a cave at the very beginning of Zonectic Mountains, just after pantomiming an assault on the first pair of actors.
Come back here at night, too!

Multi Kick
After Wrehgg wrehggs some wall in the Zonectic Mountains, head up the path and hang to the right. There will be a small drop, and you’ll find a few huts with a Totem.
Come back here at night for a Great Figurine in a Night Chest, too.

In the upper most area of The Amokuali, after clearing the Thorn Guardian, simply make the first hop once again and enter the tunnel to the right. Be careful not to fall off!

Clone Punch

In the southern part of the Upper Corwid Territory, dreamwalk through into the brambles and hang to the right and drop into a cave, where the Boneskinned Arms are. You’ll find a bridge shortcut to drop at the base of the building.
Afterwards, while awake, just cross the bridge and head up to the top of the structure.

Drop Kick

A bit into the Salt Marshes, within the second area blocked by brambles, just come back during the day and it’s in the cave on the left.

Body Parts – The Gladiator
The Gladiator is found exclusively within Karu Crags. You’ll be able to obtain the entire set not long after defeating Claw. You should have this before you enter the swamp.

The first obtainable piece. After you set up camp and sleep near the dead Grandfather, pass through the cave first while awake, so you can cross it while asleep after.


Up from the second camp in Karu Crags over a narrow walkway.


After being dwarf tossed out of Gemini’s Palace, it’s back at the top of the cliff in a very hard to miss spot, next to the second camp.


Found in the same location as the Multi Strike Totem, but while dreamwalking. This is in the area right after defeating Claw for the first time.

Body Parts – The Root Seer
The Root Seer is rather spread out, its parts in three different territories entirely. Unfortunately, by the time you get the last piece, you’ve probably found better.

Found within an optional area in Karu Crags before leaving for The Town, this is a particularly obnoxious find. First, you must clear the Thorn Guardian in the village. But the area you’ll want to walk remains in shadow, so you’ll have to wake up, go over to the area in question (and maybe open the shortcuts), and then go back to the tent to sleep, come back at night again and now you can walk over to the head, and a nearby Night Chest with a Root Hammer.


A more well hidden part, these digits can be found just before entering the swamp for the first time on the way to The Town. After passing through some brambles, you must jump to another ledge and walk into a cave on the left.


Found in the same spot as the Projectile Totem at the base of the Zonectic Mountains, simply beat up a pair of barrels and enter the cave.


Significantly later in the game, in the Upper Corwid Territory, you must first defeat the Thorn Guardian on the southern side. A path to the first section will open up, and you can walk up the stone path again. Make sure to hang to the right and you’ll find a now opened path to a hop to a little plateau.
Make sure to return to the Thorn Guardian’s area while awake for a Special Figurine!

Body Parts – The Armor
While two parts can be found rather easily in The Town, one more part can be found in Zonectic Mountains, but then the last piece cannot be obtained until the second act of the game.

After entering The Town and setting up camp at the far end, move back towards town and turn right. It’ll be there out in the open.


Still in The Town, this can be found on someone’s porch on the northwest corner.


A little up the Zonectic Mountains, after touching the second camp, turn around and look back down. Travel down through the shortcut and then back up onto the mesa.


After reaching the second camp in the Corwid Territory, head north and keep along the wall and pass through the transition area leading to the Zenoctic Mountains, and grab the Day Chest while passing through. Go to sleep in the mountains, and then head right back through the same area.

Body Parts – The Empress
Contained entirely within the Zonectic Mountains, you get to play as a lady with this set. Sorta.

The first Empress piece is located in a secretive side area after a drop shortly after the second camp in the Zonectic Mountains. You’ll have to explore the area during the day before you can dreamwalk to where Eo was in order to get the arms.


After meeting the lovely Voota-Yan, go behind his “village” to the convenient camp site. Afterwards, go up the left most slope available.


After defeating the Thorn Guardian within the actor’s base, immediately hang right and walk up the curved path. Take a right when coming to an intersection, and go down through another set of brambles and simply follow the path.
If you hang a left at the intersection, you’ll come to a Night Chest before opening a shortcut out of the area.


At the very top of the actor’s base, before entering the final cave leading to the amphitheater, simply keep to the left.

Body Parts – The Drowned
While most of it is located in the coast, the first part you will find is instead very far from it.

Found just north of The Town, heading towards The Amokuali. Just keep to the left.


After the fourth northern camp and entering the Amokuali ruins proper, the path forward immediately forks. To the right is brambles blocking the path to a cave. Simply dreamwalk inside.


On the second beach, after defeating the Pontoteraton, just go back through the door, and come back while asleep.
Also on the beach, Dark Axylon, the third Special Figurine, and a Night Chest on the opposite end. You’ll want to keep sleeping for the Torso as well.


On the Coast, simply dreamwalk past the Outcasts’s encounter.
Use Wake Up here to spawn behind him for fun.

Body Parts – The Amokual
The Amokual is located exclusively in The Amokuali. No, I’m not trying to be funny.

After reaching the first camp north of The Town, head north directly through the brambles. Be wary of two Dark Keratas in this area.


After getting to the first camp since Moon-Sun up on top of a roof, you must go through brambles to continue. After defeating the Thorn Guardian, drop down to the ground level. To your left, you’ll be able to open a shortcut. To your right, you’ll be able to climb up. Go right, and go around the point to climb up, and you’ll find these arms.


After clearing the brambles in the upper area, you’ll come to a closed walkway. Hang a quick right down a set of stairs that lead straight to the torso.


Southeast of Pseudo’s Training Circle in a small corner are the legs. Be wary, as they are defended by a Dark Grandfather.
To the right of the legs is also a Night Chest.
If you’re running into an invisible wall, you need to grab your child away from the music box.

Body Parts – The Hivemaster
Found within the Salt Marshes, or at least closely around them.

The first piece you can find, after setting up the first camp after heading north from The Town, head south to a transition area that is currently locked. The rack is to the right of the door.


In the Salt Marshes, after clearing the Thorn Guardian, just walk forward to another set of brambles leading into a cave.


After touching the Coast for the first time and heading back inland, there will be two paths both blocked by brambles. Taking the southeastern one will lead you past planked brambles, and further down, its Thorn Guardian. After defeating him, loop back around the same path and go into this small village, with a shortcut leading back to the Salt Marshes. In the tallest house, you’ll find the torso.
This is also the highest point in the Salt Marshes. Nearby is also the second Stance Figurine.


After touching the Coast for the first time and opening the path to The Amokuali, there are two bramble paths to choose from. For the head, take the northern path. There will be a lot of directions to choose from, but just keep making lefts for this head. Eventually, you’ll come upon a path up to the top of a tower. There, beat up the Thorn Guardian, go back down, and continue along the bridge it’s attached to down into a cave. On your left in a small pocket is the head.

Body Parts – The Boneskinned
Located entirely within the Corwid Territory, this is arguably the strongest set of body parts obtainable.

In the Upper Corwid Territory, wrap around the chasm and keep to the right until you come to a set of brambles. Pass on through and duck into this little hole, then hang a left.
Careful of the trap!


In the Upper Corwid Territory, on the eastern side, just head through the open space, get to the upper area, and just go up to the funny looking tree.


Located in the Lower Corwid Territory, in the first dreamwalking section while crossing the closed bridge in the dense fog, there will be a small opening on the right just behind a candle that leads to more brambles. From here on, it’s obvious.
The first Stance Figurine is also in this area.


In the Lower Corwid Territory, after taking a dip in some water, just hang a right around a root to a secluded pool full of roots. It’s in between the roots.

Stance Figurines
Stance Figurine #1

Located in the Lower Corwid Territory, in the first dreamwalking section while crossing the closed bridge in the dense fog, there will be a small opening on the right just behind a candle that leads to more brambles. From here on, it’s obvious.
The Boneskinned Torso is also in this area.

Stance Figurine #2

After touching the Coast for the first time and heading back inland, there will be two paths both blocked by brambles. Taking the southeastern one will lead you past planked brambles, and further down, its Thorn Guardian. After defeating him, loop back around the same path and go into this small village, with a shortcut leading back to the Salt Marshes. In one of the houses, you’ll find a Day Chest that contains the Stance Figurine.
The Day Chest can be seen and opened at night. Don’t ask questions. It’s preferable to come here while dreamwalking, as the Hivemaster Torso is nearby.

Special Figurines
Special Figurine #1

In a Night Chest in the Amokuali. Beyond Moon-Sun, you’ll eventually take a drop inside of the first building. To your right will be a bridge inside, and to your left, a trap. Follow the path on the left and avoid the trap, and enter the next building. Inside is the first Special Figurine’s Night Chest.

Special Figurine #2

In the Upper Corwid Territory, after clearing the Thorn Guardian, simply return to where fought him and shove your boy in a hole.

Special Figurine #3

Found on the Coast where you fight Pontoteraton by a few boards, requires a little hop from said boards to another set into a disconnected pool.

Dark Bosses
Dark Bosses are entirely optional. Defeating (most) their waking counterpart releases them into the night. Only four of them drop an item, but they are good experience.

The first Dark Boss you can encounter. Always available in The Town without fighting his waking form, Dark Wrehgg is a little less optional, as he holds one of the only two additional flasks in game, the first one you can obtain. If you can beat him.
Drops: Glass Cylinder


The second Dark Boss you can encounter, you’re able to fight him immediately in the same place as you just fought his waking body in his Zonetic Mountains home. He deserves it.
You’ll be coming back here for Dark Outcasts later.


At the amphitheater where you fought the Director. You can immediately return to the amphitheater since you had technically already defeated Claw once.
He has two additional fighters hiding in the corners. You can bait him into fighting you closer to the entrance with Projectile, ultimately keeping yourself out of aggro range and forcing him into a place he can’t move around as much. And, if you found the Hammer in an earlier Night Chest…
Drops: North Armguards


Found in the Upper Corwid Territory, just wandering around on the eastern end, just waiting to get his ass beat. Now that I documented his location, I’m gonna go suplex him.
Drops: North Leg Armor


Three Dark Directors spawn in the same area as Axylon Corwid, at the very end of the Corwid Territory.
After them, there’s a Night Chest down at the docks with a Great Figurine.

Mataki the Beholder

Dark Mataki spawns in the area in between the Coast and The Amokuali, in the lower marsh-like section just before entering the ruins proper.
A secondary version that doesn’t count as a boss also spawns by The Town, next to the camp just before entering The Town for the first time.

Axylon Corwid

After defeating his waking form in Lower Corwid Territory,
Dark Axylon Corwid spawns on the same area as Pontoteraton, just down the beach.


Defeat this boss first on the Coast after Outcast pulls him from the sea.
Dark Pontoteraton can be fought where you originally fought Moon-Sun in The Amokuali, before entering the first building.
Fun Fact: You can stunlock this boss with a hammer. He awards very little experience compared to the others, and might even be weaker than his waking counterpart.


After defeating the Outcast on the Coast, three Dark
Outcasts spawn outside of Voota-Yan’s house in the Zonetic Mountains. Expect a lot of loogies flying at you.
If you’ve been thorough, this is the most out of the way excursion.

Dark Gemini spawns in The Town only after you have defeated every other Dark Boss.
While she’s not as deadly as the Golem, it is still quite an engaging fight.
Drops: North Breastplate

Hey man I just found a new armour in the new game plus mode! Its called dark armour! I only found the armguards yet. Do you anything about this armour set?