Code Vein – Argent Wolf Berserker Location

Argent Wolf Berserker Location

To find the Argent Wolf Berserker boss, head to the Cathedral of the Sacred Blood area of Code Vein.


  • Long-ranged red blast
  • Overhead swing
  • Horizontal wide swing combo
  • Forward slash combo
  • Long-ranged AOE blast
  • Running slash


The first thing you need to know about this boss is that it can be back-stabbed, unlike many of the bosses in the game. Because of this, you can get into a nice rhythm of multiple back-stab attacks in a row. It’s not a flawless method, but it is entirely to execute 3+ back-stabs one after another.

One issue you might find with attempting the back-stab technique is the fact that it’s not easy to execute them. The game is finicky with registering back-stabs at times.

Aside from that, you’ll want to watch out for a number of the boss’ moves, especially it’s long-ranged AOE blast. You can tell this move is coming when the beast starts charging up with a red aura around it. For this, roll into the boss and get behind it, if you can.

Most of the attacks you unleash on the boss should be from behind, to avoid its frontal assault. Some moves, like its horizontal slash can still hit you while you’re behind it, so be on the lookout for this and roll into the beast to avoid damage.

The other good thing to know is that the boss will often unleash melee attacks in sets of two, so be ready for a followup attack when it strikes.

If you roll into the Wolf’s attacks, you’ll often times avoid taking damage. Another good tip is to use light armor that will allow you to roll around quickly.

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