Hello everyone from our DAVE THE DIVER GYAO Guide! DAVE THE DIVER is an ordinary, single-player adventure RPG that offers deep sea exploration and fishing by day and sushi restaurant business by night. Check out our guide for the details you need to know about GYAO in this adventure!


Welcome to our DAVE THE DIVER GYAO Guide. Compilation of information from the internet for the tamagotchi game “GYAO!” in Dave the Diver! We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the DAVE THE DIVER game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our DAVE THE DIVER guide.

How to Unlock GYAO!

GYAO! is a traditional Tamagotchi mini-game within Dave the Diver. In order to unlock the GYAO! minigame, you must complete a “Stormy Night” side quest for Sato. This is a late-game side quest in which you’ll enter a whirlpool to defeat a Mantis Shrimp boss. The Stormy Night side quest will be complete upon defeating the boss, and Gyao will be unlocked.

Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER

How to Care for GYAO!

In this mini-game, you will find several tabs at the top and bottom of the fish position. These tabs will provide instructions and guide you through the game.

Meals – Gyao’s hunger level is on the management screen. The amount of food portions you have given your fish will be displayed as you feed them.

Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER
Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER
Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER

Food makes everyone happy

Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER
Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER

Ate too much, feeling full

Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER
Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER
  • You can also give your Gyao Snacks.
  • Snacks DO NOT increase food; instead they slightly increase affection.
  • It’s a way to give hearts for people who can’t or don’t want to do the shell minigame from the Play tab.

Eating candy makes Gyao like you more

Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER
Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER

Play – Play with Gyao to increase its level of affection. A game is available in which three conch shells will move, and you must find the pearl hidden under one of them.

Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER

Clean – Press the clean button if your fish’s environment is dirty with excrement on the sides.
Cleaning after the lemon shark

Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER

Heal – On the right side of the screen, you will notice a purple skull when Gyao needs medical attention. If this skull appears, press the medicine button to cure it.
Healing the lemon shark

Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER

Lighting – You will have to manage Gyao’s sleep during the night. To ensure a good rest, you should turn off the lights in the evening before running the restaurant.

Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER
Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER
Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER

Warning – Warning isn’t actually a button, it just lights up whenever your fish has an “issue”. If you overlook any of the above items, don’t worry. If your Gyao has a problem, this tab will light up.

Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER

Discipline – If you notice your fish making unusual sounds or movements but does not need to eat or clean itself and seems happy, you should click on the discipline tab. This will increase its training level and turn off the warning light. Discipline can also decrease the next day, so you will have to regularly discipline the fish to keep its training high.

Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER
Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER

Options – Turn notifications on and off your phone. This will give you a break when you don’t want to play the mini-game.

Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER
Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER

Memories – Find and remember your previous Gyaos.

Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER
Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER
Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER
Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER

Manage – Visualize your progress, as well as the age and current weight of your Gyao.

Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER

Revive – After the GYAO! dies, there will be an option to “revive” your Gyao. The wording is not entirely correct as it does not actually revive your old Gyao; instead you will get a new egg to start from scratch. Letting your current fish die is the only way to raise another gyao.

The only GYAO! function in the game is the “GYAO! Master” achievement for raising five of them. You also get an in-game boat skin on raising your first.

How to Raise your GYAO!

How do I raise other types of GYAO!?
You need to vary the way you raise the GYAO via three mechanics: Food, Affection, and lastly Discipline.

GYAO evolution timeframe is 1 day = 1 year

The fish follows this life cycle:
roe → fry → small fish →
→ Docile yellow fish (high affection) or
→ Ferocious blue fish (no affection)
followed by → the final stage.

If affection/intimacy is 3~4 as small fish, it will turn into yellow fish (docile),
otherwise turn into blue fish (ferocious).

This is why the first GYAO raised is typically a beluga whale (max affection and max training) or a dolphin (max affection), because it is usually customary to take full care of your pet and train if you can. If it does not have enough training but has lots of affection, it will become a dolphin.

Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER

There are 14 variants of GYAO that can be roughly divided into two groups: docile and ferocious.
Two of them evolve from already mature GYAO.

  • Beluga → Whale Shark
  • Lemon Shark → Orca

The evolution condition for these two rare fish is full training bar. In particular, beluga whales must be fully trained before the age of 9, otherwise they will die, and lemon sharks must be fully trained at the age of 12, otherwise they will die.

The places framed in red are more docile ethnic groups, while others are more ferocious.

Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER

Brief review of mechanics:

  • Feed once +1 satiation
  • Giving snacks +1 intimacy
  • Playing with it +2 intimacy
  • Discipline once +3 blocks of training
  • Every time you go to the next stage in the game, you will lose 1 food and intimacy
    (e.g. morning to afternoon, afternoon to evening, or evening to next morning)
  • If you give your Gyao an injection when it is not sick, you can deduct 1 intimacy
  • If the warning button is still active (or green notification on phone app) when all possible needs have been met at night, some training will be lost in the morning.

Raising a Yellow ‘Docile’ Fish Possibilities

Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER

Raising a Blue ‘Fierce’ Fish Possibilities

Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER

The stats are snap-shotted before your fish evolves.

  • If your fish evolves in the afternoon, you have to reach those stats in the morning
  • If it evolves at night, you have to reach those stats in the afternoon
  • If it evolves in the morning, you will have to hope the discipline state does not drop overnight if you are raising a fish that requires discipline, since you cannot discipline or change the fish’s stats when it is sleeping.

Raising a Whale Shark or an Orca

To get a whale shark you need a beluga with FULL training bar at age 9.
To get an orca you need a lemon shark with FULL training bar at age 12.

The difficulty is that the discipline/training can decrease after sleeping every day.

I recommend setting up in advance by reviving your gyao in the afternoon, so it will always evolve in the night-time.
That way, when/if training decreases the next day, you have the morning and afternoon (2 chances) to increase training stats again before it evolves.

Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER
Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER


  • Fasting, sickness, and unclear stools for a whole day if left unattended will lead to death.
  • If you want to raise another GYAO, then you must let your current one die.
    All gyao have a natural lifespan (generally about 10 years / in-game days) in which they will die of old age even if you take care of them well.
    You should not heal, clean up, or feed your current GYAO if you want to speed up the dying process. When it is dead you can ‘revive’ it and start the life cycle again.
  • When performing an action, you can press ESC to end the action without waiting for the animation to finish.
  • Can only discipline/train if the green ! is on.
  • It takes about an in-game week to get a fully evolved fish.
  • For the achievement “GYAO Master” you don’t actually need five different GYAO, you just need to raise fully evolved ones five times.
  • Lastly, don’t be afraid to use the time skip mechanic to speed up the process!
Details about GYAO in DAVE THE DIVER
Written by PuePue

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