DAVE THE DIVER Shark Teeth, Find the Pearl & Card Matching

Hello everyone from our DAVE THE DIVER Shark Teeth, Find the Pearl & Card Matching Guide! DAVE THE DIVER is an ordinary, single-player adventure RPG that offers deep sea exploration and fishing by day and sushi restaurant business by night. Check out our guide for the details you need to know about shark teeth, find the pearl and card matching village minigames in short in this adventure!

We know that there are people who have a hard time finishing the DAVE THE DIVER game. If you are one of those who find it difficult to finish the game, let’s take you to our DAVE THE DIVER guide.

DAVE THE DIVER Shark Teeth, Find the Pearl & Card Matching

Welcome to our DAVE THE DIVER Shark Teeth, Find the Pearl & Card Matching guide. A quick guide to beating all three minigames. (Except Find the Pearl, which can’t really be gimmicked.) Has a link to a helper tool I made for the card matching game.

Village Minigame  Shark Teeth

The secret to shark teeth is forcing Junak to have no option other than to click the weak tooth. There are 20 total teeth, so the quickest method is as follows.

  1. When the weak tooth is revealed, count the number of spaces to the right and subtract this number from 19. That’s the number of teeth you and Junak need to press. For quick reference, see the image above.
  2. Force a multiple of 4 on Junak’s turn. For example, if it’s your turn and there are 14 teeth remaining, choose 2 so that there are 12 remaining for Junak’s turn. (This is easiest if you go first, but if Junak goes first keep choosing 1 until an opportunity presents itself to force a multiple of 4.)
  3. Once you’ve forced a multiple of 4, compliment whatever Junak presses with the opposite, to keep forcing a multiple of 4. (e.g. if Junak chooses 3, choose 1.)
  4. Junak will be forced to choose the weak tooth.

Find the Pearl

This is the classic “shell game” format, where you just need to keep track of which crab has the pearl. Do not risk substantial currency playing Follow the Pearl. There is no way to gimmick this game, and it does increase in difficulty when you invest more.

Card Matching

This is a memory game that requires you to memorize the positions of cards as they flip over. No matter how much you invest, Junak is pretty bad and is easy to win if you have a perfect memory.

DAVE THE DIVER Card Matching

Written by Abstract

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