Death and Taxes – Achievement Guide

Achievement Guide

Fate’s Pet Don’t break the rules, agree with fate, do anything fate says, convince Fate to write his book, and most importantly agree with fate that all humans are meaningless and should die

Curious Grim if there is any opportunity to ask questions then ask questions. Ask as many questions as you can

I Scream I think it’s on the seventh day where Fate will ask you a question. On of the options will just be icecream. Click that option to get the achievement.

The Sacrifice – Buy the blue cat thing from Mortimer’s shop before Fate leaves for the first time. On the first day of Fate being gone give his cat the blue gerbil toy.

Make It Rain – Follow the rules and don’t mess up until you get a raise

Lifegiver – Spare everyone in a single day

Deathbringer – Kill everyone in a single day

To Be Or Not To Be – Don’t mark any profiles for 10 min.

Two-Face – Buy the Decision coin from Mortimer’s shop then flip it 100 times

Let It RIP – Buy the fidget spinner from Mortimer’s shop then keep clicking it until it goes up in flames

Desk Jockey – Put everything on your desk in your drawers

This Is Fine – (Might want the snow globe for this one) Let bad people live and let good people die. Drop the world parameter 1 level in 2 days

Benefactor – (Might want the snow globe for this one) Let good people live and let bad people die. Increase the world parameter by 1 level in 2 days

Booty Obsession – Buy everything from Mortimer’s shop

Necropimp – Save up your money until you have $5,000

Classical – Buy the Reaper cape then wear the Stone Cold Classic robe and the Bonehead scull

Mirror Lover – Stay in the dressing room for 15 min.

R.I.P Fashion – Buy everything fashion related in Mortimer’s shop

Pineapple Lover – Let the guy who puts pineapple on pizza live

Pineapple Hater – Let the guy who puts pineapple on pizza die

Insubordinate – Don’t follow the rules until you are fired

The Great Dying – Become Fate’s friend until he tells you his plan. Go along with the plan and follow all the rules Fate gives you until everyone is dead

Long Live The King – Follow Chimera’s rules (the red profiles) and the regular rules (break them only if Chimera tells you too) until you can kill Fate

Begin Again – At the end of your play through tell Mortimer you want to start again

Stonks – Finish the game with the lowest chaos in prosperity (make good decisions, let good people live, kill bad people, etc) (snow globe can be a good guide for this)

Plague Doctor – Finish the game with the highest chaos in health (make bad decisions, kill good people, spare bad people, etc) (snow globe can be a good guide for this)

Lemons – Start the game and go through the intro

What Does The Cactus Say? – Buy the cactus from Mortimer’s shop then click it until it meows

Feline Fury – Keep arguing with Fate’s cat until it gets very angry

Demon Hunter – Find the immortal

Squeaky Clean – (You will need lots of money to do this) Use the eraser 10 times

Yarr! – Visit Mortimer everyday (Tip: Try to visit him before you talk with Fate everyday)
Infinitarium – Play through all the endings

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