DOOM Eternal – Kill Demons

Kill Demons from Hell

  • We start with the fodder.
  • Zombies-Anything that isn’t a lovetap. Use for farming while in combat.
  • Imps-Heavy cannon or shotgun.
  • Lost Souls- Ice bomb or shotgun (they explode when you shoot em).
  • Possessed infantry- Plasma for shield guys, rockets in crowds, bullets when you don’t have shells, or blood punch.

Standard Demons/Big Chungus:

  • Jack Skellington and the doot squad- Sticky bombs and micro missiles
  • Whiplash- Ice bomb her then use rockets, shotgun/SSG and/or plasma
  • Mancubus- Blast the arm guns and keep a bit distant. Glory kill for good bit of hp returns
  • Hell knights- Super shotgun and double dash/jump. Meat hook for extra mobility or armor if you max the SSG (I predict it’ll be your first mastered weapon)
  • Caco-Arbalest shot/Sticky bomb in the mouth
  • Pain Elemental-Arbalest, plasma or SSG

Super Heavies/Black Belts:

  • Marauder-SSG/ballista when the eyes glow
  • Baron-Mobile Turret or regular chaingun (The mobile turret will pretty much blast most demons and you’ll probably go for it 1st time you play)
  • Tyrant-Shoot it until it dies, just move like a gymnast on crack and you’ll do great
  • Doom Hunter- Smaller, faster tyrant on hoverboard. Also shoot it

(Kinda hard to keep track when you need to relax from the absolute carnage of this game)

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