Fallout 76 – Endurance Perk Cards Effects & Priority

All Endurance Perk Cards Effects & Priority

Endurance affects your character’s health, disease resistance, and the Action Point drain cost while sprinting.

Lead Belly

Level Requirement2
Rank 1Take 30% less radiation from eating or drinking.
Rank 2Take 60% less radiation from eating or drinking.
Rank 3You take no radiation from eating or drinking.


Level Requirement3
Rank 1All drinks quench thirst by an additional 25%.
Rank 2All drinks quench thirst by an additional 50%.
Rank 3All drinks quench thirst by an additional 75%.

Iron Stomach

Level Requirement4
Rank 1Your chance to catch a disease from food is reduced by 30%.
Rank 2Your chance to catch a disease from food is reduced by 60%.
Rank 3Your chance to catch a disease from food is reduced by 90%.

Slow Metabolizer

Level Requirement5
Rank 1All food satisfies hunger by an additional 25%.
Rank 2All food satisfies hunger by an additional 50%.
Rank 3All food satisfies hunger by an additional 75%.

Thirst Quencher

Level Requirement6
Rank 1Drinking any liquid has a 30% reduced chance to cause Disease.
Rank 2Drinking any liquid has a 60% reduced chance to cause Disease.
Rank 3Drinking any liquid has a 90% reduced chance to cause Disease.

Good Doggy

Level Requirement8
Rank 1Eating dog food is now three times as beneficial.

Natural Resistance

Level Requirement10
Rank 1You are 30% less likely to catch a disease from the environment.
Rank 2You are 60% less likely to catch a disease from the environment.
Rank 3You are 90% less likely to catch a disease from the environment.

Hydro Fix

Level Requirement11
Rank 1Chems generate 50% less thirst.
Rank 2Chems no longer generate thirst.


Level Requirement11
Rank 1You gain increased benefit from being Well Fed or Well Hydrated.
Rank 2You gain much more increased benefit from being Well Fed or Well Hydrated.

Cola Nut

Level Requirement14
Rank 1Nuka-Cola products are now twice as beneficial.
Rank 2Nuka-Cola products are now three times as beneficial.


Level Requirement15
Rank 1Eating human, Ghoul, Super Mutant, Scorched, or Mole Miner corpses restores Health and Hunger.
Rank 2Eating human, Ghoul, Super Mutant, Scorched, or Mole Miner corpses restores more Health and Hunger.
Rank 3Eating human, Ghoul, Super Mutant, Scorched, or Mole Miner corpses restores even more Health and Hunger.


Level Requirement16
Rank 1Chance of catching a disease from creatures is reduced by 30%.
Rank 2Chance of catching a disease from creatures is reduced by 60%.
Rank 3Chance of catching a disease from creatures is reduced by 90%.

Munchy Resistance

Level Requirement17
Rank 1Using chems induces 50% less hunger.
Rank 2Chems now never induce hunger.


Level Requirement19
Rank 1Gain gradual health regeneration while in your camp or workshop.
Rank 2Gain improved health and limb regeneration while in your camp or workshop.

Adamantium Skeleton

Level Requirement21
Rank 1Your limb damage is now reduced by 30%.
Rank 2Your limb damage is now reduced by 60%.
Rank 3Your limb damage is now reduced completely eliminated.

Solar Powered

Level Requirement22
Rank 1Gain +1 STR and +1 END between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M.
Rank 2Gain +2 STR and +2 END between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M.
Rank 3Gain +2 STR and +2 END between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M.

Chem Find

Level Requirement23
Rank 1Any Chems you take last 30% longer.
Rank 2Any Chems you take last 60% longer.
Rank 3Any Chems you take last 100% longer.

Aquagirl / Aquaboy

Level Requirement26
Rank 1You no longer take Rad damage from swimming and can breathe underwater.


Level Requirement27
Rank 1Immediately gain +20 Fire Resistance.
Rank 2Immediately gain +40 Fire Resistance.
Rank 3Immediately gain +60 Fire Resistance.


Level Requirement30
Rank 1Gain 10 Damage and Energy Resistance while not wearing Power Armor.
Rank 2Gain 20 Damage and Energy Resistance while not wearing Power Armor.
Rank 3Gain 30 Damage and Energy Resistance while not wearing Power Armor.
Rank 4Gain 40 Damage and Energy Resistance while not wearing Power Armor.
Rank 5Gain 50 Damage and Energy Resistance while not wearing Power Armor.


Level RequirementN/A
Rank 1Gain a +25% damage bonus for 2 minutes when a player revives you.
Rank 2Gain a +50% damage bonus for 2 minutes when a player revives you.

Professional Drinker

Level RequirementN/A
Rank 1 (Cost – 3)There’s no chance you’ll get addicted to alcohol

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