Fallout 76 – Purified Water How to Make ?

How to Make Purified Water in Fallout 76

How to make Purified Water 1

You’ll start with a few items of Purified Water in your inventory but can expect to run through your supply fairly quickly. While you can find more from looting places or completing quests that supply it as a reward, it’s far better to be able to produce your own. You won’t be able to do this from the very beginning of the game as you’ll need the Water Filter Plan first. You can grab this from the Pioneer Scout Camp northeast of Vault 76. There are some tough enemies there, so you may need to be sneaky if you head in that direction early on. Once you have the plan, Learn from it in your inventory (Pip Boy -> Items -> Notes) and you’ll be able to craft it at a Cooking Station with the following goods:

  • Adhesive x 1
  • Bleach Dogwood x 3
  • Glowing Fungus x 1

You’ll likely have some adhesives already as they’re found pretty much everywhere (any ‘sticky’ loot can be scrapped for them). The Bleach Dogwood comes from its namesake tree, so explore a bit to find one. Finally, Glowing Fungus is another common component, found near plenty of rivers.

Once you’ve built your Water Filter, you now need to store some Dirty Water. Any supply of water will do in this case, whether it’s a river or kitchen sink. Choose to Collect and you’ll store some water in your inventory. You can choose to take a perk that’ll negate the rads from drinking this, but for most players it’ll be easier to craft a filter instead.

How to make Purified Water 2

You’ll also have the chance to produce Purified Water at your camp if you find the plans for proper Water Purifiers. There are three available: Water Purifier – Small, Water Purifier, and Water Purifier – Industrial. We’ll let you know once we’ve found the locations of each of these plans.

Remember, you can always choose to boil water instead at a Cooking Station so long as you have Dirty Water and Wood. This isn’t as good as Purified Water, but it will reduce the rads you receive to two per bottle and won’t risk infecting you with a disease. Worth remembering at least.

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