Fallout 76 – Search Woods Estate

Woods Estate

Woods Estate is one of the Locations within the Toxic Valley region in Fallout 76. Players can access locations by progressing in the game’s story and as part of Side Quests. Some Locations are seemingly inconsequential, but can reward players with special Equipment and Items.

Woods Estate, the erstwhile home of the long-dead Arthur Wood, was once a grand property but has largely been destroyed by the bombs in 2077.

Quests in Woods Estate

The following quests are related to this location

  • Side Quest: Cold Case

Enemies in Woods Estate

The following Enemies inhabit this location:

  • N/A

Resources in Woods Estate

These notable Equipment & Resources can be found at this location:

  • Freddy’s Hasty Note
  • Harvest: Bleached Dogwood

Notes & tips

  • The last known location of Freddy Woods after he was kidnapped by Otis Pike.
  • There isn’t much to discover, but a few items such as a random aid item, ammo, or junk can be obtained.

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