Fears to Fathom – Episode 1 – Achievements Guide

Fears to Fathom Episode 1 Achievements Guide

Welcome to our Fears to Fathom Episode 1 Achievements Guide ! This is a quick guide to unlock all 3 of the achievements in Fears To Fathom Episode 1.

Curious – Fears to Fathom Episode 1 Achievements Guide

Fears to Fathom Episode 1 Achievements Guide 1

Read the chat logs – To unlock this achievement you must press the escape button on your keyboard and view the chat messages from your Mom or Mason Oliver.


Fears to Fathom Episode 1 Achievements Guide 2

Alert NPCs – To unlock this achievement you need to have the dialog that says “I got up to get some water” then you must walk down stairs to the fridge and pick up a water bottle then start heading up stairs back to your room. At some point while heading up to your room you will receive a text message from Mom with a image. After seeing the image walk back down stairs and crouch next to the window by the door. And speak using your microphone once this step is done the person at the door will look directly at you and the achievement will be unlocked.
(requires a microphone connected to your pc)


Fears to Fathom Episode 1 Achievements Guide 3

Survive through the first episode – To unlock this achievement you must beat the episode 1 without dying here is a step by step guide to beating the first episode.

Warning Contains Spoilers

Step 1 – Wake up and turn off your alarm clock then start heading down stairs, head to the kitchen and open the fridge and pick up the lasagne then place it into the oven then wait until the lasagne is cooked.

Step 2 – Once done pick up the lasagne from the oven then walk over to the living room and turn on the TV then sit down and enjoy your lasagne, after finishing your lasagne turn off the TV and head back to your room and start doing your homework.

Step 3 – When finishing your homework head to sleep then you will wake up and go down stairs and head to the kitchen and open the fridge to pick up a water bottle. When you have collected the water bottle walk back up stairs to your room. Then you will receive a text message from Mom that’s showing a picture of a strange man at the front of your house door.

Step 4 – Head into your room then stay hidden under your bed until the police arrive once you hear sirens head down stairs and open the front door.

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